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Everything posted by Jon1965

  1. Hi guys Looking for more advice and will try to clump all my payday loans into one thread. I have taken back my DMP from a company. I am on ESA basic (67.50) as well as HB and council tax (all sorted out now) I have 5 payday loans and I was paying £1 per month to each I have now written to them all saying that I am back running my plan, sending an I&E and as suggested by NDL asking for a 6 month period of 0 repayments because of my circumstance. Out of the 5 , One is QQ but I have an email from them saying my account is closed so they can go and run One is wanka , have asked them several times in nice multicoloured multifont emails for a statement of account to which I have had no reply . I have also said in those emails that until they provide this I am disputing the claim...so they can go run as well Another is MEM finance, they have refused my offer of 0 and said 15 is the minimum, so I have written back saying "you have accepted £1 from my ex DMC so why are you treating me less favourably (OFT)" and reiterating my 0 offer with an "it would be unfair to pay you and not anyone else Pounds till payday are being collected by Clarity , not had a reply yet WDA have said no, so I have replied reiterating my 0 offer with an "it would be unfair to pay you and not anyone else" Just after any advice I don't give two hoots about my credit rating it's shot anyway. I have looked on the WDA and MEM website and both mention late collection charges but no mention of how many times If they go for a CCJ what would I have to pay? Got 16 other debts as well coming to c.40K
  2. Bloody hell, you got that from QQ? They must be ****ting it about the renewal of the CCL as it ticks just about every box the OFT guidelines give.
  3. I understand what you were saying and I think you took my comment in good part. I do agree with you, but i thought i would give some advice out, after all it is freely available as I haven't used it lol
  4. Hi First off...ASMILE....go wash your mouth out you bad girl Now The Snake....i don't know about speedcredit...but did you pay for same day transfer? What bank details did you put in I do have this horrible feeling you are on your way to the dark side. Please please please try to sort your spending out, you can obviously not afford what you are spending. If you need help , people on here can help or get some help to do a budget
  5. People are too quick to shout for censorship or removal of posts on here. Ok rules are rules, however removing posts because we don't like or suspect the motives is the thin end of the wedge. The references to companies have been removed, isn't that sufficient
  6. Is that a fact? I am sure that I have seen contracts with penalty clauses in which may or may not be illegal I really don't know. If it is a fact , it would be interesting to know what piece of legislation or court judgement would you quote?
  7. A couple of points 1) I haven't seen where Jodieann has said she has an email, as far as I read it, I am the one with the email. 2) It's a great idea to stop the continuous payment authority and of course you are correct that it should be enough. However we know that not all banks have got their house in order so if the bank do let it through and your bank account is emptied, it's all well and good saying you will get it back...but if you have no money and you have to go through hoops to get it back it is of no help. So maybe belt n braces, send letter and cancel your card.
  8. Hi How long were your loan agreements? If they are due to expire in June and July I am guessing that they are within their rights to keep charging you interest. What they can not do is tell you that you must go into a DMP with anyone. OFT guidelines say that they must treat you equally be it a paid for, free or DIY DMP. You worry that it will go on your credit file, well if you are not keeping up contractual payments then my guess is that it will be marked on your file anyway (someone please correct me if I am wrong)
  9. Hi They have done the same to me, make sure you keep the email . I have emailed them back asking for a refund of any money paid to them since the account was closed but to no avail (mind you it is all of £2)
  10. Today while visiting my ex wife provident came a knocking offering loans. This was in a row of assisted living OAP council bungalows, all of which have a notice on the door saying no cold calling. The people who live there are generally older, low income and disabled to some greater or lesser extent. I think it is appalling and probably in breach of OFT guidelines. Anyone got any thoughts?
  11. Oh yes, I have the email, and a back up, and a back up of the back up.
  12. Ok, my advice. Firstly as you have no income at present you can not afford to pay them anything and certainly not £10 per month. Write or email each one of them, giving them your new address, sending out a statement of affairs (income and expenditure) and asking them to freeze interest and charges and suspend payments for 6 months. I would also call National Debt Line who will help you with your income and expenditure form and also explain your options. They are free but will not take on handling your debts. Keep records of all letters, that way if they do take you to court you have a paper trail showing that you have been trying to talk to them and you are being reasonable. Lastly and really only if you can afford it , you could make a token payment of £1 per month to each. If you do get court papers, do not ignore them or they will win by default and it will increase your debt. people on here can help you with a defence. If they win and you do not pay or stick to any arrangement they can take further action, for example baliffs or an attachment of earnings when you are working. All of which will incur extra charges. I hate PDL's as much as anyone but ignoring them won't make them go away. If they phone you just politely refuse to do security and say all corresponance must be in writing. If they txt you, ignore it. I would however keep a log, then you have the option of making a complaint for harrasement. These things will happen...PDL's are bastards who only want to make as much money as posible
  13. Hi mbvash To be honest I REALLY wouldn't go down thepayday loan route. So you can not afford to pay your rent, is that private, housing association or council? If you borrow, you will have to repay an extra £30 or so as well as the £100 you borrowed. Won't that make you short for your rent next month? Then you will borrow £150, month after it will be £200. Look I have been there and done that and got in a right pickle. If it's only for less than 2 weeks, could you talk to your landlord, pay what you can and the extra £100 a week on friday? Payday Loans are really not the way forward even though they can look very appealing. Oh and don't think "I can cope, it won't happen to me" as there are forums all over the internet with people having PDL problems. If you miss your payment they make your life hell and boy do I mean hell. They phone you several times a day, email you, txt you, and thats every day and they keep adding charges. I borrowed £100 from Wonga , missed my payment and before I could blink they had charged me nearly an extra £300. I am taking you at face value, please do not prove me wrong. Unlike some I will give you the benefit of the doubt .
  14. Hi guys I have emailed wonga asking for a statement of account. Had a reply asking me for £10 , told them to sod off and asked again. They have now given me the balance so I asked again. They asked me to call them, I have said again NO to talking, so I have told them that I dispute the charges that I want a statement and reiterated that it is email or letter only. Any suggestions on next step?
  15. I am not sure that laughing at them will have any positive effect. Im my opinion make sure everything is in writing, that way should it come to it you have a paper trail that shows you have tried to negotiate. In addition , if you have copies of your agreements try to keep them, that way if they try to put even more charges on you can blow them out of the water.Wonga have tried to put 300 onto a 100 loan.
  16. In December I sent an email to QQ asking to confirm my balance and also to confirm if my debt had been sold on. I had a reply stating that "In response to your correspondence, our records indicate the account was not sold to a third party and the account is closed" I had however been receiving letters from MacKenzie hall. I have now emailed both saying that as it is closed I will not be making any more payments and please return any payments paid since the date of the letter. I await with interest the reply
  17. If they sell the debt on, is there anyway we can protect ourselves or make them unenforcable?
  18. Hi I am after getting statements of accopunt from all my payday loans (5 of them) so that i can see what interest and charges have been applied. What is the right process for this as I am told that a CCA request is not valid in this instance. Can the PDL's charge me and if so how much, is there any OFT guidance as to how they should deal with it. Ta Jon
  19. Hi guys. Am just about to take mt DMP back "inhouse" and want to get full statements from the payday loan companies. I understand that a CCA request for £1 is enough to get that, is that right?. So it would be details of the loan, interest , charges and payments which I guess would include rollovers. Also i understand that automatic rollovers are against guidelines.....so do I have any comeback on that?
  20. Hi guys Does anyone know of a cheap call recorder for my landline and a free app for my samsung galaxy ace mobile. I have tried a couple of apps but while they record my voice they don't record the incoming voice so no use at all. I know that all correspondance should be by letter but this is just precautionary. Any help would be appreciated Ta Jon
  21. Not sure if this has been said but have you written to them removing any rights for continuous authority and sending a copy to halifax?. That should certainly help for the future
  22. Hi One problem I had with WDA was that they kept resetting the DD. Eventually in one of my many emails I did inform them that they should not set up any more direct debits. To give them heir due, no more have been set up
  23. Hi I tend to agree with sillygirl, if you can manage it do it yourself. They may try and tell you that you have to go to one of the advice centres, payplan, national debtline or cccs but you do not have to. I personally found cash genie to be a nightmare with it crossing backwards and forwards to carter forbes (who are basically the same people). They did come up with an plan but then when i lost my job they refused every offer I made and in the end I had everything ready to send to the CSA (their association not the child support agency) . At this point amazingly they did accept a full and final offer. In summary, stick to your guns, do not offer more than you can afford , pay by standing order and kep records of everything
  24. Interesting thread and nice to see some open debate. I have been shot down quite nastily on some threads/other websites for daring to suggest that CCCS may not be the right place for some people and having the gaul to ask if they are truly independant as they are funded by the credit industry. I have never accused anyone of anything I just believe that you should always be in posession of all the facts before comig to a decision
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