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Everything posted by erimus1

  1. Hey there. Not sure if you're just airing things or want some advice. I'm sure that you'll see from looking around here that you're not alone - so many people in debt. The fact is, none of the debt is important compared to your good self. £2,500 really isn't I problem to worry too much about - hoody payday loans are a nightmare. I take it all charges and interest is now frozen under you DMP? If not, go down to your local CAB and they will happily get this done for you to stop getting it any worse. Very pleased that you are getting help. There's been times that I could ave one with some help in my time but, unlike you, I didn't have the nerve to ask for it unfortunately. You can get loads of great free advice on here and share experiences - your experiences ay well also help others too. Well done for getting things back on track.
  2. Just to once again clarify, the six year limitation for initiating a county court claim is from the last cause of action date, not the date of default showing on your credit file. With this in mind, you may find that the debt is now already statute barred.
  3. While this sort of thing is certainly a misrepresentation, it s not an act of fraud.
  4. Please also bare in mind the difference between the length if time that a default stays in your credit file and the limitation for pursuing a debt in county court. The default should still fall off your file after six years. The statutes barred problem is only relating to the pursuit if the debt itself.
  5. Absolutely not - when it's statute barred on the 6th anniversary from last 'known' cause of action, which, in all probabilities in this case it will be when you made the last payment to o/c. You can accert that the debt is statute barred by formal letter to Aktv - the burden is on them to prove to a court that it is not.
  6. Right so all the default date were about the same time in 2010 then. Have you checked Call Credit yet? Just so that you know, the are ned by Skipton Building Siciety and only check thei in file for mortgages I am told. You will have to put some more detais up about the amounts and dates really, especially the Santander one. Did they refund your charges due to a punitive charge complaint or was it due to the fraud? Have they acknowledged and agreed that a fraud occurred?
  7. Hi there dannyp86. Think most of us on here (including me) have been daft and learnt by our mistakes. The damage that these defaults do is almost unthinkable. Over the years I have had several defaults removed, one of which was through pleading - it can work. If that dissent work then you can go down the route of getting them removed for being inacurate in the way they were applie - this is a long drawn out process. I would be interested to learn the dates of your two banking defaults also, as you state that you are going to be looking for a mortgage in a couple of years. It's worth seeing which defaults are on which credit file - Experien, Equifax & Call Credit. You may well find they aren't shown on all if them. Indeed, you may find one file that has none of them on - use this information to your advantage. When the time comes to get a mortgage, get a good broker who knows which agency the lenders use. Very pleased to see you are sorting things out. Good luck with everything.
  8. Absolutely yes. Just out of interest though, have you tried to remove the default in leu of the fact that the defaulted balance was made up of charges; or was it a lot more?
  9. Hi sheldon7 - You should not (yet) go down the BCOBS route (in my view). Fact is, your husband is in breach of contract and they have a right to foreclose and take further action. I think you really need a softly softly approach and ask for assistance before you start accusing them of anything. Just keep asking till someone listens and acts.
  10. Hi there. As you did default, your file should still show the default until it is six years spent. Is there any chance you can put a screenshot of your file?
  11. Hi there sheldon7 - sorry to hear about your troubles - all you need is this aggregation when this has happened. Ordinarily I would suggest that you write to Natwest to outline your situation, however due to the fact that this is time sensitive, I would phone and email them - cc the email to as many Natwet addresse that you can find. Myself, I would go down the route of firstly outlining the reason for non payment - in this case, the redundancy, and then evidence the fact that you have been a good customer to Natwest over the years. I think that it would nt be unreasonable to Natwest to give you a couple of months payment break in the circumstances so maybe you could suggest and request this. Make sure you are completely pro-active in attaining a resolution and always stay in contact. Bare in mind that for them to default the account, they must prove that all alias tic communications between parties had broken down - if you show willing, and can get yourselves back on your feet then they would prefer this in any event. Hope this helps.
  12. Hi there. Sorry to hear about your troubles - creditors not acting how they should does not make it any easier. Just a little confused about the content of some of your post though so could do with some more information first. When was your last mortgage payment made? What date did the mortgage company originally place a default notice on yor credit file? Was the house sold, if so, after the sale, was there an outstanding balance, if so, how much? Do you have evidence from the mortgage company that this account was settled to their satisfaction or was the remainding debt merely sold on? I have a few ideas if you can just answer these any add any other pertinent information.
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