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Everything posted by RobbingHood

  1. Have you spoke to them, have you written to them, have you communicated with them in anyway at all? I assume you haven't - it's their job to try and recover a debt, so they will persistently call/email/text you until you make some form of contact with them and try and get the issue sorted. They won't just back off and forget about it, you'll need to sort something out. I would assume being on JSA you'll get favourable repayments - obviously don't commit yourself to paying back more than you can afford - even if it's £1 a month - just to get them off your back
  2. Well firstly the fact you've chosen to roll the loan over 3 times changes nothing I'm afraid, that money's gone and you can't take into account the rollover payments. You'll see on this forum CFO are notoriously hard to deal with, they won't accept a payment plan and if you default they'll be dipping into your account at will to recover the money. Also, they don't have to accept a payment plan just because you think you've paid enough back via rollovers, you would normally have to be in some kind of financial hardship for them to even consider a payment plan, but you didn't mention that was the case? My advice with CFO is bite the bullet, pay them back everything and run from them as fast as you can - if you don't pay them back, it will end in tears.
  3. People need to get the idea of 'I only owe the capital plus one month's interest' out of their heads. The fact you rolled the loan over several times is irrelevant and can't be taken into consideration when you're setting up a payment plan. Sorry, but you would have known this when you rolled it over all those times. One thing that does confuse me with Mr Lender though, is that they charge 1 months interest to enter a payment plan which is wrong, they should have stopped all charges/interest at the point you entered a payment plan, so your balance would be £635, then if you paid £135 that should come off that balance and then £50 per month thereafter for 10 months? Not charge £135 then setup a payment plan for £635. That is something they shouldn't do in my opinion and perhaps you could challenge that?
  4. I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here. You say he took a loan out with QuickQuid, didn't pay it back and they sold it to a DCA - which is pretty normal. The DCA are now chasing him for the debt - again pretty normal. Perhaps if he spoke to them and tried to sort the problem out then they would stop pestering him? Burying his head in the sand isn't going to do any good and they will just keep calling, as that's what their job is to do. If he doesn't communicate with them, there's a chance they will come to his house, but they are not Bailiffs and cannot enter the property, just tell them to get lost. However, there's always a chance they could apply to the courts for a CCJ if he continues to ignore the debt, and only after a CCJ has been issued and if he doesn't pay that, then the bailiffs can get involved. Basically, he needs to sort it out one way or another, either by speaking/writing to the DCA or QuickQuid, but it's likely QQ will not have anything to do with it now they've sold it on.
  5. If you keep an eye on your email, you'll notice that you get the exact same email every 5 days for months and months.
  6. Agreed, if you consider yourself to be vulnerable or susceptible to being bullied over the phone then don't call, but if you're not like that then I don't really see a problem in phoning people, sometimes it actually puts them on the back foot by you calling and they may even feel uncomfortable saying no over the phone - it can work both ways sometimes.
  7. I don't see how it's harassment if he has entered a loan agreement whilst in an IVA and supplied false information in an application? Sometimes Renegade your one-man-mission to end all payday loan companies verges on the ridiculous. They're also entitled to ring you at work, however you'll need to put it in writing to formally withdraw their right to contact you at work so make sure you do that otherwise the calls will continue. Sorry, but I can't see any signs of harassment here yet. If I were you, I'd just pick up the phone and speak to them, I know some people prefer to write letters etc etc but that takes too long and you'll end up worrying yourself sick. Sometimes a little conversation goes a long way, then just ask them to clarify everything you have discussed in writing before making any payments. The other alternative is to see if there's a family member or friend who can help you out in the interim?
  8. Ah I was waiting for that comment No I don't work for a PDL company, far from it, I am just a realist and tell it like it is. There's too many stories on here of people that simply want to get out of paying the loans off, yet they're quite happy to spend the money when they get it. I don't agree with 99% of how PDL companies work, but I also don't agree with giving advice to people to simply ignore their debts. Not everyone who uses this forum has to join the bandwagon, everyone who takes out a loan knows EXACTLY what they are getting into. I'm not saying pay back all the charges and interest etc, repay what you believe you owe, but burying your head in the sand wont work. Fact is, it is completely the reason PDL's have to use some underhand tactics to simply get their money back because too many people dont pay it back at all - what would you do if that was your business? Sorry to hear about your wife, that is awful.
  9. Of course you have to repay the loans, you can't simply borrow money and then not expect to pay it back. Trashed credit file or not, I'm afraid it's people with this attitude that makes the payday loan market operate in an underhand manner. You'll have to face up to it, you borrowed it so you pay it back. The defaults are there legally, you defaulted on the agreement so that's what happens and you will not be able to get them removed. Different matter if it's a CCJ and they didn't tell you. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news or if it's not what you want to hear. There's plenty of advice on here about how to deal with setting up repayment plans etc.
  10. Did you tell Payday UK that you couldn't meet the repayments? I think with benefit payments they will have to refund you, like the above says, don't take no for an answer as they will try and tell you there's nothing they can do
  11. If you've cancelled it with your bank over the phone, they wont have enough time to re set-up a direct debit in time for Friday so you should be ok. Is there a reason you're not paying them this month? Have you spoken to WDA and tried to setup a repayment plan, this is much easier than having the worry of them trying to dip into your account?
  12. Hi guys Last Thursday I made a withdrawal at a Halifax machine for a fairly substantial amount and no cash came out of the machine. Obviously mega frustrating so I call Barclays and the woman assures me the cash will be back in my account in 48hrs as she can apparently see there was no money dispensed. I even tried to withdraw £10 from my other account whilst I was on the phone to the bank and it didn't work. So on Sunday I've heard nothing, phone them and they tell me Monday is 48hrs so money will be in then, nothing on Monday. I phone and then told Tuesday is 48 working hours so wait till then. Tuesday comes and I call, guy now tries to tell me it's 5 days I have to wait to raise a dispute which really made me angry so demanded to go through to the dispute team. Get through to them, English guy this time, he can't understand why they've told me to wait so long to raise a dispute and I could have done it on Saturday. Anyway he opens a dispute and now told I have to wait 5 more business days to see what happens. Absolutely p****d off with Barclays, their incompetent foreign call centre staff who are mightily difficult to understand and clearly not clued up on standard procedures and fed up that its going to take me nearly 2 weeks to get my money back. I don't understand how on earth the Halifax bank machine wasn't balanced the next day and it should have been sorted straight away. Does anyone else have any experience of this happening and will I really get my money back in 5 days?!
  13. Sorry guys just noticed there's already a thread about this in the CFO sub section.
  14. Just a word of warning if you get contacted by Loan SOS - I believe they're part of MoneyMajesty.co.uk AKA Capital Finance One/CFO Lending Watch out, this is another one of those schemes (like moneymajesty) where they'll take £5 for the privilege of applying then either fund you via CFO Lending or take all the money out of your account if you are in default with CFO.
  15. Zebit are lending stream. Northway I believe are the likes of Swift Sterling and Pound till Payday. QQ are Cash Euronet. CFO use payday first and money majesty as cloaks to the CFO website. They also have paycfo which acts as a portal to setup a payment plan but NEVER use this as they will empty your account as soon as you put those details in. Although data gets passed around between all of these all the time for pence, so your data is never safe. Fact is your better off not applying for a loan via a broker as if you have loans with other lenders it will end in tears
  16. They've actually been trading under this name for a few years but it seems that they have never really advertised or pushed the txtmecash site. As the user above experienced they probably use this to catch out cash Genie defaulters. Similar to CFO who also trade under Payday First. Shouldn't be allowed really
  17. Bit of a strange question if you don't have an account with them, why would you want to contact them? You could always try the old fashioned way and call them?
  18. Maybe the reason nobody is answering your question, is because they don't understand it, or perhaps they just don't care. If you already know the answer to it, just explain it rather than boring everyone with this insufferable thread.
  19. I still don't get what your point is, what you're discussing appears to be a particularly complicated matter and something most people would have no idea about.
  20. I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to achieve on this forum, and I don't think your tone or attitude is being perceived particularly well. I would suggest you seek professional advice if you're that concerned about it. It almost reads like you're waiting for someone to respond with what you want to hear or that you already know the answer to the question you're asking. Also, you do not know who anyone works for or who they may have worked for and there are some people on this forum very close to the PDL industry in one way or another.
  21. Yukiko, as harsh as it may seem, your attitude towards to debt is probably making the situation worse. Just because you've rollled over Wongas loan for so long, doesn't make it ok to leave them dangling for the money - ultimately you've borrowed the money and you're going to have to pay it back. You're doing the right thing by contacting them all for payment plans, but I would say they're well within their rights to ask for proof of how your circumstances have changed, I wouldn't have thought they would legally just have to take your word for it. Whilst I agree PDE are at fault for letting you get 3 loans with them, you also need to take some responsibility for taking these out - they're not connected to ARC and I can't really see where they've been unreasonable so far? Mr Lender, agreed they shouldn't be phoning you at work and you should report it if this has happened, but from the communication you've posted it doesn't seem like any of them are being particularly unreasonable? Yours is a very familiar story on these forums, so I'd suggest you follow the advice given to all others - get yourself a new bank account and get your wages in there, send everyone the letters confirming you will not accept calls at work etc and contact every single company with a reasonable offer of payment and as you have such little left at the end of each month, perhaps a full I&E would help? I don't want to come across as being unemphatic, but the way you've written your post indicates you're annoyed at being asked to pay back the loans that YOU were quite happy to take out. The comment you made about Greenwoods is quite frankly ridiculous, you took a loan out from a doorstep lender just to help her make her sales? I'm sorry, but you're trying to pass the fact you have been irresponsible to others here. Also, the fact you don't want to contact Payplan again because is would be an inconvenience to them? Sounds like something's not right here - that's what they do, all they have to do is reprint the documents. I would also not be quite so gung-ho about being invited to court, there's no given you would ever win in court and this really should be the last place you want to go - try and get it sorted before telling them to take you to court or you'll be paying for these 1 month loans for 6 years with a trashed credit record. That aside, I do sympathise with some of your situation and hope you get things sorted quickly, I am sure some of the other guys on here will give you some more advice also
  22. Don't get me wrong guys I am not at all saying everyone takes out these loans and makes up stories about why they can't pay them, I appreciate that at times people do genuinely fall into hardship. However I just feel that perhaps the "won't pay" category outweighs the "can't pay" which then pushes the industry to start using desperate measures just to get some money back. I have been a reader on here for a long time and know all about the difficulties in dealing with these companies. Thankfully like you I've turned things around for the better and I hope to be able to share some of my experience on here. I just wanted to offer a different opinion as opposed to the same advice which is generally repeated over and over on these forums. Undoubtably there is some excellent advice being given out from the regular posters.
  23. All I am saying is you have to be so careful with this kind of thing and it's just so much easier to deal with it all prior to the repayment date. To be fair, PDUK are not the worst company out there to deal with, there are far worse and once you've setup a payment arrangement with them they do seem to stick to it.
  24. I'd hardly say 'Cash Cow' - if he borrowed the money from them and hasn't honoured his loan agreement which he signed then surely they have every right to try and claim back the money? If you cannot make the repayment you MUST contact the companies before it's due otherwise situations like this arise. Then you end up with all the hassle of setting up parachute accounts etc etc.A different matter for companies life CFO who blatantly dip into accounts after a payment arrangement has been made but this doesn't seem to be the case. You can't just take a loan and be angry when the lender tries to take it's money back!
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