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  1. There's an element of coercion, I feel. I can see why they want access - they want to root out the lazy skivers who aren't applying for work. I am, and am happy for them to see all my printed applications, even every week. I don't want to annoy them, but I don't want to give them access either.
  2. See, this is what I'm worried about. I don't want to come off as belligerent and argumentative, but at the same time, I don't want to give them access; I'd much rather submit printouts as proof. In theory, he might have to show you legislation/law but in reality he probably can do pretty much what he wants.
  3. Has anoyone else been given a "job seeker pack"? Does this replace the normal job search booklet we fill out when signing on? I'm worried about filling the wrong one in and getting sanctioned as a result. I am confused as I have only just been given the booklet - I haven't agreed or discussed any "commitments".
  4. I went to this and it was actually quite useful. What was not good, however, was that the place was short staffed and overcrowded with other job seekers getting very shouty and lippy. One woman came in and she was on the computer next to me, trying to do a rapid reclaim; she was F'ing and Blinding and security staff were hovering around. It was an unpleasant, tense atmosphere. I did spend about an additional hour waiting around - because some staff were off. With all these frequent appointments, I think the idea is to make us feel more ashamed (than we already do) I also just found out my landlord is selling the flat so I'm worried about being homeless. It took months and months to get Housing Benefit - endless forms and waiting. I take it I have to start fresh if I move house (within the same locality). The housing benefit is already far below my actual rent - I have to make up the difference. I struggle and am trailing behind. But without any housing benefit I will be hosed.
  5. Has anyone had a Skills Conditionality National Career Service interview? I have that to look forward to this week(!) Edit: it looks like this is it: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/skills_conditionality_2
  6. The JC are going to give you one what? An email address? I'm confused.
  7. This sounds like a nightmare. You can't even view a job out of curiosity? I haven't yet been told to register with UJM. There's probably a dedicated thread about it on CAG? I'm really confused. It seems people are worrying about getting their personal data stolen so are creating hotmail addresses? What about postal addresses ? I'm afraid of having my identity stolen and used to rack up loans etc. I don't mind sending my details to real companies but I've heard there are some shady people and multi-level marketing pyramid type schemes on there.
  8. I've now has my first PWP appointment. They want me to bring in my passport, bank statements and tenancy agreement. I have about 4 appointments in addition to my regular fortnightly sign-on appointment. I've never asked for travel reimbursement (only at ingeus, who have me coins upon production of a bus receipt printout). Can I get this at the job centre ? Do they give you coins? The amount is little but they do add up; I'm embarrassed to ask but I do need it. It looks like they have a lot of intensive job searching planned for me, and that's fine. I think they are getting people to come in frequently as it disrupts those who are working in the black market -- I'm not so happy to oblige (except for the travel costs). I haven't yet registered for UJ. In fact, no one has even mentioned it to me -- why is that? Maybe that's coming soon.
  9. nickk


    Thanks so much, Scott.
  10. nickk


    Is there a thread for Post Work Programme Support? I have to attend the job centre very regularly - every day or every other day, it seems. They want me to bring 3 months of recent bank statements. How recent do they have to be? I may need go order reprints which I think I would be charged for… eek I've shared bank statements with the local council before, but never the job centre. (They also want to see my passport and tenancy agreement.)
  11. nickk


    Quite recently, I got a text saying ingeusWorks website is now live, and invited me to register with it to find work. Should I use them or not. I've just finished my 2 year placement with the Work Programme. I guess the job centre will make me register with universal job match when I next sign on?
  12. nickk


    I have received a letter saying that I am finishing the Work Programme as I have been on it for two years. (I have found it, at times, helpful -- I have had interviews and some fleeting part time work) They have asked if I want the "Exit Report". Do I? I'm not sure I care to read it. Should I call them to get a copy?
  13. nickk


    I got a letter asking me to attend Ingeus Kaleidoscope: does anyone know what happens here?
  14. Thanks very much, all I have done that. I left my phone number with the guy. He said it was related to the April 2013 benefit caps, which I didn't know about. I googled it, seems it's this universal credit thing. (I don't think it will effect me - I get JSA and HB, so I don't mind if they merge them) I now await their call to reschedule. I hope O2 don't cut me off (my bill payment is late!)
  15. I got a letter: I already know they're reducing my Housing Benefit to £90/week (central London) - this will happen in a couple of weeks time. They told me this ages ago, i'm not sure why they are now coming to see me? As the HB will be lower than my rent, will they make me leave by private landlord? I had assumed they would be okay if I just made up for the deficit myself, somehow. (My rent is, and has been, lower than HB for some time. In a few weeks time it will become much, much lower) They want me to arrange an appointment for them to visit. Which is fine, I just need to tidy up! My bedroom is messy and needs to be cleaned. I would have been so embarrased if I had been in, earlier today.
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