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Everything posted by Phiddius

  1. Hi, ok, I got a letter from a "debt resolution specialist", Ultimate Customer Solutions, real company - SolutionLabs LTD, Ive put the letter in this dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hc3jk751zcwhmle/AAByuWdD2xQNlbaLyaE1yB_va?dl=0 it's up to £120.00 now, any guidance appreciated
  2. Hi ericsbrother, thank you, that's excellent, I really appreciate the advice, and thanks to the other contributors, I will post back if I get anything, thanks
  3. Hi thanks for all these replies, sorry I haven't posted the images yet but Ive just been away for a week, I did reply to them with the most basic of paragraphs, stating I was not the driver and they were not compliant with the PoFA, I addressed it to the company on the PCN, and added the director of S&K names. here's a link (hopefully I can post a link) to photo's of the minuscule signs in that car park, and a dash-cam of driving into the car park and parking without ever coming close to any one of them. I don't know if this makes any difference, but it could be of interest to you guys, thanks so much for your advice. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hc3jk751zcwhmle/AAByuWdD2xQNlbaLyaE1yB_va?dl=0
  4. Thanks armadillo71, amazingly the charge started at £15 within 24, then 30 - 60 and yes £18 admin fee, I really appreciate your advice, I will get a photo of the signage tomorrow am, and start lifting cushions and searching pockets for the receipts.. thanks
  5. Hi, thanks for the replies. Hi, armadillo71, this was a ticket on the screen, the parking event was 4th December 2015, the PCN states: Observation from: 11:14 Observation to: 14:19 Reason for issue - 'parked longer than the maximum period permitted' the letter from PCN PArking Solutions, S&K Car Park Management Ltd, with the 'SECURE.P' logo arrived on the 26/01/2016 lots of threatening paragraphs, and £78 bill I can tell you that the car was not parked there at that start time, thanks for any advice
  6. Hi CAG people. There's a shared free car park for Costco and ToysRus at 30 Waterloo Rd, Liverpool L3 7HY allegedly, the driver of my vehicle parked there for longer than the 3 hours allowed. (by 19 minutes). S&K Car PArk Management have sent a PCN for £78.00 and have demanded payment, or to know who the driver was. I thought the action to take was - do nothing, ignore this speculative invoice, however reading more recent sticky posts, has that advice changed to "respond to them" ? it states, Parking Charge Notice to Registered Keeper, and if I do not provide the drivers details they can recover the charges and additional costs via a debt collector under section 4 of the Protection of Freedoms act 2012. can anybody please guide me ? thanks
  7. Hi Andy thanks for that very useful information, I'm looking into finding the freeholder, the lesser appears to be David Mclean Homes, however, the document is huge and incomplete in several places, time to have a proper look I think. when my partner moved in with me, the details of that apartment just went into a box, and this is the first time I'm really looking at it, I think we'll pay the ground rent, and dispute the admin fee, hinting at some of the info you've pointed out to us, let them know we're looking at it. I'm very grateful, and thanks again, I'll get back once I've made some sense of this paperwork, in case I do actually discover anything, *************** Caggers rule ! heh
  8. Thanks Stu, previously I got an alert saying I needed 10 posts, so thats why i tried to delete the image, I scanned into photoshop, and uploaded a jpg, which turned out like a thumb, I'm trying a pdf - here goes,
  9. Hi Forum, We own a small apartment which we don't live in, it used to be my partners before we became a family, and we rent it out. A company called Homeground Management Ltd collect the ground rent which is £137.50 per year, they make demands twice per year of £68.75 each. apparently they sent a demand for ground rent, which we did not receive, and so 7 days later they added £45 admin charge, however, we still didn't know about it, recently, we did receive a "note" from them, I say "note" because its definitely no invoice, informing us that we owe £113.75 and if not paid within 7 days they will add another £45.00 We emailed them asking for an explanation of the charges, and what on earth could cost hem £45 ? they sent a pre-made reply, showing us £68.75 and £45.00 in a list form, which we already knew. We emailed again and requested information and a breakdown of the charges, and how could we contact them to speak with somebody. They replied with," we have no means to talk to you, we can only be contacted by email". I hope Im not turning into a wanna-be private eye here but it all looks dodgy. and feeling a little skeptical of the company, I poked around, to try and find a number, which I couldn't, but found a list of the the ever changing directors, the main one having 43 directorships all closed except homeground management ltd: www duedil.com/company/07305337/homeground-management-ltd and another company called Long Harbour Ltd: www duedil.com/company/06905581/long-harbour-ltd and in act lots of businesses at the same address in a shopping mall, One New Change London EC4M 9AF I followed the long harbour route registered at the same address, and there is a number, so before I speak to them, my questions to the great knowledgeable Caggers are; 1 - is there no guideline, law, anything that sets out the terms under which somebody can make a "late" or "admin" charge, and is there no limit to such a charge ? this company is making a 50% charge. 2 - Long Harbour Ltd is registered as the parent company, so does that mean that they have a responsability to speak with me ? 3 - can a business send a demand with only an email address and a bank account number ? its not so much the £45 quid, but I dislike this kind of trading, its a business model for [problem]s, probably copied from car clampers !! thanks in advance
  10. Hi I recieved an email a while ago (I went on hols) from CAG regarding photos of private parking sign - warnings - locations - etc and .. I have lost the email in my recent inbox cleanup I have some photos to send, could somebody resend me the correct email / person to send them to ? thanks
  11. Hi Forum, I've taken advice from this excellent forum in the past, and I thought I'd just post this information maybe it could help somebody else, I don't know, I got a "Parking Charge Notice" when using a car park outside Blockbusters, which also services another shop ! anyway, advice from this forum taught me, ignore, ignore, and ignore, which I did, I then ignored the following Roxburghe letters, even though it is excruciatingly tempting to write and call them name s, I didn't .. ever. I thought it was quite odd that in a very quite area, on a very quite day, that "whoever was driving my car :)" got that notice anyway, I even have an account at blockbusters, people (even in this forum) seem to think there's some "warden" driving round checking on the car parks, but it didn't quite add up for me. so I asked around with friends and people I see regularly about these notices, Recently, 9am, my house phone rings, I answer, a chap asks for me by name, I asked who it was .. Roxburghe, wanting to speak with (me) about "an outstanding personal matter", he asked again was it me, I couldn't help but answer "I didnt know who I was", haha I asked who he was, he told me,I asked how he got this number, he said "from his client". I said "you have the wrong number"he replied " I'll put it down as a refusal then" I said "bye" that was that. so1, my belief is that a member of staff at Blockbusters put the notice on the vehicle, and 2, they also gave my home number to Roxburghe from my Blockbuster account. I cant prove 1, yet. but 2, there is absolutely no other way for them to have got that number, it is not registered anywhere, it ex-directory, I'm ex 192.com, almost all services - suppliers have my mobile number, Blockbusters are 1 of 2 local services who have my home number, the other is the local school. for me it just strengthens my belief that blockbuster staff are in the frame as "the wardens" ! lol but I'm sure I'll be put right .. any second now
  12. Thank you I shall not communicate with them any further , I'll post anything they send here though, incase its of any use for reference Thanks again
  13. Haha, Conniff it s not a thanks just for parking eye, theres a goldmine of info in here but I will go to the naughty step right away ! Yes, BankFodder, it looks like I blinked first, but I wont be giving in, even if pressed, thanks for your advice
  14. Hi Forum, Firstly, thanks for all the help, even though I only just joined properly, I’ve been taking advice for a while from here, so thanks. I have had several letters from Parking Eye regarding their Parking Charge Notice. I ignored them all, until the last one, stating I had to pay their full amount of £70 and another £70 on top of that if not paid by yesterday, which I didn't pay of course. I wrote using snippets from other letters posted on forums, including: “You appear to claim that I, as the keeper, am legally responsible for this alleged debt/charge. I deny this. Please substantiate your claim with appropriate citations of case and/or statute law. Please also note that I am familiar with the Office of Fair Trading Debt Collection Guidance which states that it is unfair to send demands for payment to an individual when it is uncertain that they are the debtor in question. I would also point out that the OFT say under the Guidance that it is unfair to pursue third parties for payment when they are not liable. In not ceasing your pursuit of the alleged debt you are using deceptive/and or unfair methods" which I'm sure you have all seen already, the letter says; "My Appeal" has not been accepted (I didn’t make one?) “You have stated that you were not the driver of the vehicle at the time, but have failed to tell us who was. Judge Ackroyd, 2008, Oldham Court, Combined Parking Solutions Vs Mr Stephen Thomas, where Mr Thomas claimed not to be the driver, but did not state who was, ruled that on balance of probability he was the driver and ordered the charge to be paid plus costs”. and now they will hold my charge for a further 14 days to give me a chance to appeal again ? can anyone see any reason why I should take any action ? thanks for your advice I added a PDF of the letter Parking Eye forum2.pdf
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