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Everything posted by catherine1985

  1. up bright and early this morning, going to the libary for 9 feeling really positive this morning
  2. any sample letters will be much apprechiated.
  3. thats great. well i am going to get some sleep, its been a long and stressfull day and another one to come tomorrow. up early and to the libary. Thanks so much for your help. Its much appriechiated. i can finally start to see a way out, and maybe even my little girl on holiday one day
  4. the money i owe to vodaphone and capital one through lowell are hassleing me loads i get about 4 letters a week
  5. direct debit . i think i might open a second account to pay direct debits of. i get confused most of the time because i dont no whats coming out when then i end up with bank charges, one month i had £300 in bank charges. my dd has bounced twice to them but i ring and pay. that one is from 5 and a half years ago and it doesnt seem to be going down..... started at 1600 and still nearly 900 left to pay. i dont like giving my card details out anymore because people just help themselves
  6. yeah i have it, i am going to go to the libary first thing in the morning and sort it out, then i have £100 left from my wages so ill take it to the court straight away with the £45 fee and first £25 payment. I dont think i have anyone chasing me longer that 6 years. but you think these from longer than the 6 years will not contact me anymore? because if not that will be a massive load off my mind.
  7. I recieved another text. Recoveries; we are calling tonight unless u make a token payment.
  8. i found a old letter from natwest from my credit card from 2005 i think that was the last letter i recieved the balance was £1826. i also owed a further £900 to natwest from my over draft from my first ever bank account which i closed in 2004 after i had my daughter. i have not paid this or heard anything from this either. another debt i found is from pounds to pocket a payday loan from 2008. but i have heard nothing since this letter i have hear which is dated july 2009 its for £280. i just found some old letters in a draw. also a bill BT from 2007 for £96 (which i never paid) i have heard nothing else from this either. and a British gas bill from 2005 for £46 also never paid.
  9. I have more debts to add on here. i am dreading finding them all out and see how much i actually owe. i no i have a credit card from natwest from 2002, i have not paid or heard anything in years. do u think its worth paying to get a credit report??
  10. i dont have a scanner but i can go to the library and use theres tomorrow. i live in a small village and there only open 3 days a week. i rang the number on the letter from court they says its a £45 fee and 1st payment with it. I can feel today is the start of making a difference, no more burying my head in the sand
  11. ok the council have said i can have untill april to pay. so i can make 3 payments of £180
  12. i contacted the council last month i made the first payment when i got paid on the 24th and there was 2 payments to make. so one more on the 21st feb
  13. just want to say a big thank you to you all for your help, i really feel for once i have someone to talk to, i dont normally tell anyone about my problems. not even my family. no ones knows of my debt problems (except my postman)
  14. i couldnt afford to live with out overtime ( i no this sounds bad, i am a support worker for adults with autism ) but i rely on my job for all my social life (as i cant afford to go out) also i do overtime and i get fed, my daughter is with the childminder so she also gets fed. then i dont need to worry about buying food. i also use my next doors internet for £5 a month and i get hand me down clothes from friends and family.
  15. i hadnt paid any all year so i had to pay it in two installements to stop it going to court
  16. ok so on a normal month (when i dont have to pay £540 council tax) i can pay around 6-7 companys around £30-£40. My income (if i work 80 hours o/t) is 1560 after tax, then i get £170 child maintence, £58 tax credits per week, £80 child benifit. i pay out rent -450 water -35 gas and electric -65 nursery CCJ - £50 child care cost -£200 loan - 260 car insurance - £47 daughters school dinners- £30 the rest goes on debt. i work every day and get free food at work and my daughter has tea at childminders so i dont buy food. i paid a full years tv lience so i dont need to pay for that till november. i dont have any home insurance, and i walk to work whereever possible to save on fuel
  17. the nursery went to court i pay £50 each month through a CCJ. i cant open the file unfortunetly. The rent is from a old property i am only 2 days behind on my current rent.
  18. thanks you, i can add things on as i find them out. i also paid 540 off my council tax i still owe a further 540 which needs paying next month leaving £1500 wages looking dismal, once i pay my rent £450
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