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Everything posted by PhoenixLaw

  1. Good Morning All I have been considering applying for a Debt Relief Order for a few weeks now as I'm fairly certain I meet the requirements. Has anyone had experience of applying for a DRO or is there any advice you would give before taking this step? Any help is much appreciated!!
  2. Thanks. My partner earns £630 per month, our rent is £850 and ctax is £135 is that helps.
  3. Hi I was looking for some advise or help with how to move forward. If anyone has any experience with changing jobs with a reduction in salary then it would be great to know how you managed etc. I'm currently earning 30k per annum in a job thats going down hill fairly quickly due to the company losing some major clients. I can get another job but the salary is probably around 18-19k per annum. I currently rent a house from the local housing association, have 1 child and a partner that works 2 days a week. Currently we receive no benefits other then the standard child benefit. If I was to accept the job at a lesser wage would this make much difference to what we are entitled too? I would rather take a job at a lesser wage then be unemployed. Thank you!
  4. Hi All! I may need some advice. All has been going well regarding this account. Paying on the due date etc but it has been late this month due to me changing bank accounts and will be with them 10 days after the date it was due. I informed them on my due date that it would be late and also assured them of the date it will be received. Would it be worth them taking this back to court as I have broken the agreement etc? Thanks.
  5. My water supplier is Veolia and found this: http://www.veoliawatertrust.org.uk/docs/Veolia%20AppFrm%20Aug%2010.pdf Great. Will complete and return!
  6. Hi All. I managed to contact P.W. Moody and they are requesting £60 per month to clear the water debt by the time the new bill is due. Unfortunately my partner is due to be leaving work this week as we are unable to get any assistance with childcare and it would cost what she earns, if not more for the care. £60 per month is quite a lot. Is it worth trying to negotiate this due to the change in circumstances? Thank you.
  7. Yeah I tend to prioritise utility debts over any other. Just slipped with this on this occasion. Contacting them today. They have stated that they require the full balance within 5 working days. Do you think they will accept a payment plan or take straight to court?
  8. Thanks, yeah, there were a couple of threads stating that they are just a 'paying house' so not actual solicitors and just another step for debt collection. The signature on the letter was just P.W Moody so not an individual, I'm not sure what difference that makes but just wanted to find out.
  9. Good Afternoon I currently owe Veolia Water(Three Valleys) around £500 and today received a letter from P.W. Moody Solicitor and Commissioner for Oaths threatening court action. If the balance isn't repaid within 5 working days they will be processing a court claim. I have looked into P.W Moody online and it appears they aren't even solicitors. Has anyone dealt with this company before or know if they are what they are presenting themselves to be? Thank you!!
  10. Good Morning I have been working for a small consultancy of around 40 members of staff for a year now. I am thinking of putting in a letter of complaint to the Chairmen regarding my employment experience involving my job role. This naturally will have an impact on my line manager. The general brief gist of my issues are as follows: Job very different to as advised at interview. OTE target impossible to earn due to my line manager's lack of attention and focus. Lack of training, I have been here a year and spent 2 working days in total with my line manager. No chance for progression as advised in interview. No set targets and unprofessionalism received again from line manager. There is more to it then that but I'm looking for advice really on how to structure and word this complaint. Any assistance would be much appreciated.
  11. Thanks, yeah just shows. Does make me more confident to go through the process again if needed and not let these companies take the pee.
  12. Hi, Just to update you. I received confirmation that they have accepted my offer of £30.00 per month lololol!!! Not bad, not bad. Thank you all for your assistance!
  13. No, it was still with Northampton so sent them there. Do you know what the next stage will be? Do I just wait to receive a letter from my local court or 1st Stop Loans? hmmm
  14. So is that all Northampton do? Just receive and forward on? I could of taken it to my local court myself if thats the case. lol. So anyone want to have a guess of what the outcome will be?
  15. Oh, oops. Well hopefully they discard it and I can jus re-use at a later date. Do you think its an idea for me to call the court to explain the mix up?
  16. Well I sent the partial defence forms, my email trail and complaint to OFT. Was that a bad idea?? I took a copy of it all so shoudn't be too much of a problem. Hopefully.
  17. Right, done and sent recorded 1st class delivery. I also got the email address for the court and sent them a softcopy version. I'm not sure if that was the right thing to do but If 'God forbid' it got lost during despatch they still have that as back up. It was like 40 pages long in the end!! I feel sorry for the poor bug.ger who has to read it all.
  18. Hi Mate, yeah dont speak to them again. Always search for company email etc. I would email them with your offer and keep a copy of their response. Actually keep EVERYTING. If it does go to court and you can show hard evidence you have tried to come to an agreement this is a positive.
  19. Good Morning Out of curiosity is there a way you can stop this happening without needing to change bank accounts? I know the obvious answer is 'just pay off what you owe!' Looking for anyone who has managed to stop this happening? Thanks very much
  20. Thank you for the responses. Wonga sanctioned! I think all these TV and radio adverts for Wonga and QuickQuid should be banned.
  21. So I am supposed to list how this company have breached the OFT guidelines in debt collecting. I'm thinking of stating: 1)Harrassment 2) Using the courts as a first line of debt management. 3) Suggesting that I have taken the loan out fraudulently. If anyone has taken the time to read the previous, does this sound good enough? Thanks again!!!!
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