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Everything posted by westham1

  1. well unfortunately ive come home to many copies of loan payments ext including a photo copy of the original signed agreement. Ive also spoken to my ex and its now clear this is her doing and yes my own fault by signing things without reading it properly. But what now they went over there 21+ however many days to send the CCA ! the CCA is also a photo copy WHAT NOW IM STUCK !
  2. No to the sb letter as westcot originally had the debt so I sent the other letter stating that the debt had been sold on whilst in dispute. The loan yes to your question.
  3. My question just comes down to can lowell chase this debt when originally it was with Westcot and went in to dispute. The loan debt basically i have no idea and lowell haven't sent the original CCA so im guessing again they cant chase it right !!
  4. Regards the first debt I have sent the dispute letter which they have ignored and thus said in their letter that it's still chaseable. Regards the other I think I have maybe spoke to them previous , not sure ??
  5. Debt one account ending in 10 - bank account originally owned by westcot then now by Llowell. Debt two - loan of some sort but no cca sent and 12+2 days and now 21 days past. The letter sent by them explains what they think about it
  6. All information was ignored by them, but the account was held by westcot how can they sell it on when its in dispute ??
  7. Hi please ignore the last two pics havent got my head around it all yet. I finally have had a reply from Llowell and this is the letter in stages but all from the same page. The account ending in 10 is the one that Wescot had control of and now Llowell for some reason after disputing it with Westcott .[ATTACH=CONFIG]46532[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]46534[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]46533[/ATTACH]
  8. Thats what i was thinking. Does anyone have a template for a C&D letter .
  9. No payments buddy my lloyds account was closed back in 2006 and thats the only thing i paid for and that was cash over the counter.
  10. Hi Caggers Would someone be so kind as to send me a link for a cease and desist letter thanks.
  11. The debts are on my cred file and LLOyds wont talk to me. Like ive said before the debt for 1.5k has been sold whilst in dispute so im not o worried on that one as they have shot themselves in the foot and the other well ill have to see if they have any original credit file !
  12. Had a reply for both alleged debts today they have totally ignored my letters sent and have just asked for the money to be sent to them.
  13. The loan by the way was apparently set up in Nov 2006.
  14. Ok here we go The bank is Lloyds for both debts. The current account is for 1417.34 it was flagged by Westcot DCA and disputed by me in May 2012 after a few letters back and forth i sent a C&D letter and they went away but now i have just had a letter from both Lloyds and Lowell saying that they have sold the debt to Lowell and Lowell saying i have to pay them. The loan is for 7238.40 to which i have no idea about ????
  15. Hi guys and girls well its been a while since ive had to ask for help regards DCA but once again from the depths of hell they have sprung up again. (by the way your help got rid of all my old "so called debts" I thank every one of you). This time a certain bank asking for 1.500 from an old account which i dont have anymore which was put in to dispute by me last year and nearly 8.000 for a loan ??? thats the weird one as ive never had a loan. Stupidly ive misplaced the old templates for the letters i need to send so if someone could send me the CCA letter including the process after that i would be eternally great full . Also for the 1.500 debt the DCA have kindly sold it to a second DCA when it was already in dispute from last year so i need the "you have sold it to a third party letter" hahahaha so maybe thats one so called debt i can write off. Once again hi to everyone and i hope your all well. Me.
  16. Thank sir im just worried and i have no money as it is so i dont want to be left in the lurch !
  17. Unfortunately the company in question refuse to pay my wages and i cant take the risk of being counter sued for there fees if i lose so ive decided not to fight for my wages. Thank you for your help .
  18. Well im worried that the fact i have initialled and signed that form the judge will end up just saying "well you have signed that you have seen the form"
  19. But will this stand in court in front of the judge thats the issue now !! now i really dont no what to do ?
  20. It has now come to light at some point in my induction i did sign and date this form as show in the attachments. BUT BUT BUT I can honestly say nearly 3/4 of this information on this form was not highlighted to me in the induction. Is this my downfall ??? does this mean they have proof to say I did see the notice period and that I now dont have a case to take to a tribunal ?? [ATTACH]39080[/ATTACH]
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