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Everything posted by stevethebroker

  1. Sorry to Hear Joan. You should sign up to the thread I have attached earlier and post your comments there, i.e. property 118. Also add your comments on this thread http://www.propertytribes.com/mortgage-express-getting-tough-t-8904-16.html
  2. Hi Keates... you know what it's like? Busy licking my wounds from the recession, not least with the lack of help of UKAR . Hope all is well with you.
  3. http://www.property118.com/mortgage-express-instructed-valuations-without-permission/64516/comment-page-5/#comments Hi All.... check the above forum out as well. We need to get more people on board and let's put some pressure on UKAr/ MEx.
  4. rdm2006 fsa does not regulate b2l's. trust my guys/ girls, this organisation is government backed and they have the best lawyers in terms of knowing the legal system in the UK. we are all snookered unless we can do something to bring this to the notice of the press. Incidentally this happened last yr when we managed to get an article onto mail on sunday http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/mortgageshome/article-2105915/Northern-Rock-B-B-bad-bank-forcing-sell-loss-buy-let-landlords-claim.html then the ukar countered with http://www.introducertoday.co.uk/news_features/ukar-repays-E2A3215bn-to-taxpayers They have all the power and muscle; they are the government! Search my user name and you will see all my moans here in previous threads.... no avail and in more crap with my 40 plus property portfolio
  5. pigland... I have been dragged thro' the mud on the lpa receiver issue. B2L lenders have the right to use LPA receiver court order when they deem that there was a breach of mortgage terms and conditions. These conditions are the hefty pages attached to your MEx offer. of course B2L are un regulated products, FSA cannot help. See my e petition link, which only 62 people cared to sign up. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/30563 I have a friend who lost 35 properties in this process because the LPA took over and increased his arrears via mismanagement. This young entrepreneur has since lost his 'marbles' and left the country. It's been 2 yrs and he is still recovering from the mental trauma. Another former business partner of mine just lost 27 of his B2L via the same fashion. I managed to keep my portfolio only because I agreed on over payments and signing new terms of shorter long period and the allowing them the ability to sell my entire portfolio whenever they want! I am aware of some of the same names that keep popping up here in the forum that are still fighting. I am still up for class action proceedings but I do not see how we can take any of this forward. I have spent the best part of the last year trying to summon people together.
  6. markpc007... sorry mate, there is nothing you can do. MX have been doing all sorts of stuff to borrowers for the best part of the last 4 years and nobody would take notice. I had a friend who lost 34 properties in one hit but noone cared because it was him and not anyone of us. Last year another friend lost 27 properties die to consolidation! I have 50 plus properties and I am also under their new terms with over payments. I was screaming at the top pf my voice last year when I asked for a group of victims to join forces and make small escrow payments into a law firm to start a class action against UKAr / MX. Surprise, surprise the momentum died. Large institutions will keep up this kind of bullying tactics on consumers because they know that we are not united. It's a case of no one cares for the sick until they have that illness. You have just become another statistic. You cannot even sue the broker for selling you that mortgage because buy to lets are unregulated! My advise is to work harder, save money and do not trust banks.
  7. Thank you all...... Let's keep fighting. For everyone of us who stood tall there must have been 4 or 5 others who gave one. It's not just portfolio landlords who suffered. I know of a few prisoners who were trampled over by there giants. They just gave up and did not want their names mentioned for personal reasons. Persistence cannot run out but resources can, so let's see just how many lawyers these lenders can throw at our persistent assaults before the government review their strategy? http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/30563
  8. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/30563 Our network of friends who have be wronged by lenders are growing. Please support the e petition!!!! The public think that as we are landlords, we must be 'rolling in it'! The lenders are using the public hatred of landlords against us. They know that no one will care for what we think. We need to fightback and state our side of the story. People ignore that fact that a lot of us saved to start off with one property. Many forget that whilst they were sleeping, we were up late at night doing basic refurb work into the early hours of the morning. Do not let lenders take away your future! Your properties are not just bricks and mortar. They are built with blood and sweat. They will become your pension, if not already. They can be passed on to your descendants as a legacy for their future! Back up your moans with action. I AM ONE A FEW WHO HAVE A DEAL AND NO RECEIVERS ARE INVOLVED! However, I will not simply dissapear from this forum/ thread because injustice is being done on all of us. UKAR/ MEx or which lender cannot keep my mouth because i am telling the truth. All I ask is that those that read this thread come forward and lets fight as one!!!!
  9. hi keates nice to hear from you. i have just pm'ed you. i am with chillinlong on this one. lets get this action going. I will fight to the very end. its obvious that ukar are stronger because so far they are picking us off one by one. united we stand.
  10. hahaha- Mortgage Express 2010 Terms and Conditions Section D, Clause 7.a reads - 'We may sell your property whether or not we have repossessed it!' 44 pages of butt ramming....... STOP THE IMMORAL USE OF LPA RECEIVERS!!! http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/30563
  11. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/30563 Hello all this is an e petition that I set up yesterday. Its not just about UKAR/ N Rock/ Mortgage Express. It's about the abuse of power that secured lenders have via the use of LPA Receivers. Please sign up and support it. PLease push this e petition hard via facebook, twitter or whatever media. I am more than happy to listen to ideas and options regarding this petition.Thank you all and lets hope that I can make a small difference to all our suffering at the hnads of these bullies. Steve
  12. Jimm Orr - I guess we found ourslevs a new ally in the great battle against injustice. chillinlong managed to get an article done to raise awareness http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/money/...rds-claim.html I have spoken to the same journalist who is having a meeting with UKAR today as we speak. Sending you PM
  13. just contacted the financial ombudsman service 0800 023 4567 http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/contact/index.html They will be emailing me a form to fill in. They advised me that when I return the form, I should attached a list of names of people who are already complaining about MEx/ UKAR? N Rock! Of course, i do not have such a list!!!!
  14. ok here it is- THE OFT DOES NOT INVESTIGATE INDIVIDUAL COMPLAINTS AGAINST IT REGISTERED MEMBERS. The licence no for Mortgage Express is 0275674. I was advised to email them my complaint so they can have that on file. This will then (potentailly) be used as evidence on the renewal of their licence!!!! So am I not correct in stating that MEx / UKAr have us 'over the barrell' because they know that we are simply fighting as individuals!!! I am taking the fight to them either way but I prefer to do this as a group unit so we cannot be ignored! Their email address for complaint is enquiries@oft.gsi.gov.uk
  15. jim orr- many of us have spent thousands of pounds fighting with these bullies. So far they succeed on the fact that we are not united and eventually there comes a point where each person will give up due to the heavy legal costs. I had a meeting with UKAR/ MEx 3 weeks ago where they threatened receiver action. They only put it on hold as I advised them that I had the monies to pay. During the meeting, all they were interested in was getting hold of my total assets and liabilites! I guess they just wanted to get more money from me before instructing receivers! I was advised that they would email me a deed of amendment to my mortgage terms so that I could review it with my lawyers before our next meeting. In fact they chased me the last week explaining that they really needed this information so that they could finish the draft the deeds before the meeting. Today they moved the goal post and said that they could not finish the draft but one would be avaiable for me to review during my next meeting with them! The main thing to remember is that they are not here to help. They will lie to you and coerce you into giving them information by giving hope. The goal posts consistently move everytime you give them another inch. Both my business partners were hung financially in the same ways. They ran out of funds after 2 and half years!!!!
  16. hello all... I have just setup an e petition. is is been checked for compliance and I shall have the link (hopefully) in 7 days. we need 100,000 signatures in the next 12 months to ensure it gets debated in the house of commons! A big number but the abuse and bullying tactics employed by the appointments of lpa receivers is not limited to UKAR or MEx. The fight must be taken on restricting secured lenders' uses of LPA receivers.......
  17. I would like to add that a lot of the readers of that article did not understand that a lot these btl businesses already had arrangements with MEx! UKAR just came along and threatened receiver action based on breaches that had past arrangements being agreed! I have letters from MEx that stated clearly, 'we are writing to confirm our arrangements......' Now I am faced with hefty legal bills to push that point whilst UKAR will send in receivers if I do not sign new terms! How is that fair? How is that different to some dictator turning a your door and then claiming your land?
  18. Totally agree with chillinlong here. If a major bank like MEx/ BBG needed bailing out then what chance would a small (landlord) business have? The only difference here is that there is the bailed out and then there is the ignored! I guess that I speak for most enterprising / hardworkers here on this thread, when I say that most of us do not necessarily needed bailing out (like the lenders) but we just want to be left alone to get our businesses back on track.
  19. Sorry to hear Kali. My business partner had Jordan salata. Their aim is to sell the property and then come after you for the debt. This would hopefully lead eventually to stat demands and eventually bankruptcy. Even if you are solvent, their aim is to wear you down on legal costs. I consulted with another firm of lawyers today and he said that he had many clients who just had to give in because of the financial costs. He felt that these lenders simply do not want ths kind of businesses anymore and they will do whatever it takes to sell off our portfolios. It's not just mx. Lloyds and Santander are at it too, on their newer loans! It is not uncommon to see these new mx terms on new commercial loans. So mx is simply following the new commercial lending model. Sorry, it's no good news but I must stress that the only way forward IMHO is a class action lawsuit. I know people who had written to mp's as well as lawyers writing to mp's / authorities. It does not make a damn difference because they can always say that the volume of complaint is insufficient. Besides, they can always use the breaches against you. Buy to let's are commercial enterprises rather than your own resi home. Therefore, it will never fall into the category of 'repossession Is the last resort!' Apologiies for being crude and blunt but when will we all decide to work as a united group? I am 100% in for class action, even if I get a deal with these guys. These lenders are taking advantage of the fact that it's each man for himself and that's why they are getting away with it. Please pm chillinlong or myself and let's give these guys a piece of our minds.
  20. thanks Patrickq1 and Caro for your comments and contributions. I will be - 1) Discussing matters with my lawyer, who is also a circuit judge 2) email a complaint to Sir David Normington 3) carry on producing the evidence to discuss an offer to MEx, so that the court can see that I am genuinely making an effort I really want to take a group forward irrespective of my outcome because I have seen first hand how 2 of my biggest clients/ friends became depressed and suicidal due to this type of bullying from them. There must be a long list of borrowers who have been affected by their ways! Not to mention the facts that this is unjust and an example must be set for other lenders/ borrowers complating using such malicious strategies. Has anyone here organised a meeting date or is anyone taking the lead on this matter so I do not double the work load? Please pm me your emails if you are interested in a meeting. steve
  21. Latest update- had meeting on 16th and they agreed to set date for new terms to be signed on 1st march. Do bare in mind that so far they have only threatened receiver action if I did not meet deadlines. So far I have met all deadlines and the last deadline was for me to produce financial docs for 1st march. I never trusted them as I know what they did to my friend. Today, I received letters from MEx advising me that mortgage deeds were sent to drydens ltd! MEx's excuse was that they put the receivers on hold whilst we negotiated! I advised them that at no point did they stated that they were going to instruct receivers. They only threatened it!! So why would they need to put receivers that were never instructed on hold! UKAR agents are just therapists. They are just there to talk to borrowers whilst they carried on with a fixed target of acquisition. Let's make this realk an action group and not a therapy forum - no offence intended. Please note that even if a deal is done for me, I will still stand up for others. This is unjust and it is immoral.
  22. Sorry to hear of your situation La Contessa. I am organising a meeting with MEx on wed to find out exactly what their motives are? I strongly feel that an action group must be formed so that legal costs can be shared to take action against such bullying tactics. BBG is counting on the fact that the borrowers fighting them are fragmented. I was and IFA and Mortgage Broker/ Packager. I closed my practice over a year ago due to the recession. I feel that MEx may have a legal right to use technicalities to exercise the use of receivers etc. However, their methods are unfair and not equitable because- 1) These buy to let mortgages were offered and sold on the basis on 85% loan to value. No income verification was required, so they were as much to blame for offering irresponsible lending as we had in taking loans out without thinking of potential recessions. The big difference was that their failures were bailed out using our tax monies after which they decided to exercise their legal muscle to come after us! 2) If such a huge organisation like them needed bailing, then what chances did most buy to let investors had? So how could they exercise 'certain legal rights' to take legal action in the spirit of such bad economic. 3) These terms and conditions were simply unfair and it should not have been included in the mortgage deeds in the first place. I wonder how many people would have signed or committed to the loan if we knew of such conditions in the first place? Why would a lender have a condition to allow them to exercise on previous breaches? What was the ethics behind such thinking? I could see the pattern that most people dicsuss and then they went their own ways after they lawyered up. A few survived but most ran out of funds and eventually became bankrupt. This is exactly why large organisations like BBG could afford to use such bullying tactics. They know that the cost of a single individual defending far outweighs the cost of them just giving up. Irrespective of my outcome on Wednesday, I am determined to help start an action group so that the authorities can advise lenders like BBG to actually start 'treating customers fairly', instead of hiding behind redtape and firing from behind unfair terms and conditions on mortgage deeds. Any comments. I would be very interested in organising a meetup so to take an action group Vs unfair lenders forward. I REMEMBER THE DAYS OF THE ENDOWMENT AND PENSION TRANSFER FIASCO. I was already an adviser then and it did not take that many voices to get the government to review the advisory procedures of Financial Consultants. regards steve
  23. The company that deals with all debts for bbg/ MEx is UKAR . They have policies to follow and it is (IMHO) not to treat customers fairly or help debt resolution. Do we actually have an action group going forward to attack BBG or has everyone that seeked legal advise stopped contributong to this forum? Whether things turn good or bad, I think that a group should take on injustice. Any comments - anyone?
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