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  1. Ok, this is a long one, so bear with me, but any advice would be much appreciated. I called Nationwide 3 weeks ago to cancel the Continuous Payment Authority (CPA) on my debit card to which they declined, which as far as I'm aware is against the law? I unfortunately have had to start signing on again, this money goes in on a Monday. Last Wednesday (29/05) I emailed CFO Lending, informing them that I removed the CPA with them. I awoke Monday morning, to find that they had taken £160, and taken me over my overdraft limit. I am now in the process of claiming the money back,and already have some of it. But due to Nationwide's incompetence, I have been unable to eat, pay rent, and I have incurred charges on my account. Do I have any grounds for compensation? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks
  2. I try to contact them most days, everytime they answer, they trip up and introduce themselves as NDR Then when I mention I'm looking for Marshall Hoares, they hang up!
  3. Hi guys, I owe Marshall Hoares around £600 through a loan with PayCheckCredit, and I am now unfortunately on JSA, but this company keep spamming the crap out of my phone, my email and through text. How do I get them to back off? Thank you
  4. Sorry, I'm a bit slow on the uptake!! So will I have any before I sign? Thanks for your help
  5. Hi guys, After months of browsing, I finally have a situation I new help with!! I unfortunately had to start claiming JSA. I went for my new claims interview yesterday (12/04) but my claim starts from the 11th. I am due to sign on on Wednesday 17th, but I was wondering if I would receive any payment before then? Unfortunately CFO lending have taken my bank account over in interest by £85, and it costs me £8 to get to my nearest job centre - 12 miles away!!! Thanks guys
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