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Everything posted by Notyetavet

  1. U miss the point. Did you or did you not exceed the speed limit within a marked area? If you think you have it all covered remember the Speed Cops, their bailiffs Marstons and the Courts hounded Andy Miller to death for a speeding ticket
  2. Beware. Marstons were culpable in the death of 78 year old Andy Miller, so pleading to their collective humanity will be useless. So the request goes out to contributors to assist before another case of Corporate Homicide is ignored by the police and legal system combined.
  3. More insidious perhaps is the distateful haste with which FORMER head of a MoJ department, and of whom was supposedly co-ordinating the reaction of victims to the latest attempt to justifiy 'legal theft by Courts', Christine Sharples, jumped into the wallet of Rossendales, and the complete non-plussed attituded of her former employers. From Westminster, through local councils, the whole system and lack of probity is almost 'Third World'.
  4. Yet we, and I talk collectively, allow the parties to dictate the who, why and where with our representatives. As a true conservative I was aghast at the level of near corruption played out in local politics within the party; but not so surprised when I scanned the actions of Lieber. That is a reflection in me, I am not worldly naive. The fact that I tell it as it is to MPs and my obvious vehement objections to their posturing and down right lies from our representative is why me and others have to resort to the internet to get constructive reaction from people who only want to feather their own nests. All the Lancashire MP's are in full knowledge of the deliberate attempts of the authorities to thwart my attempts to get just actions. Gordon Marsden, my MP (Blackpool South) does not acknowledge any correspondence short of an electronic answer. Graham Jones MP Accrington actually said to me that he could not comment on the wealth of evidence produced because he "was not a lawyer". But you scrutinise legislation I replied. None of this helps victims least of all the cowardly way with which politicians avoid their responsibilities - hence the 22 year wait and effort for the Hillsborough Families to get nearer to the answers that have been hidden from them all these years.
  5. This contribution hits a poignant and legally sensitive issue. In the case of Andy Miller, in the report commissioned by Jack Straw and commented on by him in summation, the fact that the DWP would not put Order on Mr Miller's pension destroys Jack Straw's biased and ill considered message. This point is conveniently overlooked at every stage of addressing the facts of this case. It is though, a fact apparently that all the Agencies are relying upon this strange report, as with all other great "miscarriages of justice" presently being pursued, to thwart the intention of Parliament in passing of Law, and victims families in their search for corrected decisions. It goes to prove that although an authority has written something down does not make it legitimate. Has everyone forgotten the last Governments attempt to cover up the Dodgy Dossier? Same Government, same misleading debate, same catastrophic result for victims.
  6. I have it on good authority, from a senior solicitor in the very magistrates court that ruled on the Andy Miller case, that "Vulnerability " does not exist in the eyes of the courts. Three years of banging head against obdurate police denials of fact, judiciary indifference including the MoJ, this talking shop will achieve absolutely nothing. http://fylde-bootnecks.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/passing-buck-again.html Parliament passed a law where death occurs which takes away from the police and the Coroner the rights to hoodwink victims and their families; the Corporate Homicide Act 2007 which puts the onus on a jury to come to a decision of such magnitude; but then they place the responsibility with the DPP or whatever local authority that stands in its place. How can this be just or correct when the senior conduit in Lancashire has abandoned her position to take up a lucrative position with the Nemesis, Rossendales? This while talking and worse, listening to a group of vocal victims of highly illegal practices? All in the name of bringing forward reform and change. Not until someone at Marstons, namely the bailiff who dragged a sick man out of his sick bed on a freezing cold winters day to pay a fine that the DWP would not endorse. is placed before a court.
  7. When I saw that most organisation belonged to the BPA I knew I automatically would have inroads into the inner sanctums and could manipulate matters my way because I was born in a farmhouse with Pigs and some of my oldest friends were pig farmers before Swine Fever wiped their stocks out. Sadness ensued when I discovered I was looking at the wrong Institutions. I knew I would get no-where with the Paras as was never in that illustrious regiment even though I have done over a hundred combat jumps. Whatever this secretive BPA is, like ALL organisations, it will never take seriously the complaints of outside malcontents irrespective the veracity of their position. What is wrong with taking a complaint to a small claims court, if the sum involved is under say £10K, placing before a learned person with training and independent view on how the law should be administered, with the arbiter the power to recommend legal sanctions against a miscreant body? I am certain then that the pseudo tuff bailiff who produces a false warrant at an address long since vacated by a debtor would do their homework/groundwork before threatening the innocent victim. An assault is described as an action 'sufficient to instil fear' in a victim and there is nothing more frightening than having a burly cop lookalike knocking at your door and threatening to take goods from a profoundly disabled child - as happened in Lancashire. Politicians, police and the bailiff industry are all shying away from the reality and facts of their collective responsibilities.
  8. Once again we, as a group, are being corralled into an invidious position because we, as a group, have accepted the lies being offered – by the mouth-pieces for the Ministry of Justice – as being offered in good faith. The facts betray the woolly sinecure as a nefarious scandalous lie. I offer my sincerest best wishes to S***** and her family. Through her and the perpetuation of the intimidation she has had to endure over recent years, we can see the falsehood of their - the MoJ - position. Or can we? Would the MoJ to be sincere, then the mass of evidence we gave to the MoJ would have resulted in at least one prosecution, for criminal activity ranging from fraud to Corporate Homicide, against a sub unit of the MoJ, namely the money grabbing Bailiff Industry. Being part of that organisation makes the MoJ liable under the law of Vicarious Liability, which is why they have squirmed, doing everything to divert attention from their responsibility. Making useless comment on recommendations that have been in place for ten years is giving blessing to this charade of legalisation of an illegal position. The swift manoeuvre by Christine Sharples exemplifies my distrust of the MoJ and its lap dogs in placating an already insulted and discriminated against group of individuals. The laws of assault, fraud and more serious crimes have been and continue to be just a talking shop for senile politicians, a million miles from the truth of every day affairs. Each and every contribution by genuine victims of this dastardly industry just highlights the gulf that becomes more insurmountable as time progresses. I have taken this from http://fylde-bootnecks.blogspot.com/2012/03/moj-fit-for-purpose.html The MoJ called to London a group of victims of Bailiff illegality, promised to listen to them and promised to close the loop-hole that allows massive and now rich bailiff companies to obstruct, break and completely ignore the laws that govern the ordinary citizen. It appears that Ken Clark is getting it wrong on everything from RAPE to the MURDER of a VETERAN. Our MP's are still unsuitably silent on these illegal actions and are showing the backbone that pacifists showed to this nation just before WWII. Every excuse under the Sun is being offered and now even the MoJ staff are abandoning their posts, like Italian cruise ship captains, to get more money from Bailiff companies for their expertise. If you walk down any street and walk into the doggie dooh, you tread it all over your best carpet. This is what the MoJ is doing with the law, rights and legitimacy of ordinary peoples legal rights. Dr Pinto-Duschinsky (The Bill of Right Commission) has experienced what others from the Hillsborough Families to the relatives of Andy Miller are enduring with this insidious sinecure.
  9. Since 5am yesterday (Saturday) I have now received in total 31 emails requesting me to contact iqor.I am receiving the emails at silly times such as 00.35, 01.34. 02.16, 02.54. I was wondering is their such a thing as harassement by email? Move your email to Outlook and block sender:smile:
  10. It does not go far enough. Nor does it do one scintilla to address the clearly illegal practises that Ms Christine Sharples as her role at the MoJ dictated, nor the non-compliance of both the police and the legal profession as a whole to combat such outrages. Common law assaults have been apparently let ride until after they get timed out - 6 months – so no charges can be taken against the perpetrator. It has been a sickening and needless exercise in malfeasance by both bodies that culminated in the death of one, at least, Lancashire veteran. With the welter of correspondence and the number of complaints to the Lancashire Chief Constable, the IPCC (not fit for purpose as in the report published towards the end of last year revealed) the MoJ et al, it beholds our political elite to explain why, as in the plethora of other cases of INJUSTICE, why not a single charge for Corporate Homicide, under the 2007 Act, has not be made against either Marston's or it's employee? It is again all smoke and no substance. Do we all remember Blair's and Browns promises on putting away potential criminals who carry knives. Again a family is grieving because worthless and over paid public servants, politician alike have paid lip service to a readily foreseeable event for which THEY will accept no responsibility. This communiqué by an already discredited Ministry politician is no better than all the rest. There will be some satisfaction when those guilty of these insidious acts are brought to account.
  11. I support you aims 100% but allow me to base my comments on experience of handling hundreds of debt case a year for the past ten years, and I add not as a defunct CAB advisor but as a genuine caseworker with means to settle or distribute funds. Classic case. Person in debt, examined statements discover paying over £100 pm in various phone charges. £12.50 BT landline, 2x mobile accounts at plus £30, broadband at £20 which included Skype, BT call charges at £16.50, Top of the Range peoples carrier though a single person - which averaged 12 miles per gallon (plus a disabled bus pass never used). The person lived 18 miles away and I visited him, at no cost (three busses to get there) as I used MY disabled bus pass, organised my day to visit as many clients as possible in the area and before finishing a strenuous day I could afford to go into the Ex Services for a pint. When I asked one simple question, "why do you need so many communication systems?" the reply was, " In case of emergencies." To which I replied, "what can you do at the end of the phone that a 999 call can't do?" Think me harsh but I have every sympathy for the family whose primary objective is to give their children a decent childhood. But my views are tainted by the number of bogus applicants who fraudulently applied for "Charity Money". The number of cases whereby the applicant had hidden assets, second homes and bank accounts elsewhere would astound you if you were ever in my position as to have to distribute to"the Needy and not the Greedy". I wish you well in your efforts, but do not mistake well founded observations as a open criticism of not caring, though I give you the benefit and openly accept your position.
  12. http://fylde-bootnecks.blogspot.com/2012/02/money-machine-into-penury.html This was forwarded to Stella Creasy. There is one solution, do without. I know it is not popular, but the penny eventually drops on most people and doesn't evolve into massive debt. Unfortunately it is always those who think they have to have everything their neighbours have, albeit that they cannot afford it, irrespective of their incomes. That is the problem.
  13. There is nothing new in this. They are just part of the Nolan recommendations of 2002 and besides, if the police were to enforce the law you will find a high propensity of illegality from assault to fraud and other related activities that as an investigating authority, they have wilfully refused to pursue. I have yet to find a single victim of bailiff abuse that has received just and caring response from the police.
  14. It gets even worse especially when your local MP ignores everything that is happening. Stephen Nolan has a campaign on health, just started, and he has selected mental disorders, dementia and Alzheimers. Let it be known that Andy Millers had early stage dementia and it did not prevent police NOT investigating his death thoroughly. Nor have Marston Group every accepted that the request from the courts to test the veracity of the family claim of vulnerability was their "Duty of Care". If you have a relative who is vulnerable it becomes more essential that the family is educated into needs and requirements of the sufferer. dementia is most insidious because it it invariably the family which is the last echelon to recognise the malaise.
  15. Sorry I did not add to your reply on the Rossendale blog but post this to a reply by the owners of Rossendales just a little higher. I have a blog which is slanted deliberately, as is this blog, towards getting my voice heard. With the Bailiff Industry they, and you and your partner in your reply here, have clearly indicated a subtlety in manipulation of fact. I.E. never represent true facts and always blame the rogue individual. You could be working for that other oxymoron Military Intelligence. Had your industry the slightest intention of abiding by common law or even statute law of assault, you would accept Wendy Seaman's (contribution below) offer of a front to front exchange. There is the perfect opportunity and I have written to Lord Bach and Lord Lucas offering my attendance at the House of Lords for your intended "Love-Inn". The fact is that you have perfectly innocent victims of your own industry terrified by your illegal approach to a delicate subject. My complaint to the IPCC was echoed in the recent report on the Police and that body's inability or lack of authority to give reasonable satisfaction to injured parties makes this future and most other future exercises futile. Laws already exist to have you and all your fellow conspirators charged under existing legislation of employers liability, for police to be prosecuted for malfeasance in public office, and the whole damn lot to be charge with fraud and extortion on the innocent victims and here I do not include the mentally sick or the physically disabled.
  16. clunks reply reminded me of the hate male that the Lancashire Telegraph received from what turned out to be bailiffs. It has taken over two years to get the IPCC http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/8445415.Police_face_probe_over_Accrington_pensioner_death_complaints/ to admit there was no investigation into Andy Millers death and the ramification are, like the Hillsborough families, just exasperating an injustice. As the employer of these people are councils, I took the formal request for assistance in pursuing justice through the courts to my local councillor and he was filled with angst, started going on about MPs and where his responsibilities lie. I showed him the empty folder from Lancashire MPs and he didn't believe the lack of correspondence, said he would consult the MP and I had to remind him what his duties are. And they are not to a political party that allows public servants to kill sick veterans. One of my former comrades has just become a JP. I am now persona non grata with him and his ilk because they go into public service for the wrong reason. Pip Clothier did an excellent job and his programme had the right balance, giving Rossendales and the bailiff more latitude than they give their victims. It is now the time to get onto MP's and demand they act. The MP for Accrington has a wonderful blog about his work getting bailiffs victims justice. NOT A SINGLE WORD ON ANDY MILLER. Res ipsa loquitor. I was told by his secretary I insulted him. Sticks and stones, but I got my medals through deeds not inaction.
  17. In the case of Andy Miller, a complaint to the IPCC was upheld but nothing happened. The assault against the children was timed out - put whatever legal jargon you want on it - and a coroners decision that he died of natural causes stands. It's like the Hillsborough Coroner saying that the 97 victims committed suicide. To get sound legal advice outside of the capitol seems impossible. The legal profession have turned out to be a hindrance. One has to be very wary because too many lawyers misrepresent themselves and their own capabilities. There is one valid way to stop this legal abuse, sue the bas**rds. Don't complain to their Ruling Body as they will tie you up in legal frippery.
  18. Not only with the Times, but with every newspaper and journalist in the country. Emma Cruces of the Lancashire Telegraph has done an admirable exposition but she too has hit a brick wall with inept politicians. One has to remember that Jack Straw covered his backside by initiating an investigation who then kept all the members of the Miller family away from the investigation who would query the line of questioning. It was the same investigative policy used on major scandals as the Dodgy Dossier and the MP's Expenses which so restricted the scope of those inquiries as to make them meaningless. It does not help when you produce evidence to the MP's directly attached and one replies "it is beyond my scope as I am not a lawyer." If the c**t takes the pay then he has a duty to at least to read the evidence. Afterall, he/she is there to make law so he can formulate an opinion of his own? If not he should be kicked out. My Old Parade Boots would be ideal for the purpose. Just for the record, had not Rossendales offered a public defence at the last moment, you would have had a full account of Andy' death on that programme. Maybe ITV could be convinced now to show it with Jack Straw answerable directly to a well informed brief for the Miller family?
  19. If you want first hand evidence, Google Andy Miller or Accrington pensioner bailiff. Andy had not lived with his family for over a year because, unbeknown to his children or his common law wife, he was in the onset of either dementia or Alzheimers. The fact that he made himself homeless and confided NOT with his brothers or any other members of his family, speaks volumes. That he attended court without representation smacks at something sinister as he would have had support both financial and legal. One of the senior public defence solicitors in the court is a well respected advocate and a former in-law. That no-one knew of Mr Millers situation says everything about his mental state and a lot about the Nolan rules that were so violated and lead to his death on the streets of Accrington. There is always more than illicit operator within the Justice system wish you to learn.
  20. What is the credibility of Philip Evans and Jamie Waller speaking to MPs and councils when JBW was shown on National TV to have relentlessly pursued a brain injured man and clamped his car? Philip Evans was until recently business development manager at JBW. It doesn't tell you in the white paper that Philip Evans used to work for JBW. I have emailed the entire Parliamentary Justice watch team with this information and asked if they could arrange for me, as aclose relative of a victim WHO DIED at the hands of a bailiff, to be present at this dubious Forum. No guesses at what response I will get.
  21. In the case of the dead publican from Accrington, the court had attached an order against Mr Miller's pension and the DWP had refused to comply. That in itself tells a story. he Courts had been informed on the 15 December that Mr Miller was in a coma in Blackburn Royal yet Marstons sent their blood sucker out commission hunting on the 7th January. That is three weeks. There is now in place an Act, Corporate Homicide which clearly states that it is up to a jury to decide. But then, in the usual well drafted piece of legislation dictates that the DPP must be the arbiter as to whether a prosecution goes ahead. With Marstons being so far up the Ministry of Justices arse we can all see where justice for Mr Millers deaf daughter will go. Into another contract between Marstons and every council in England.
  22. 5) In the written contract between the court and marstons, what guidelines/procedures are given as to how the bailiff may introduce him/herself as being from. i.e. Do they have to state they are attending on behalf of the court, or are they entitled to call themselves court bailiffs. A copy of this part of the contract would be welcome. Marston Group is a contractual partner of HMCS as an approved enforcement agent. Court bailiff may imply that they are on the HMCS payroll, they are not. They are however contracted to execute warrants issued by the court. The expectation is that on attendance they will: Show the debtor his/her identity card and; If the warrant is in their possession show it to the debtor, if it is not state where the warrant is held and what arrangements can be made to inspect it if necessary. I copied this question and reply to the North West offices of the Ministry of Justice. I am about to add another question under the FOI. How many people have died or suffered Mental Illness because of aggressive action by CEOs (bailiffs) since the Corporate Homicide Act came into force? Have I worded the question correctly? Thanks
  23. The Daily Mirror has posted a new e-petition on the Government's site in support of our campaign to tackle the problems caused to consumers across the country by legal loan sharking. If 100,000 people sign it, the Government will be forced to take action at last on the growing problem of high-cost credit. You can find the petition here: This is factually incorrect. All Parliament has to do in DEBATE the subject. Just look what has happened with the EU fiasco debate on Monday. The mass of the people want action WAR WAR. We hardly got JAW JAW. As a true conservative I recognise Stella as having a go at a future nightmare for poor and hard trodden people.
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