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Everything posted by nickk

  1. nickk


    I recall a hidden camera documentary about one of these places. Seems awful. Did you outright refuse?
  2. nickk


    Really? the government tops it up? Do you have to fill out mountains of paperwork and wait an eternity? So, let me just get this straight: Suppose Ingeus can get me a menial job, paying minimum wage, and I take it The government would top up my earnings to give me what I would be getting from Housing Benefit + JSA? I wish there was a YouTube video that explained Working Tax Credits in simple terms. Or a website written in simple English. Can I do a BOC (Better Off Calculation) myself?
  3. nickk


    What qualifications does their mental health person have? Is it an impartial psychologist or someone with targets to deliver? What if you get a minimum wage job that pays less that you get in benefits now?
  4. nickk


    If you are offered an interview Yes, I've heard of Primark vouchers being made available to males. You have to go and pick out what you want then they might give you some vouchers, up to a limit of £20 (or something). I think females can get free business suits - one woman said that she got one second hand, on the 'Dress for Success' programme.
  5. nickk


    Ouch. Was it a call centre job? Sounds like he would be made to call up vulnerable people and demand monies. How depressing. If he has been a taxpayer for many years, then I feel like it's immoral to force us to do stuff like this. What was the outcome of this? Was he made to do the unsavoury job?
  6. nickk


    Please explain what you mean? are you saying that once you find a job you can still get 4 weeks of housing benefit even though you are employed?
  7. nickk


    If this happens to you, please post about it. It's what I am most afraid of I have a solid work history, have paid taxes for years. If they force me to go to some interview, what if i turn up with terrible BO. Or I burp and fart a lot. I can kind of see why the government want to force long term unemployed into any old job. I mean, the system would collapse if everyone was a benefit 'scrounger'.
  8. nickk


    Sounds like targets. I challenge someone to take a sneaky pic of a wall chart with their camera phone. Maybe blur out the names before you post on here, though.
  9. nickk


    Any chance you can Pm the link to someone with over 10 posts? Then they can post it in the thread.
  10. nickk


    My experience also. One of their big strategies is cold calling potential employers (part of the hidden job market). It sounds like an interesting theory and a friend of mine said she did it anyway. (she would send hundreds of CVs to potential employers even if they didn't advertise for posts - spamming, essentially). I suppose it's not such a crazy idea(!) They are very prompt at refunding bus fare. Just wait a few weeks, where the will find you a job, whether you want that kind of work or not. Probably working for a big multinational corporation If you refuse, they might berate you for 'negativity' . If that happens, be sure to post here and tell us about it!
  11. nickk


    A General Reminder Just assume that Ingeus staff monitor this thread. It ranks highly on Google
  12. nickk


    Whether Ingeus get paid or not is kind of a moot point, IMHO I've worked for agencies like Brook Street and Blue Arrow. They get paid for doing next to nothing (they take a percentage of my hourly pay) - it's how they are funded. If Ingeus help me find a reasonable job, one that I have been doing before, then fine, they can have their commission; it makes no difference to me.
  13. nickk


    Right, so they are under a lot of pressure to force you to take a job you have zero interest in. I have found some of what Ingeus do helpful What is not unhelpful is being forced into a job I would date. I see they have targets and are probably bullied by their bosses to make us do jobs. I'm in late 20s. I've been in continuous employment for 8 years, then I was out of work for 11 months. Maybe the time has come for me to stop 'sponging of the state'? Or maybe I deserve a little for time to find a more suitable job. Regarding them making money when/if you get a new job, well that's their business model. It's what pay the heating and electricity. It doesn't affect you in any way as long they help you find a half-decent job. (By that I mean a job that you are capable off, have lots of solid experience and references) In other words, they should be rewarded/compensated if they are helpful (just my view) To fill targets, they certainly seem to force you to do a job that you hate. In this scenario, I agree that I wouldn't want them to get a penny of their commission.
  14. nickk


    Looks like you need to make 10 posts to be able to put up a URL. So when you have done 5 more, maybe you can edit your post and add the link?
  15. nickk


    The very first time Ingeus / The Work Programme contacted me, it was by phone. A call centre in Birmingham(?) The guy asked if I was on any other benefits (in addition to JSA). I told him 'yeah, Housing Benefit'. (I was a bit confused as I thought he'd know that..) But after reading this thread, I realise it's probably a data protection thing.
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