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Everything posted by purple_rain

  1. Thank you- I wasn't sure. I will definitely speak to them and I tried calling yesterday but they're only open Mon- Fri. Hopefully it will get sorted, but I know for a fact we can't pay the full amount upfront. The back of the letter is filled with scenarios and they've basically said they don't care they want everything now, which is quite scary.
  2. Thank you for your reply. So, what you're saying is the summons is actually from the council and not from the court and I can still discuss this with them before they send it to court? Because, they've given me a court date actually. The council have since corrected the address, but I'm not sure how it got changed in the first place, so I'm not sure they will take me seriously. I will try though! She has dementia and the website wasn't clear, so they've sent me the forms, which are also unclear, because she doesn't seem to fall into any of the categories. I was supposed to check with them, but other things happened and it's taken me longer to get round to things.
  3. Hello everyone, I care for my mother who has dementia. She has a few things, mostly relating to her health and divorce that I've been trying to sort out. I had advised the local council that I was struggling to cope and that my step dad, her ex husband had suddenly cut off all her bills and not paid them. My social worker said that it was finance related and that she couldn't help. The council tax bill was addressed for number 46- not sure why they had suddenly got our address wrong. when I first heard that the council tax bill hadn't been paid, it'd been a couple of months already, as the letter had gone to my neighbour. I explained this to them on the phone and they sent me some forms to fill in on behalf of my mum, but several other things have happened, including waiting for evidence to come through etc. The person I spoke to was sure my mum was entitled not to pay because of her condition, but I'm not even sure what category she fell into. I suffer with depression and it's a lot of pressure to deal with when caring for someone. She's recently had a massive decline in her condition but it seems like no one cares or wants to help. I've now received a magistrates court summons for an amount of £1300 to be paid upfront From the letter, they're not interested in the ins and outs and just want payment. Please can you advise. I will of course speak to them, but they're not open until Monday. Thank you.
  4. Hello, I bought an ankle brace online and it doesn't fit well at all, so I would like to return it, but I've just seen that the company charges a 15% restocking fee on returned goods. The item was bought about 3 weeks ago. I was just wondering if they're allowed to do this seeing as I haven't diminished the value of the item. Thanks in advance for your help!
  5. Hello, Who's getting worked up over it? When I say I'm stressed it's not just in relation to this one single thing. I wanted to get some advice so I know where I stand since I've been signed off work sick this week. This will allow me to be more prepared when I see my manager in January. My manager had a very laxed approach until I couldn't make up the time this week. She has since asked me to make up the time in the first 3 weeks of next year, which I haven't agreed to. They said I've had 2 days too many. The holidays are done by calendar year. I've taken 18 days including any bank holidays. I'm not affected by bank holidays because I don't work Mondays anyway. I've taken 18 days including all bank holidays. They won't deduct, they're requesting I make up the time in January.
  6. I tried to look for my contract but I can't seem to find one with holiday entitlement on it.
  7. Thank you for your reply. I was told I was allowed 20 days including bank holidays. I took 18 including bank holidays. I will double check with them again how many days I'm allowed. I just wanted to gather some information before Christmas in case I have to make up the days as soon as I'm back in the new year.
  8. Hello, Thank you for the question. I've been with them since 9th February of this year.
  9. Hello everyone, I work 3 days a week and my manager has advised me that I've taken too many holidays even though she authorised every single one I took and I requested my holidays according to the number of available days left on our holiday spreadsheet. I think there's been a mix up, because the number of holidays taken are under the number of days off they said I'd be entitled to in the interview. Obviously, I understand that's not set in stone and I will verify again the number of holidays I was due to have. I just wanted to get some advice on here so I am prepared. They want me to work an extra day a week to make up the time, which is stressing me out. I care for my mother on my days off and I have no outside help. I struggle to get everything done on those days off as it is. I'm constantly sleep deprived and stressed. In fact, it's triggered my IBS and I've been signed off work this week. Do I really have to make up the time as soon as possible? Thank you kindly for any advice.
  10. Hello, Thanks for the advice. They've asked me on two separate occasions for the form. Can they increase monthly repayments if I don't submit it? They've responded to my complaint, upholding parts of it but they've not said what they will do in response to it- probably nothing! Thanks!
  11. they're asking me to fill in a form to show how much I earn and spend so they can calculate how much the repayment amount should be per month.
  12. I can afford to pay £50, but they've asked to assess my income. I'm concerned they will ask me to pay more. The DCA is no longer in the picture and they don't have my parents' address or my new number, so I don't think I will be hearing from them. I'm hoping that by complaining they may take away some of the debt, because they kept screwing up. How could I get them to reassess? Does anyone have any advice as to how I can maintain my repayment schedule of £50 per month? Thanks!
  13. Hello, I have a bit of an update on the situation. Following a heated discussion on the phone, the person I spoke to emailed me the following: I am a bit concerned about showing my earnings- not that I earn a lot because I'm a carer for my mum and I only work part time, but I don't want to put every penny of what I earn towards paying them back. I don't want to pay a larger amount than I do already, which is £50 per month. Technically, I don't pay rent, but I need to have that money there every month in case my mum's ex husband asks for it or if he refuses to give my mum money for food. Any further advice would be much appreciated.
  14. DCA stopped contacting me, as I've moved back to my parents and they don't have my address. I ignored them and told them I would be dealing with the council, as per advice on here, which was why I emailed the council. The complaint was done via their website, but I have recorded the reference number. The first JC I moved from told me a mistruth but the second one (the one I moved to), my advisor checked on the system and told me specifically that I was receiving HB as I should be and everything looked fine on the system. Unfortunately, she's not from the borough that is now chasing me up for the overpayment. I honestly doubt they would write off the whole thing. What do you think? I know I was very naive, but I felt very cornered at the time. I assume any phone calls I made to them would most likely be recorded, but I don't know whether they would still have records of the phone calls.
  15. Hello, Appreciate the reply. I was hoping I'd hear back before bed. This is seriously stressful to come home to after a relaxing holiday. The overpayment arose after I moved boroughs whilst on JSA and HB. I was told at the JC that when I transfer JSA claim, everything would be taken care of automatically. Of course, the council didn't take that on at all. They said it was my fault for not changing things over. I was told by people in the original JC and the one after everything was fine and that I was receiving HB as I should be and it all looked ok on their system. The council said that it's still not their fault and it's my fault. Although, one time when they spoke to me on the phone they admitted that although it was "a human error" (their words not mine) that I would still have to repay because it's the public's money. I was suffering with really bad depression mainly because of this. They had worn me down so much, I didn't even know what to do. They just kept saying I owe them huge amounts of money and I was worried my benefits would get cut off etc. We are roughly talking about just under £5k according to them. I received an email back from them saying that the first amount was being paid for but their system didn't consolidate the two amounts together which was why they passed it onto a DCA. I think a few hundred pounds have been added on for charges but they've not itemised the bills. I've sent them a formal complaint online and reached out to my local MP for help. I'm no longer living anywhere near London. It's been really hard dealing with this borough in particular. They just don't listen or accept any responsibility. It's so frustrating. Thank you again for the reply.
  16. Hello everyone, I hope I'm posting this in the right place. I've asked about this before in a separate thread. I am having issues with a London Borough who claim they overpaid my benefits. I tried to appeal but they decided against it and insisted I pay back the money. About 3/4 years ago I set up a direct debit to pay them back £50 every month, which isn't very much. And then last year I started getting letters from debt collection agencies asking me to pay thousands of pounds back but they wouldn't tell me why or how. I emailed the council and 8 months later, they emailed back saying that I owe two amounts and normally they would combine the debts, but they haven't on this occasion and they would like to. I was getting harassed by the collection agency and it's been very stressful and I'm pretty sure they've added other charges on top. They asked me to fill in some forms for income expenditure, which I left and eventually forgot to do (my fault). It was a rather hectic time and I wasn't working and my income was even less than before and I thought since I'm already paying, there's no big deal. I've just come back home after several days away to find a letter stating that they will ask for a CCJ to be issued against me. I know I didn't fill in the forms, but I don't understand why on their end they're so disorganised to the point that they didn't even know to combine the debts in the first place and they sent people calling me day and night and sending me letters multiple times in a week. Please advise me on what to do. I will call them tomorrow morning when they are open but please advise me on anything else you feel is appropriate. Thanks
  17. I will definitely be doing this. I'm just so confused as to where the figures are coming from. I'm worried they have the hours right but not the amount and I would actually end up owing even more!
  18. Thank you for your input. You seem to think that the employer should have no responsibility in making sure they've done things correctly. Even now, as they write to me, they may or may not have their figures correct, as it doesn't match my hourly rate. As a consumer, if I made that many mistakes paying money in someone, I for sure would lose out.
  19. I left on bad terms, but I'm really disgusted by the management of this company.
  20. Hi Mr P, The hourly rate on the pay slip is right, but going off from the letter, that's the number of hours I've been overpaid and that is the amount I owe. Obviously, I'm not sure how they've come up with these numbers.
  21. Thank you for replying. If it is that they made an error in overpaying me. Do I have to repay them? They could have contacted me a while ago whilst this was still fresh and now they're plucking dates out of thin air, dating back to June.
  22. Hi everyone, I was overpaid by an ex employer (apparently). They've just sent me a letter 3 months after I've left the company stating I was overpaid some 107 hours and that I owe £500. I only worked part time for them when I was caring for my mother and when my mother's condition deteriorated, I went on leave. I left at the end of September and haven't worked since. I am looking for new work, but haven't listed them as a former employer, because I didn't leave under the best of terms anyway. My aunt gave me a loan recently for another reason, so I have the money at the moment, but since I'm not working and still caring for my mother. I would like to keep this money because I have no other income. I also have no recollection of the exact dates they mention and the number of hours I have worked, because I transferred branches mid way through working there and my payslips were sent to the old store. Does anyone have any advice on this matter?
  23. Thanks for the replies. I will continue as normal and if and when I receive a letter from Newlyn I shall ignore it. It's not set in stone that I will be going abroad, so I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it - I just don't have the money to pay them back and I know they won't budge. I'm stuck repaying HB I was entitled to because I was given incorrect information when I moved boroughs. Even though I was told by one of the staff it was an error on their part, I had to repay the money because it belonged to the public. I just don't want to be stuck repaying more HB that I was supposed to be getting.
  24. Ok duly noted. Last question- if I end up moving abroad, should I at least notify them so they won't harass my mum? I'm most likely going to have a bank account still open in my name.
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