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Everything posted by lawfullrebellion

  1. Equita are NOT certified baliffs they are a debt enforcement company that use bully tactics to scare people. Council Tax under COMMON LAW is not actually a LEGAL requirement. It is an ACT of law. Please see the below that you can write to them. I am helping somebody with the same problems. Dear Sirs Please see the below email and also please adhere to the following:- I am writing in relation to the visits and telephone calls that I has received from your company, which I deem to be personally harassing. I have verbally requested that this now stops. Any further correspondance from yourselves is to be done in writing and writing only. I am in view that if you continue your harassment you are in breach of section 40 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970, and the protection from Harassment Act 1997. If you continue to harass me by means of telephone calls you will be in breach of the Communications Act (2003) s.127 and I WILL report you to OFCOM, Trading Standards and The Office of Fair Trading, meaning that you will be liable to a substantial fine. Be advised that any further telephone calls from your company may be recorded and used in evidence and I expect this harassment to cease. Any further visits from any persons in your company to my property will result in trespassing charges being filed to the police. Regards Also Certain goods are protected from the removal by the baliffs. These include, Such tools, books, vehicles, and other items of equipment that are necessary to the debtor for use personally by him/her in his/her employment, business or vocation. A baliff letter is supposed to have FULL contact details on and a REGISTERED CERTIFIED BALIFF REGISTRATION number on ALL letters which equita do not have. You can also state that Equita are a 3rd party and you have NOT LEGALLY gave permission for Equita to delve into your PRIVATE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS. Please also visit the following sites for more lnformation....Good Luck It will not allow me to put the direct website so type into Google Lawful Rebellion non payment of council tax and then go to YOU TUBE and type in Unlawful Council Tax - Lawful Rebellion - PART 1 and follow every video in relation to this subject. You will feel a lot less stressed.
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