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  1. i have already filled in a income and expenditure form for a payment plan but they ignored it thanks
  2. i havnt got a scanner, sorry i can give you as much information, the ccj was issued to me a year ago through the letter box i ignored it and it went awy for a year i no it was stupid i jst buried my head in the sand now i am in this situation
  3. yes i had a ccj issued to me but this was when i had that squatter in my house and i had to much stress and money paying out so they have gone forward with an interim charging order
  4. its an application to be heard in front of a district judge and it says the out comes are likly that they may pt a charge on my house or make me sell
  5. i dont have the documents at the moment, is there any1 who can give advice on what ive stated? thnak you
  6. i had a 4000 loan 5years ago and i was making payments they stopped taking them i just then left it i no i was stupid but in this time i had a squatter in my house, a couple of weeks ago i got a court smmons to take me to court stating they want to put a charge on my house and maybe try sell it? please help i am at my whits end and i have 2 kids lving here ones just turned 18 the other is 19, please help me, the bank has stated in another letter that i am due 2000 for misold ppi what i am going to offer them but i havnt received it yet and the court hearing is next week, my friend is also willing to move in to make more income into the house but i dont no if they will accept this please help
  7. hi there, i am in a nervous wreck all the time about 4 weeks ago i got a letter through the door saying lloyds tsb are taking me to court for an out standing loan on £4000 that i borrowed arond 5years ago, all through this time i was making payments untill lloyds stopped taking them in my foolish ness i never phoned up i just left it, i fell into some home troubles having a squatter in my house and had to spend all my time and money trying to get her out, but lloyds do not care about that, they have summons me to court were they have stated they can put a charge on my house and make me sell it for the littleist amount of money they can get for it, i have to attend court next week, i have been sent a letter from lloyds saying that they have evalluated my ppi claim and that i am owed 2000 i am going to offer that to the cort and see if they will take instalments also my friend in willing to move in with me to help bring in more income into the house to pay it off, i have to children and it is very scary for me one has jst turned 18 the other is 19, i just dont no what to do, any one with advice or if some one has been through this please please comment and help thank you
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