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  1. You are really being silly. OP was advised on how to avoid DEO by somebody. I understand why they wrote that post. I told OP what the outcome would be if they followed advice. Then I let them know that I share the pain that they are enduring. Stop being a stalker & go watch a real investigation. You are flapping about thin air. Similar to a Nintendo wii player.. WatchingInvestigatorsInvestigate.
  2. Sad but true. Here's another positive note. There's no need for me to worry about making a will in the future because every penny I earn is going to be spent on living costs alone.
  3. More straightforward? Can you give me an example please?
  4. That is it exactly. I'm sure this means that the employee is in a civil relationship whereby one person has absolute power over them, and controls their life, liberty, and fortune.
  5. I believe the person at the top is the Secretary of State. legislation(dot)gov(dot)uk(forwardslash)ukpga(forwardslash)1995(forwardslash)18(forwardslash)contents Excuse the brackets, It's an urgent post & I haven't found 10 threads to confidently comment on The Jobseekers Act 1995. Only for the brave & confidential. Misuse will seriously affect your benefits. I have been trying to find a Statutory Instrument that states that it is mandatory to attend a4e for 2 years. There are perversions of language, but no Statutory Instrument yet. I may be wrong. I can't find it alone I can only show you the door though. You must walk through it yourself. Take care.
  6. There is a discussion about scrapping the Unfair dismissal law as it is being abused by employess. No human rights, no unfair dismissal laws.. Where is it all going?
  7. The problem with this request is the fact that politics was born from law which was born from religion
  8. A simple thought made me smile today. The eurozone is a family. The crisis is the poorer members of the family who require pocket-money until they can earn their own money
  9. I recieved a few letters. 1x court fines, 1x court order rent arrears- pay £50 by.., 1x letter from a4e, 1xbank statement, 1xjobcentre benefit deductions letter. I' also waiting on a call from my solicitors to discuss my court appearance next week for Breach of community order. I've never been so well behaved in my life. ****it.
  10. I'm sure this will lead to maintenance arrears which will make things a lot worse. Maybe you should google "child maintenance act" and see where the rabbit hole goes.
  11. Hi, My Natwest Step account is being downgraded to a basic Account. I didn't mind until I found out I can only use Natwest, RBS or Ulster Bank branded cash machines in the UK or Gibraltar, and post office/Natwest counters. I wouldn't be able to use UK cash machines from other banks or providers. I was given the option to apply for a current account. I'm on JSA and my credit rating is a nightmare. An excerpt from Natwest letter to me: "We value your custom and would like to go on helping with your banking, but you also have the option to close your account." I doubted threatening to close my account (£0.30p balance) would stir any fear of 'potential loss' within Natwests computer system so I simply went into the bank and arranged for a meeting. I arrived for my appointment early and was seen half hour late. I'm the person pleading my case so I decided to remain polite & professional. After 30mins of flirting with a reasonably attractive branch manager, I left the bank with a brand new current account, life insurance and a warning about not going into the minus because the charges are £6 a day. Moral of my story is: Don't believe the news, don't panic, be professional & polite, and if you can't get a current account because of bad credit, learn to manage the small monies you have and try again 6-12mths later. Worse comes to worse, flirt and sign up for life insurance at the same time
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