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Everything posted by G4C389

  1. You got a letter verifying your withdrawal? I didn't get one off either ingeus or the JC, as Nimitz said the manager probably sulked over it
  2. G4C389


    . I heard they go through a lot of staff, I havnt been there for 6 months so I don't know if them same advisors will still be there (sorry there is a section in yellow I replied to)
  3. G4C389


    Pattern of hours? Do I take it they were aware that i went from getting 40 hours a week to 10-15 hours a week? I wasn't happy with my advisor when I got the job because them contacting my employer nearly got me sacked before I started, ( because I put down something else on the application form instead of the WP) she said it was contractual guidelines they do it, I apologised as I thought she was just doing what she had to do. Do advisors get a cut of the money ingeus gets paid for a client getting a job? (I got this job myself you see)
  4. G4C389


    I did cold calling for 1 day ages ago and left and never went back, whilst at ingeus I had interviews which turned out to be cold calling and walked out, I told my advisor about them and she had no problem with me not wanting to do it, I didn't even apply for it, they seen my CV on jobsite and called me, as I said my advisor didnt push me to do it, I think the advisor that's pushing you to do it is a ****, and unless he's good reason to put you on it he's stitching you up
  5. G4C389


    What good is 3 hours of cold calling? If it a set up then they are evil ********, It migh be an incentive they do. I withdrawn consent 6 months after leaving ingeus for this job, would my old advisor know about this?
  6. G4C389


    If its the job of the contact centre staff to contact you to see how your getting on (cough cough) who's job is it to contact your employer? Sorry just a question, I asked my manager about it before I withdrawn consent and he said it was the JC, and he a had quite a few phone calls off them, is it you old advisor who contacts them or is it someone higher up in that branch?
  7. G4C389


    When are ingeus back after the holidays? Today is it?
  8. G4C389


    Who's Emma Harrison by the way? Seen the name on here a few times
  9. G4C389


    Thank you that actually male me feel a little assured, she said to me in person she would stay in touch but I thought at the time it was a moment thing, and once I had that first phone call off the contact centre it crossed my mind to to think 'my advisors probably got 100 better things to worry about,
  10. G4C389


    Just a question when an advisor says they will stay in contact with you to see how you're getting on in a job and its the communications centre who contacts you instead what does this mean? I took it that she was busy. My advisor even said on the end if an e-mail 'hope youre okay, chat soon' but never did, because I really needed the support at times aswell
  11. G4C389


    I got a letter a few weeks ago offering in work support, saying they will phone or e-mail me to see how I'm getting on, that was before I withdrawn consent, I mean in 6 months if working all I had was 2 solitary phone calls to offer so called 'support', my advisor helped me out when I first got the job, but the company want interested, one week at this job I got 11 hours work and struggled and couldn't get help from them, so yes they get paid for doing sweet f.a
  12. G4C389


    You have worked for a WP before? Just a question, when an advisor subs a client on to a job to certain company's that come to the WP for help in finding staff, does the WP just pick any Tom,dick and Harry for these, because when I first started attending the WP my advisor sent me in 2 if them in 2 weeks, and there were only about 8 of us there, out of about 100 clients per advisor, as a client is it a good thing or a bad thing from an advisors perspective?
  13. G4C389


    It's not right staff getting clients having a to at them at the DWP, does the same type of abuse happen at the WP?
  14. G4C389


    I dont want any more to do with this charade any longer so before the dwp have a chance to sanction my account I am leaving. By coronobog. DWP sanction your account??? What? Who exactly reads through these? I mean have advisors at WP and DWP got time to read through these? I can't imagine everyone of them will be aware of this like
  15. G4C389


    Apologies, didnt mean for the topic to reach this length, but in a way people have got it off their chests, I feel for flumps abuse I really do, she's just doing her job and for people to throw the rattle out of their pram just because they don't get their own way is beyond belief, as flumps said about genuine people wanting to find work, I was 1 if them and it did me no favours, at the JCP I was always treated right, but at the WP I felt I was treated no differently than those who give abuse, my advisor was such a nice person, but she was evasive at the times when I most needed help, she would blank me when I would ask for advice about jobs etc, and I would away wondering what I did wrong, I was a quiet and reserved person and always fully respected advisors at the JCP and the WP, they're just doing what anyone would do what they get paid for
  16. G4C389


    I was doing a job search on a computer 1 time and my advisor was say down with another client, the client said something which I didn't hear, then my advisor went 'ehh watch the attitude', I didn't know what he said to her for that reaction so I can't really give an opinion on it, I found it difficult to believe as she doesn't look the type to react like that, but then again I think that job could turn even the nicest of people touchy
  17. G4C389


    I was doing a job search on a computer 1 time and my advisor was say down with another client, the client said something which I didn't hear, then my advisor went 'ehh watch the attitude', I didn't know what he said th her for that reaction so I can't really give an opinion on that
  18. G4C389


    Yes that's a good point, but I met that advisor a few times and she was alright, it crossed my mind at the time to think what someone like that doing a job like this for?
  19. G4C389


    Do advisors take abuse of certain clients? I was there 1 time and a old fella said to an advisor who was trying to help him 'kiss my **s', and the advisor didnt even kick off at him, I personally would of, that's a step too far.
  20. G4C389


    I always applied for my jobs and told my advisor about everyone of them, although prior to getting sent on this 18 week thing I called up sick to 2 appointments in a row, even though I wasn't, was that probably why? And I'd been attending ingeus for 6 months when sent on it,and it was a company called 'jet' I already attended there and e-mailed my advisor to ask could i be referred elsewhere, she referred me back to her at ingeus for weekly appointments with interview practice, advanced interview teqnuques etc, and that was the main area I was struggling in. And to top it off I expected to get a change of advisor and she kept me with her to my disappointment
  21. G4C389


    How come they send you on 18 week appointments to a sub contractor when they are hell bent on making money for themselves?
  22. G4C389


    'Paper giraffes to toys r us'??? I was forwarded to a toys r us interview in an ingeus office by my advisor, do they have a contract with each other do they?
  23. G4C389


    That's funny because while I attended ingeus I got to the 6 month mark attending there and I missed 2 appointments in a row (faking being sick lol) then I got a letter from my advisor referring me to one of them sub-contractors for 18 weeks, can they send you on this anytime during the 2 years if the WP? I e-mailed her to say what's the point in it as I already go to the same sub-contractor and it was pointless because I had a job trial coming up and I should get it, ( I know stupid arnt I) she referred me back to her at ingeus which I went In the next week expecting a new asvisorot for her to say 'we normally change your advisor at this stage, but I'll just keep you with me', I take it this was because she had pounds signs in her eyes for her targets.
  24. G4C389


    How can an advisor know about posts on here? I mean how? I withdrawn consent and Nimitz was right they didn't reply they just sulked over it, I handed a copy on directly to the JC manager and she asked for my NI number and said she will take it from there, what happens now? Will it go on to my old advisor? Or just the manager at the ingeusvofficevi used to attend? As I said I detest the company with an utmost passion, but not my advisor, compared to some posts one here my advisor was an angel lol (and she was)
  25. G4C389


    Just a question, a girl that I work with went to a private company (not ingeus or a4e) and she said in get old job the private company she attended offered her new boss a cash deal to give her a trial for atleast 3 months. Do ingeus do this because when I started work I was on a 6 week probation and...well didn't end up having a probation review and still work there now, any light thrown on the subject would be great. Thanks
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