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Everything posted by grumpybutgorgeous

  1. Thanks Brig and Rene Great advice as always. Will keep you posted as to what develops. Grumpy x
  2. Hi All, Still looking for the agreement. Paid next months payment this afternoon to Peugeot Finance, which is a total of £585.04 paid, all arrears and Julys payment. I have told the lovely collection agency that I will only communicate by letter and as far as their charges are concerned, I am not agreeing to them and will contest. Peugeot will not answer any of my letters, so I have raised an official complaint. Let me know your thoughts? Grumpy
  3. They said they needed to talk, that dealing by letter was not an option to resolve the matter. I know i have done wrong. Grumpy x
  4. Hi All, I'm back with an update and more advice required. Sent off all letters, Peugeot Finance will not deal with us, so had to speak to IRS. The office manager was so helpful and so nice, all a ruse. She said they were there to help us and try and sort out the mess. Peugeot Finance would only take the agreement back once the arrears and charges were all paid up to date. The arrears and June's payment were £544.11 and their charges were now £400.00. A lovely sum to try and find! I went away and done my calculations as the van arrears were the most important factor. I ended up selling a piece of jewellery that my grandmother left me, so i was able to go back and clear the outstanding arrears for the van. The lovely kindly caring woman said she would work with me regarding their charges and reduce them as i had cleared the arrears. I questioned the legality of the charges, but was told its in the Finance Agreement. She then pushed me as to what more i could pay, i said we didn't have any spare money at the moment and she said until their charges were paid, the monthly payments were to be made to them. Our paperwork has arrived and although the charges were to be majorly reduced, off the money i have paid, they have taken £300 of it in their charges. That was not to be the case. They now want an extra £85 per month on top of the monthly payment. It's is not what was agreed. Please help. Grumpy x
  5. No default or termination letters, the only correspondence they sent was monthly late fee letters and 1 letter saying that arrears of £400 had built up on the account. No registered or recorded letters and no phonecalls. The outstanding arrears are now £700.00, making IRS charges £300.00. Grumpy x
  6. Thank you guys for all your help. I have sent a letter to both Peugeot Finance and IRS. I will await their response. The van is now at my dads, will leave it there till Monday. Not sure what a SAR is, so if someone could advise me regarding that would be much appreciated. Not going to surrender the van, but my Dad has offered to help with the arrears, is that a good idea, Many thanks again, Grumpy x
  7. Just another point guys, the registration numbers on the debt collectors letter and the Peugeot Finance letter are not my husband a van registration. Both are wrong! Grumpy x
  8. Hi Rene, after a good nights sleep I'm feeling a lot more positive and I'll fight this. The dca pulled the rug from under me, but with all the great advice I will do all I can o get this mess behind us. Grumpy x
  9. Hi All, Sorry, went to bed exhausted. The company who visited and left the lovely letter are IRS, which stands for Investigation and Recovery Scotland Limited, company no 192639. As for letters, I was just going to compose one of my own. As mentioned previously, Peugeot Finance are not the easiest to deal with, when husband wasn't working, they wouldn't help with reduced payments etc and I had to struggle to keep the payment going. He needs the van, he's working now, but very low paid, he's an electrician and has no other transport. When not working and getting no money as he had been self employed for a bit which didn't work out, he entered a DMP with pay plan, as he had other debts. If we gave up the van, there is no way we could get or afford another vehicle, and I loathe that after paying so much to give it back or have them take it. As for the original agreement we have it somewhere. Grumpy x
  10. No Rene, your advice is great. Will do the letter and take the van away to my dad's and the letter from IRS will be filled away under b for bucket. Thank you so much x
  11. Thanks everyone. The finance agreement was 60 months and minus the 3 unpaid, 36 payments made. Don't want to hand the van back. I had a nervous breakdown last year, so dealing with a dca has got me panicking and scared. They have said that if I don't contact the dca they will force legal action and repossession. So how come they can charge £300 costs and how come no official letters have been sent from Peugeoit Finance apart from a missed payment letter sent 2nd class? Grumpy x
  12. Thank you so much for your advice. I will do a letter and send it special delivery tomorrow and I will take the van to my dads house and leave out there. I can try and scrape together the arrears but not by tomorrow. Do you think if I offered them 1 payment tomorrow it could help? Grumpy x
  13. Thank you Rene, I was hoping you'd see my post. As I said, Peugeot Finance are terrible to deal with, they wouldn't change the payment date for the van and are charging £12.00 every month in default charges. We approached them when hubby was made redundant and they wouldn't help us. Can you give me help with wording a letter. As for IRS, they say that if we don't contact them, they will repossess the van. Grumpy x
  14. Hi there, thank you for your quick reply. He has been paying the van over 3 years and this is the first missed payments. Peugeot are terrible to deal with, he wasn't working for over a year and I struggled to keep hold of the van by making the payment every month. When he started working, he tried to rearrange a different payment date, they wouldn't budge and charge him £12.00 default charges every month due to the payment being a few days late. Grumpy x
  15. Hi All, I'm hoping there's someone on here that can help? I'm just in from work and a lovely letter through the door from IRS an investigation and recovery company on behalf of Peugeot Finance. I'm crying as I type this as I don't know what to do, They're not chasing me, but my husband, he has missed 3 payments on his van and due to him burying his head I assume, theyve handed it over to this lot and they've added their charges of £300 for a doorstep visit. My husband is away to a work course this weekend and I won't speak to him till tomorrow. I'm a scared what they will do and I just don't have £700 to give them if they come back. I've never had to deal with debt collectors before and I'm upset beyond words. Advice please as to what I can do to stop them repossessing the van. Can they do that for £400 arrears? Please please help me. Grumpy x
  16. Hi Guys, Just giving you an update. Really don't know what to make of this but your thoughts would be most appreciated. Did lots of complaint letters and another letter and email to CRS, to only contact me by letter or email. Got an email this morning to say that that Express Finance have withdrawn the debt from CRS, the file is to be closed due to the complaints they have received regarding the situation and no further action to be taken. WTF, what's my next move do you think? Afraid to let sleeping dogs lie, as I thought they were well and truly out of my life, then haunt me with no proof that i owe them anything! Grumpy x
  17. Made a complaint to Payday Express, nothing. Should I get a letter off to CRS and the FOS? Thank You
  18. Hi Guys, Really need your help yet again. Just been woken up with a phone call from CRS, the debt collection side of Express finance, and yet again I've been left a quivering wreck. Letters were sent, and no correspondence for ages until this morning. My last correspondence stated that I wanted all proof in writing, but a cheeky so and so with real aggression phoned me. He asked why I was getting upset, I told him that your calling me at 8am, asking me security questions which I'm not prepared to answer and you're only to contact me by letter or email. I don't know what to do next, they are ignoring all that I'm saying, I'm sick of being spoken to like i'm something they've just stepped in. I'm sick with worry as to what's going to happen! Its 19 months since I dealt with Payday Express, so why are they doing this to me? I've had nothing from them, ie no letters, no emails, no phonecalls, no nothing. I am so scared. I've made bad choices with pay day loans, but I paid everyone back, and now my life is being made hell. Grumpy x
  19. Thank you Bazooka Boo, i really appreciate your quick response. Thank you for guiding me in complaining and i'll get all letters off asap. I've had no communication from Payday Express in over12 months, i can't believe a company of their poor practices would ignore me for this length of time and be quite happy at not getting paid. Grumpy x
  20. Hi All, I really need some help, sitting in floods of tears as i write this. I started a thread a couples of months ago regarding Express Finance, they sent me a text to an old phone saying i owed them money. The date came and went, no money was taken from my account and no phonecalls received. I posted an update and was advised to do nothing until i received something in writing. Nothing has arrived by email or letter. I got a phonecall at work from a company called CRS on Friday the 23rd August, saying they were a collection agency working on behalf of Payday Express and that I owed them money, the amount quoted was a completely different amount from the text message. The guy was very helpful, i told him that i wasn't allowed private calls at work, so he promised to remove my work number from their system, i told him that i hadn't borrowed from Payday Express for over a year, had no communication from Payday Express in over a year and he was very sympthetic. He promised no calls at work, only commuincation by email and that he would look into the matter. I felt sick, but heard nothing till today. So far CRS have made 5 calls to my work, i answered the phone to them and i exploded. I told them they had no right contacting me at work, the guy was a cheeky so and so and said this was the only phonecall they had made to me, complete lies. He said i hadn't spoken to anyone about the debt, where i told him that phonecalls were recorded at my place of work, he gave me another figure, different again and i explained that i didn't owe Payday Express any money. I said that they had my card details, so why hadn't they taken the money what is owed, he said Payday Express never help themselves to peoples bank accounts and that they would need my permission? WTF. I said if there was an agreement in place, and i'd agreed to pay the money back, then i agreed for them to take my payments. He said that it can take up to 2 years for Payday Express to ask for the money back? Again, WTF! I again explained that no commuinaction had come from Payday Express to say there was loans outstanding, he again said that they can take a year to contact a customer. I'm A, scared they keep contacting my work, B, force me into paying something which i'm not liable for. I asked the guy for proof of the debt, and he says its their word against mine. Who do i complain too? This company shatters lives with their threats and aggression. They need to realise this. Please help. Grumpy x
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