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Everything posted by Amelia-Jade

  1. . I paid by standing order. I set up a new bank account. Please do not give out your card details at all, they will attempt to take the money if you do not.
  2. Hi There, I have a loan with safe loans, they are pretty good. They never charged any interest or late payment charges. My loan was for £250. I paid £50 a month and they were fine with that. As long as you make any promised payments and dont break any agreement with them, they are pretty cool. One of the better payday loan companies
  3. Thank you, I just wanted to share my story and offer my advice to those you are having a hard time from these companies
  4. Yes I know, I really had to stay strong and stand my ground. The majority want your debit card details and we know what happens when you give your card details out. When I changed my bank, I applied for a cash card account which meant I would not have a debit card but can have direct debits. It works pretty well for me. When I go shopping, I just draw out some cash. Also for 30 mins once a month to go the bank and transfer the monies to all my payday lenders, its worth it.
  5. If you cancel your card they can still get hold of your money. Trust me I know. I would open a new bank account and have my wages transferred in there.
  6. The only DD I have is with QQ and I have never had a problem. I do understand your comment though.
  7. Hello, I have been reading all your payday stories for a while now and finally registered. I thought I would share my story. It all began in early 2010, needed some extra cash and thought getting a payday loan was a good idea. I paid that back and got another one and before I knew it I had ten payday loans. I was working full time and realised I could not pay these loans back and just paying the interest was using up all my wages. Unfortunately a few months later I was made redundant and found myself in a lot of trouble. I started claiming job seekers allowance which is not very much. I then did the most silliest thing ever and ignored the debt foolishly thinking it would just go away. 3 months later I got a permanent job and decided to conatct all of the people I owed money too. I have agreements with all my payday loan lenders and will be cleared of this debt by Dec 2012. My payday loans are: Capital Finance One Minicredit Quick Quid 1 Month Loan 24 7 Moneybox Payday Express Payday UK Fancyapayday Safe Loans Payday Overdraft By far the worst ones are minicredit and payday overdraft. My advice is if you want to get out of this payday loan hell you WILL have to default. You must open a new bank account to have your wages paid in. If you use your old bank account, trust me they will try and take your money, believe me I know! Pay everything by DD and standing order - Do not give them your card details. I am turning 30 this week and can finally see light at the end of the tunnel. I can not express the relief I am now feeling knowing that everything is being paid off. Just wanted to share my story and give hope to you guys that you can get out of this hell. If you have any questions or worries, I will be happy to answer them. Amelia
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