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Everything posted by DCAtarget

  1. That was the bit I was unclear about but Barclays wrote in no uncertain terms that it would not be recorded as Cash advance. Not sure if different banks/finance companies treat them differently.
  2. Just a quick update. The money transfer was with Barclays. Got them to confirm in writing it wont be reported as a cash advance, it just gets reported as promotional balance apparently. Thanks for your advice. There was a small fee but I did all the right calculations and was worth doing and importantly I'm confident I can pay it off before the high rate kicks in
  3. Fair enough. I get your point and I guess it would be a true record. I've never carried out a money transfer as they call it, or cash advance for that matter. I just thought I'd check in case cash advances was simply a term used for withdrawing cash from an ATM. My experience when calling banks about anything to do with credit reference agencies in the past hasn't gone well. Thanks to both for replying.
  4. Hi all, Hoping someone can answer this for me as I can't seem to find an answer on google, or here. Recently got a credit card who have written to me with a "money transfer" offer. In other words I can transfer money to my bank account to pay off my overdraft. It's 0% for a few months and I am confident of paying it off within the interest free period. My question is will the credit card company report this as a cash advance to the credit agencies as it's going to a bank account? Best wishes, DCATarget
  5. Thanks so much for this. I had no idea this would be a possibility.
  6. Really glad I posted question now. Thanks for the advice, appreciate it Do you think this possibility exists after a bank sell on a debt to a DCA too?
  7. Hi all, Just a quick question about banks right to "set off". If a debt is statute barred are they still able to do this? I'm guessing not but was hoping one of you lovely people will reassure me. Thanks.
  8. I'm a manager within the company I work for and holidays do accrue during the notice period where I work. Not sure if that's a standard thing or not but I would have thought so as you are working, notice period or not. Hope this helps.
  9. Thanks again to each and every one of you. I've called the court this morning who have confirmed that everything's in order and the case wont need to be heard. It's a big weight off my mind I want to send some money to your site but cant find a link anywhere. Can someone please point me in the right direction? *It's ok found it* Thanks.
  10. LATEST NEWS! Received a letter today from Arrow Global who have advised me they are discontinuing case and they've filed a notice of discontinuance at the County Court. I'll check with the court in the morning to make absolutely sure but it looks kosher. Obviously great news for me. Once again I'd like to say a big thank you for all of you who have helped me on this forum. Getting paid in a couple of weeks and I will be making a substantial donation to the site - couldn't have got to this point without it.
  11. Thank you so much for your help and calming nature Words can't describe how much I appreciate the time you and others here give to help people such as me.
  12. Lesson learned! I should have read the letter properly - I thought you just took what you needed on the day. The documents I'd like to submit would be the letter from a previous DCA saying they couldn't provide copy of agreeement, effectively putting account in dispute. I also forwarded this to AG. Recent letter from Natwest saying they couldn't find an account (as part of SAR) Copies of my letters sent asking AG for agreement etc under CPR. Suppose that's it. If it's allowed that I submit them would I just send them with covering letter and case number? With the letter from ex DCA and Natwest wouldl I have to send originals? Sorry I know I must be a pain in the you know what....so many questions.
  13. Oh no!!! I've just found the notice of allocation you mentioned. The only thing I noted on that was the suitability for mediation statement. What I missed however was a paragraph which read "Each party shall deliver to every other party and to the court office copies of all documents (including any experts' report) on which he intends to rely on at the hearing no later than 14 days before the hearing" Also says a bit further down the letter that "The Court may decide not to take into account a document or video or the evidence of a witness if these directions have not been complied with". It's 9 days away I've just got a new job which involves a long commute each day and my focus has been on that. I'll contact the court tomorrow - do you think it'll be ok??
  14. No, not had any letters from the court or AG since before mediation. When would this normally be asked for mate? Court date is 19th Feb. Just done a little research on what a court bundle is and note that it's the claimants responsibility to sort this out. Should I chase this or just ensure I have copies of my relevant documents? Gulp....another thing I'm learning fast (with you guys help of course).
  15. Sounds like very good advice, thanks CitizenB. I know the OC is NatWest but didn't hear that directly from Arrow, rather through mediation. Got the trusty suit at standby - recently got a new job so had to get one for the interview
  16. Ok thanks Andy. Finally then, my case is being heard in just over a weeks time. Anyone got any general advice or tips to help things go smoothly? Still not heard anything else from AG. Is it normal that they wouldn't send me anything they are wanting to rely on in court? I have still not received a copy of the agreement or anything else from them relating the account in question. Will this in itself help my case? Sorry for all the questions but I really am grateful for your time.
  17. Hi, it's less than 2 weeks to go till court date. Not heard from court with regard to directions in section G of my AQ or from AG. Still not had a response to my requests under CPR. Have heard from OC that they dont have a record of any credit card account with them following my SAR, however they do say I should let them know previous address (despite this being in original letter to them with account number). Anyone advise on what I should do? Should I have heard anything by now? This will be my first time going to court so still a bit unsure of things. Thanks, as ever.
  18. Great, thanks guys. Appreciate it as ever Will get it posted tomorrow recorded del as suggested. Court date just over a month now and already starting to get a bit nervous so no doubt I'll be back here again panicking about something else sometime soon.
  19. Thanks guys. I think sending a S78 dispute to Arrow relating to the letter from Moorcroft is a good idea. Would the draft letter below do the job do you think? Also, should I copy in the court do you think? Re: Arrow Global Limited v DCATarget. Case No: XXXXXXXX Your Ref: ARR/XXXXXXXX Account number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dear Sir/Madam I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE ANY DEBT TO YOUR COMPANY I refer to the enclosed letter dated (28th July 2008) in which Moorcroft confirm that they were unable to comply with my formal request pursuant to s.78(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. However, despite the account being in default, you have made an unlawful demand for payment contrary to s.78(6) of the CCA 1974 and the Consumer Protection From Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPUTR). I note that the Credit Services Association, in the first paragraph of its Code, state that members must act lawfully at all times. Furthermore, under the CPUTR 2008 failing to comply with a code of conduct to which you have subscribed is unfair trading.
  20. Thanks for your patience and advise everyone. I made the decision not to accept the settlement. Sorry about yesterday - I got myself in a state not helped by drinking too much!
  21. I know nobody can make the decision for me but I still don't know what I should do. Every time I make a decision I change my mind a few mins later..... I hate myself sometimes.
  22. Hi, The account was opened in 2004, so just to be clear are you saying they would need a copy of the agreement to win in court? They couldn't win on balance of probability?? I made a request for the credit agreement to Moorcroft back in 2008 and stopped paying as they were unable to produce a copy. The account was in then in dispute, didn't hear anything from Arrow who apparently bought this in 2010 until they brought the case in the summer of last year. Although I suspected it related to Natwest account this was not mentioned in the POS or any communication from AG. I've had no statements or statement of account from AG and they have not answered my requests made under the CPRs which included a request for a copy of the agreement, dafault etc. I SAR'd Natwest back in August and finally they are starting to comply -- they have so far just sent me the personal details they have on me (name address etc), not agreement copies etc however I understand they send things in stages. Dx - What reason do you think they are offering a discount if you doubt it's because of no CCA?
  23. Hi Dx, It is the Natwest account I'd suspected. Although the debt is £989.XX it's a little higher due to solicitors costs and court fees which have been added to account. I'm pretty sure there is no PPI on the account although it's possible there could be charges on there.
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