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  1. I am currently in the process of putting together a letter of complaint. I remember the service manager telling us that we had no rights under the SOGA, as he said there was no problems with the frame or a manufacture fault. I was wondering if there was a section of the SOGA which maybe relevant to the problems of sagging of the sofa's and being misold a product. thanks
  2. Sorry hit the send button before I finished the email. Is is best to send the letter of complaint to Ian Filby, Chief Executive via email or through the post? many thanks
  3. Thank you for your reply, which is really appreciated. Please clarify how I can locate the information you have made reference to (Also have a read of 12 and 13 in my signature). Many thanks
  4. We had sofa's from DFS Raven collection, during July 2011. During the second week we noticed that the sofa was sagging. We contacted the store where we purchased it from as the sales person told us that if in an event there was any problem to contact the store and the the service manager would come out and if necessary would replace the sofa. The service manager came out and said that sagging in the raven collection was normal, i was very surprised with this. If this was the case the sales person should have been upfront and stated that this occurs. the service manager stated that in order to minimise any future sagging we would need to to plump the cushions etc every day. I was not very happy with this and informed the service manager that I was very disappointed with this. When having spent £3403.00 at the very least I thought I would be receiving sofa's of a very high standard case which is not the case. Since July 2011 the sagging has continued the leather has became very loose and when you get up the seat does not bounce back into shape. They have become very uncomfortable to seat on and you can actually feel the wooden frame. The worse thing is we are hardly at home so the sofa's are not over used etc. As previously mentioned we have only had the sofa's since end of July 2011 and they are very tired looking and upon looking at the four seater you would think we have had for a few years. The service manager came out to us a few days ago. He looked at the sofa and agreed that the sagging had got worse. He stated on the day we purchased the sofa's firstly the sales person should have stated that as the cushions would need plumping everyday and also on the invoice given to us it would state in the aftercare sections plumping required everyday. the service manager was adamant that the invoice had this information on it and that the sales person would have got us to sign this. I showed him the invoice and he agreed that the sales persons had failed to put this instruction on the invoice. We told him that we strongly feel that at the day of purchase the sales person misinformed and failed to tell us the cushions needed plumping every day. If this was the case we would have never bought them as they would not have suited our needs. The store manager rang us yesterday disputing the fact that his staff misinformed us. We also told him that the service manager clearly told us that the invoice should have stated in the after care section that the cushions needed plumping everyday. Again the sales person had failed to put this information down and did not get us to sign that section. Despite the failure of the sales person not giving us the accurate information we are further being penalised. The store manager is stating we need to pay £200 for the foam cushions and the fitting would be free. I feel that this is totally unacceptable, the service manager agreed that the sales person did not give us all the information regarding aftercare, but despite this the store manager believes we should pay to resolve the matter. I am very disappointed with the manner in which the store manager is dealing with. I have had conflicting information from the service manager and the store manager as to the action they can take to resolve this issue. Ideally we would like out money back and for DFS to take this sagging sofa back. We have an arm chair and a three seater which we are not using and when we have guests we are using the dinning table chairs as i am concerned they will also be sagging to the degree the four seater is. I would appreciate it if you could offer some advice as to how to deal with this matter further. As the store manager is not listening and is being totally unreasonable.
  5. Hi Did you have someone come and have you had foam replacements? Our sofa is sagging, DFS came out and the store manager is saying that it will cost £200 for the foam cushions and fitting will be free. We have only had the sofa's since July 2011. Have you had to pay to replace the fibre with foam. Kind regards
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