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Everything posted by Jonnys100

  1. Hi There, I have an Argos Card where the agreement was taken out in 2001. Unfortunately, I missed my BNPL deadline by 2 days and they now continue to charge interest and missed penalty payments. So despite the fact that the goods have been paid for in full, I now owe an astonishing £82 in interest and charges which I won't pay. I have written to them asking them to squash these charges but they have not replied to my letter at all I was particularly interested to see your reply regarding the age of the card so any advice is much appreciated. I have already written to them asking to supply me with an original copy of the agreement so any ideas?
  2. I say I believe in God because it might be dangerous not to were he to exist and be vengeful; I must not peek lest I display doubt to God. I have no such fears of DCAs and can put them to strict proof thereof. x Hi Victoria, Thanks for the updaqte. Does this mean that you will mantain payments according to your existing agreement with MBNA? I didn't have a chance to stop my monthly DD going due to the hideous notice period, so was planning to do a bit more research before pulling the payment so I'm interested to see how you get on? I like your quote about the divine one. I believe that God exists, but as pure energy i.e. Love, life itself and the essence of all creation, not a bearded old man in the sky. The real God is within all of us and it is a shame that most people look externally for God and answers when I believe it exists internally, within all of us. Unfortunately, I realised too late that the current financial system of encouraging people into debt is a form of economic slavery and a way of disconnecting people from themselves - I mean just look at all the problems that financial debt causes - marriage break-ups, drug and alcohol abuse etc etc. It makes more sense to me to bail out ordinary people instead of the banks, since we are the economy and not the banks. Anyway, I digress!
  3. Hi Victoria, Many thx for your reply. I originally got all my advice from National Debtline ( so I will give them a call later this week to see what they have to say about this! Although just a minor point, it's made me angry that the letters sent to me were dated 25th Jan regarding the sale which is taking place on the 30th Jan. The letters arrived on my doorstep on Saturday 28th which gives me 2 calendar days notice and 0 working days notice! It also makes me angry as I have recently become aware of the method of Fractional Reserve banking used in our financial system. This basically allows financial institutions to lend money that they don't have and enables them to charge interest on this non-existant money! This would be fraud for people like you and I but not for our beloved banking system. Maybe I could make a claim saying that I don't owe them anything since the money didn't exist in the first place! Anyway.....just having a moan! I will keep you posted and share any further info that comes my way! "I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick butt........and I'm all out of bubble gum"!!!
  4. I have been reading this post with great interest. I too have been sent a letter from MBNA informing me that my outstanding balance is being sold to Idem Capital Securities Ltd. As happened with Victoria, it also contained a letter from idem servicing telling me my new account number(which begins 587...). I agree in group action and would like to take part / help out wherever I can. Victoria - I am in a similar position to you whereby, after a great deal of effort, I managed to get MBNA to agree to accepting a token payment whilst freezing all charges and interest. Have you now stopped payments altogether on your account and if so have you contacted idem to let them know? Jonny
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