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  1. I just wanted to say to you all, I won today LloydsTsb have settled in full, including fees and interest on the last day that the court had given them to file documents, after they failed to file them by the first deadline. Money has gone in to my account and everything. The reason I am posting this here is that they originally offered me £750 as a "goodwill gesture" ( I believe a standard offer amount), and because it was over the Christmas period my refusal of their offer was missed and the amount paid to me. They agreed I could still go on to try and claim the remainder though, (nice of them!?) When I filed my case to MCOL they came back and submitted a defence as amount paid. I couldn't find anyone on this site they had done that too, and I was worried by that. I followed instructions from here to the letter (but without a bank contract in my bundle as I didn't realise I had to include this) My point is that they still have paid, and my total amount was dated back to the time I requested my charges through Data Protection. This was in fact over 6 years ago from now as it's taken months to get to this point. Don't give up guys, prepare everything carefully and stick to your guns. Maybe this guy who lost his case had a shoddy court bundle. Who knows? They ARE still paying out though PP xx
  2. Please, please can someone help with my questions about a judgement? (post #65) thanks PP xx
  3. I know I'm gonna sound soooo dim now, but what is BUMP meant to mean to me??? PP xx
  4. N24 General Form of Judgement question **URGENT** Right, well no suprises but LloydsTsb didn't file any documents to the court... I have sent the letter to SC&M telling them to do so, and then to the court telling them about my letter, using the templates from here. I now have a N24 General Form of Judgement or Order 1 Can anyone tell me what this means and what Lloyds are likely to do in Light of their "win" yesterday. can they ask for more time or delay things?? 2 Also what does the 3rd part about setting aside the order mean?? 3 Does this apply to me or LLoydsTsb?? Here is what my order says: It is ordered that; 1 Uless the Defendants do by 4.00 pm on 18th May 2007 file and serve documents/witness statements as ordered on 21st March 2007 the defence be struck out without further order and judgement shall be entered for the claimant for the sum claimed together with interest (if included in the claim form) to the date of judgement and all court fees paid and the hearing on 25th June be vacated. this order has been made without a hearing under the Court case Management powers in part 3 of the Civil procedure Rules, and/or without notice to yourself You may within 7 days of service of this order upon yourself apply to the court to set aside or vary the order under Part 3.3(5) Civil Procedure Rules You must file with the court (serve on the other party/ies) an application which sets out your reasons for objecting to the order. When your application including your reasons for objecting to the order are received by the court the application will be listed for a hearing unless the court feels this is unnecessary or you request the court to vary the order without a hearing I only received this yesterday so not much time to do anything I know. Please, please can anyone help?/ PP xx
  5. Ok right, well I have done my court bundle and bound it all up. I now see on my court form that I should send a copy of my documents to SCM:eek: 1. Do I need to send them the whole bundle? There's over 100 pages of it? 2. What should I write in my statement of evidence? I only have until Friday so any help would be greatly appreciated PP xx
  6. Thank you very much. All done and dusted now. I only hope I do not have to actually go to court:o PP xx
  7. Thanks so much for all that. Pretty much done all that then, minus the understanding bit of course. The link to the Early Day Motion from the Houses of Parliment doesn't seem to work, can anyone give me a fresh link for this? Thanks PP xx
  8. OMG!!!!!:-| :o I have just downloaded the court bundle.....Where do I even start with this??? Please can someone help me with these queries???? 1. Firstly, is Correspondance just a copy of all my leters to LLoydsTsb? 2. I only have a list of all my charges as apposed to full statements, that's all I was sent, I have done workings out on this too, will that matter? 3. What does Latest Schedule of Charges refer to, the original list I sent the bank or an updated one with a revised interest amount? 4. Do I send original statements, lists of charges? 5. Do I simply print and add Relevant Case Law section onwards after my own first bits? 6. What is the OFT Summary, I can't seem to find this on the bundle? I know this is a lot of questions but one last one... 7. Am I meant to understand all of this, because if I go to court it will be obvious I am cluless!! Thanks so much for any help for a big dimwit!! PP xx
  9. I'm not entirely sure of the right way, but the way I do it is Sign In, go toQuick Links, on the top menu, scroll down to Micellaneous and click on Subscribed Threads. This should show you all the threads you have posted on. Pick one and Add Quote each time you have something new to ask. You should get instant notification on your email of the first reply, but the others you have to check back for. I find it helps to title it something like, Help Please, otherwise you dont always get a reply. There are some regulars though that always seem to be able to help you That's my cobbled way anyway PP xx
  10. Of course That's a good offer then is it? With no interest paid? That can amount to quite a big part of the claim surely? PP xx
  11. I am being dim again What is CI? Should I just sit tight and wait now to hear something, hopefully along the lines of an offer? PP xx
  12. You'll never guess what?? Just checked my bank statement and have been charged £90 this month (their maximum level), for o/draft excess. It's taken me ....yes, £90 over my limit. I ring up and the lady says "oh no we don't charge you if our charges take you over your limit." Then she checks and sees it's not a one off, as these charges keep catching me out, and then says they WILL charge me for this because I'm using my account incorrectly? How unfair is this? Still happeneing, and it's a never ending cycle. I suppose I will just need to restart another claim for this? GRRRRRR
  13. Do I need to send copies of this to SC&M or just back to my local court? PP xx
  14. I have my AQ form N149 with me here. Please can someone help me? Do I just fill in the form as per guidance notes? Do I simply copy sample text for Section G Other Information adding case will last no longer than 1 hour? Do I add the Draft Order for Directions here as I get the impression this goes with the N150 instead? Thanks so much PP xx
  15. The very same thing happened to me, same amount as well!!! I sent them a letter to say I accepted this as a part settlement but intended to carry on to reclaim the remainder. I had no reply from this. They did however defend my court claim as amount paid in full, which was a suprise for me. I am continuing claim anyway though. See my thread for info if you like PP xx
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