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  1. *geld should read 'held', apologies I'm feeling very stressed!
  2. ...as an aside, now that I've registered with call credit for their free credit report will they pass on my address etc to the debt collection company? Not sure what happens to all this information about me which is geld online?
  3. Am going to check with other credit agencies now to see if it's showing on them. Don't suppose you happen to know at what point in the mortgage application process credit checks are made? Have already had mortgage offer from bank but stuck in a chain so worried that by the time I come to actually get the money and move they'll say no due to this default! As it's not for much I don't know whether I should just pay it to try and sort out my credit history???
  4. Thank you for your advice, have ticked the 'dispute - other - I do not recognise this account' box and will see what happens, this is really worrying me as I am currently applying for a mortgage and really worried this will affect my chances.
  5. I'm trying to remember but I don't recognise the name of the company - they're called 'Hutchison 3G' which doesn't mean anything to me, my mobiles have always been with Orange. I can check back my bank statements but I'm sure I would have noticed a direct debit going out every month, the default says the contract was taken out almost five years ago, so surely if it was a mobile phone I would have had to be renewing it every year which obviously I haven't?
  6. Oh god, thank you so much for your advice! Have just checked with noddle and there is a default of £36 showing for something which looks like a mobile phone, from an address I haven't lived at for years - says I had been making regular payments on it up to november last year. I have literally no idea what this is! Is it possible that someone living at that address after I moved out could have set up a mobile phone account in my name?
  7. Thank you, hadn't realised different credit agencies had different info, will check asap.
  8. Hope someone can advise me; I've been receiving lots of missed calls and voicemails recently asking me to call Wescot / Westcot (not sure which way they spell it). Being on the receiving end of loads of spam calls (my mobile number has somehow ended up on some list) I never answer calls from a number I don't recognise, but these voicemails are worrying - the message uses my full name and asks me to call them with a reference number, obviously they are some sort of debt collection company from what I've read on this forum but as far as I'm aware I don't have any missed payments on anything / problems with any sort of credit. I've checked my Experian credit history and it says my credit rating is excellent, it lists my bank accounts etc and doesn't have any mention of any debts other than a bank loan I have which has no problems - is it possible that I can have a debt outstanding which doesn't show on my credit history??? From what I've read on here Westcott are not the most reasonable / ethical of companies to deal with, I'm reluctant to answer the phone to them, I'm really worried that this debt could be some sort of identity fraud which could have a negative impact on me - any advice on what I should do?
  9. To be honest I've never been through a redundancy consultation period before so have nothing to compare it to. I have now been advised that they shouldn't be able to put us on to a zero hours contract without making us redundant, but as the statutory redundancy payment is so small I'm going to end up quibbling over not very much at all.
  10. I have worked for a small business as a full-time, permanent employee for over four years. We are currently going through a redundancy process and have been informed that our options are either a) statutory redundancy, or b) zero hours contract. The company went through a similar process a few years back, and I know that the two people who chose zero hours contracts last time have done very little work for us since (and I mean *very* little, one has had no work from us for well over a year, the other does perhaps two or three hours a month). So, my question is: is this a real choice, or is the zero hours contract just a way of making us redundant without having to pay us the (miniscule) statutory redundancy pay? Any advice would be gratefully received.
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