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  1. Update: Heard back from HSBC the week before last with an offer of refund much higher than I expected, I accepted and it went in my bank today! £963!! Really happy with this and thanks again for the help ims, you're awesome!
  2. Just posted ther letter, thanks ims. Kept it short and to the point using the sentence you suggested along with a request they confirm receipt with a timescale as to when they'll be refunding me in full. Will update as and when
  3. So the FOS questionnaire goes direct to HSBC? Sorry for all the questions again!
  4. What's the address to send the questionnaire to? I don't really have any supporting documentation to go with it that is of any use to anyone but would sending a page with the PPI score indicated on it help?
  5. They've been clever, they've included the payment statements, dates etc and a load of crap I didn't want but not what I need the most so they've obviously made an effort not to include the breakdown to make it more difficult for me. I think a spec claim may be a good idea, would I just request "the full amount plus 8% interest?"
  6. Literally just come off the phone doing exactly that and they couldn't pull the info up however, they did confirm that I had a PPI agreement there so I know for a fact I can go after it, just don't know how much I'm going for! I wouldn't trust them to repay the full amount with me not knowing and I also want the 8% interest, I'm not sure what to do
  7. Ok, I received the documentation today but no loan agreement, as in the one i signed when I took the loan out. I got the statement detailing every monthly payment and a load of stuff that looks like a few years of records of scores and things. On those is listed a "Personal Loan Insurance Protection Score" so is that enough proof? I know it was on there and they've told me it was on there when I first called as well, the only thing is I can't remember the value of the loan pre the addition of PPI or the interest rate on it, is there any way to calculate it?
  8. As I said in my reply, I struggle to believe that anyone capable of that kind of mistake would manage to faind gainful employment let alone anywhere of the repute of HSBC so I can only assume it was them taking the **** and let them know in no uncertain terms that it won't work.
  9. Bit of an update... After sending my SAR on the 21st of December, I got a response on the 6th of January stating I wasn't eligible for the documentation because I hadn't enclosed a cheque for ten pounds. Also enclosed with their documentation, was the cheque for ten pounds I had enclosed with my documentation, the cheque they said didn't exist, the cheque they had written upon and the cheque that they had returned to me! I had to laugh... I responded immediately telling them my thoughts on this, sent the cheque again and explained the 40 days still applies from the 21st of December. I took it as a sign that they know my case is good and they're being difficult to avoid the inevitable for as long as possible...
  10. Fantastic, thank you. If I am successful in all this, a lot of it will be because of you
  11. That's what I'm gonna do think, I've looked for the best address but only really get the one I posted, you wouldn't know the right one would you? Thanks so much again for your help!
  12. Haha no! It was a cheque. They actually sent the cheque back a few years ago when I sent my SAR for bank charges
  13. My mum actually posted it for me without me knowing cos she was going the PO anyway so it didn't go recorded which although a nice thing to do, is a bit annoying, is it worth contacting them in writing to request confirmation of receipt?
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