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  1. Hi Guys, i am new to this and wasnt sure where or how to post sorry if this is in wrong place!! I have been lookiong at this and other forums for a while on the DVLA i've been disputing a SORN for the last 2 months or so and have had about 3 letters sent from me and recieved 3 back from them. Its now at a stage where they are saying if i am still unsatisfied with their original decision, then i must write to Simon tze at the ica an make my case to him. In my last letter i did say i was willing to go to court and fight my case and letter previous to that i did quote the section 7 of the interpretation act? Not sure what i shpould do now? Do i write to Simon TZe or just ignore and see what happens - they have threatened me with debt collectors. Thanks for your help!
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