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  1. Helpful in what way. That you harass people illegally for money?
  2. Only if they are caught watching live tv without a licence. Its not illegal to own a tv set. It's just the watching of the actual live programs without a licence they can't do. (people can legally watch the IPLAYER without a licence for example) IQOR are useless anyway. TV licensing themselves are a complete joke.
  3. Who says the bill will go up? If the person does not want to pay anything then you must leave them alone by law if instructed to do so. We both know that the collection companies don't go anywhere near courts because of the cost involved and the person having legal rights. Face facts DSCollector you have no legal powers to obtain money off someone whatsoever.
  4. Could even be you could it? I doubt it as you will simply be told to go away and the police called if you refuse. Besides by law you have to make an appointment anyway and the person is under no obligation to make one with you.
  5. Why would that be then? best interests of 1st Credit at heart perhaps??
  6. Hi. Its not for 1st Credit to dictate what you pay and when. Its your money and you are in charge of it not them. They have no legal right to an i & e off you only a court does. Their threats are worthless and just designed to frighten you. Stay off the phone to them and report them to the authorities if they refuse to leave you alone.
  7. Yes ignore them. They have no legal power to any money off you and certainly no power to add charges. Report them to the authorities if they refuse to leave you alone.
  8. It does make you wonder how many others are struggling to pay water bills in recession hit Britain. When compared to the liked of paying rent,council tax,gas,elec, buying food and clothes, its not classed as a priority and unless they do take you to court its one of those types of debts you can just stick 2 fingers up to effectively as water supply cannot be cut off by law.
  9. Haven't seen my CRA files for ages now. Will have to get up to date in that respect. The threatogram i received off them today was pathetic and just said "despite out previous letters" blah blah blah and "they will pass the account back to united utilities who WILL (they used capital letters for that word lol) take legal action against you. Fine bring it on. A court cant get blood out of a stone and a CCJ is the least of my concerns quite frankly.
  10. Anyone know anything about this bunch? I believe they are the in-house debt company of United Utilities?? They seem to be a very secretive outfit anyway and don't give much away in their threatograms and just say to contact United Utilities or else. Long story short i have a water bill that i have not been able to pay because of financial difficulties. Tried the special fund thing that they have and got rejected. CAB tell me that water bills are not classed as priority debts and you cannot have water supply cut off in the same way that gas and elec can be. I offered UU £1 per month after going through and i and e with them which showed that i had nothing left over after other outgoings and they refused it. If they wanna take me to court then bring it on
  11. With the greatest respect if these greedy clowns sense you are vulnerable they will carry on harassing even more. They thrive off fear and its those who ignore them or tell them to f off a few times that they leave alone. As already said they have no legal power to any money off you. Refuse to answer security questions when they ring and report them to every authority you can think of. Oh and hello 19 guests. Quiet in the Cabot office this morning is it?
  12. Perhaps the OP would like to join in with the discussion?
  13. Its a polite discussion in the thread connected with the world of debt etc nothing wrong with that
  14. Its not possible for things to be "easily" sorted out when DRA's display such levels of greed and do not give a damn about the persons situation. Yes there are many that can repay and don't want to and there's no excuse for that of course. But the vast majority are not like that and simply do not have the money to repay for whatever reason. They then encounter an industry that threats them like dirt and threatens hell-fire if they don't pay up. That's when they end up on sites like this out of desperation and other's give them advice etc Anyway as for the "can pay but wont pay" when people see the bankers and mp's getting away with stealing millions and not being brought to justice for it then its understandable that others will think they can get away with not repaying debts as well.That example starts from the top and trickles down.
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