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  1. Thanks Slick, you seem to have helped many people out with gym/health club disputes. I will contact LAF and let them know I am not happy with the change in pricing and talk to them about giving notice on my contract. Might let sleeping dogs lie as you say on the AM issue as you recommend. Thanks Chris
  2. Hi group, Total noob to this so apols if I make any ettiquette errors. So to be succinct - Ashbourne signed up to 12 month contract (£65 per month), stopped attending, quit the club and told them, then cancelled the DD, Ash then letter hounded me for increasing amounts. Ended up paying them £135 to close the account (2 months + admin fee) as they were threatening £500 and credit agency reporting etc! (was this the right thing to do or should I have called their bluff? Seems they have a lot of bullying claims against them) 2nd, I want to leave LA Fitness and join a gym closer to work but was told the contract runs out in July. They have recently written to me to say they are upping my DD by £4 pcm as they are refurbing the gym. What can I do to get out of this contract quickly and painlessly? I am not satisfied with the gym anymore and don't want to pay more for a service I do not feel is fitting. Any help much appreciated, Thanks
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