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  1. Hi, I've posted on a similar thread on Landlordzone,with only 3 posts I cant add a link here, so here's the outline of it,you'll have to put the slashes in the spaces: landlordzone.co.uk forums showthread.php?53455-Bank-of-Ireland-Tracker-rate-increase-2-25-to-4-99-! After interest rate fixing, this is presumably another example of bankers' business ethics. My inclination at this stage is to challenge on the basis: 1 The long special terms document I was asked to sign did not include this clause, only a reference to the document that contained it (which was not supplied to me); and I signed to say I had received certain documents, but the relevant one was not on the list. I consider that was deliberate, as no one would enter into a deal that could be changed at the drop of a hat. 2 Unfairness, obviously. 3 The thread to which I refer gives the clauses, and they do not, on the face of it, justify any increase. Important to exchange ideas and stand together on this. I hope I treat my tenants and contractors fairly and believe we all have the right to demand the same - even from the bankers, although that clearly goes against the grain for them.
  2. No, bigbadjim, it's not... Building Regulations 2000 s3 (see httpwwwlegislation.gov.uk/uksi/2000/2531/regulation/3/made), the relevant work relates mainly to stability, fire safety, and access. Many other alterations including insulation don't carry any legal requirement. Seriously, loft and cavity wall insulation is a really good thing... these are often the most cost effective forms of energy saving. It would be just great if you could get a small grant from your local authority, as it used to be, to do the work yourself, or employ someone. The abuses reported here are deterring people from getting this work done:x
  3. Sort of, but what you have been told is misleading/incomplete almost to the point of fraud. I'm not surprised you can't find the legal stuff. It's buried deep in the "Approved Documents" that (long story short here)Building Inspectors apply in assessing new build and building work (which includes loft insulation). You can find something related to the rubbish you have been told at planningportal.gov.uk/uploads/br/BR_PDF_ADL1B_2010.pdf page 17. (I have only I post so can't do this as a hyperlink) You will immediately see that it doesn't refer to any depth of material. That's because HM government require that building elements eg roofs have something called U values- simply, 1 square metre of roof has to transmit heat at no more than a specified rate. Manufacturers of loft insulation publish u values for their material. If 275mm/ 11 in. of our friends' preferred material complies with the specified u value (which it probably does) there you have it. If you build a new house, extension, or do some work to an existing house which is defined as "building work" within the legislation (and that's a story for another day!) then you are required to notify the relevant authority, i.e. the council's building control dept., and they will apply the Approved Documents in assessing whether what you have proposed will comply. If you don't do any work, then you have no obligation whatsoever to comply with the Approved Documents. That's all there is to it. If anyone tells you to sign before you read/check/think about it, that should be the end of the conversation. You were of course quite right to get them to leave. Hope that helps.
  4. These grants and the insulation are a good thing, but after what I can only describe as low level harassment I have told this company to get lost.
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