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  1. Hi all - its been a while. Today I have settled over the phone with Mr Arrandale just waiting on cheque. Will donate once cleared thanks to everyone for all your help its been a long road. Will be glad to get shredding some of this paperwork I have accumulated since June. Cheers guys.
  2. Still not received microfiche - my court date is 3rd April so going to get my bundles ready after xmas. Christine did tell me on the phone a few weeks ago she had requested the microfiche but i have still not heard from her. I am not going to waste any more of my time chasing them. if I get them before the court date I will amend the claim if not I believe I am within my rights to go ahead with the estimated claim I am using, which I am happy with - is this correct?
  3. Got court date through today - Both mine and husbands on April 3rd at 12.00pm - clever judge sorting both cases at the same date and time!!!
  4. Any advice on previous would be a help - no microfiche yet! just want a court date now, happy with my estimated claim..
  5. Still waiting for a court date which seems to be taking forever. Isn't there a letter on here somewhere I can address to the Judge to ask Abbey to disclose their charges or something - may speed things up!
  6. karn sent you a PM but you inbox is full. Jo
  7. started claim back in june and still not received microfiche - claim is estimated. Spk to Christine yesterday and she said as your claim is estimated she has requested the microfiche. Do I have to alter my claim at this late stage if she decides to send the microfiche? When I asked her if she would forward me a copy she said she didnt know what format she would get it in. Does this mean if it is lower than my estimate I will get it if not they wont send it. Surely they cant mess me about now? Any advice appreciated...
  8. Hopefully Jodie it wont get in to the court room as i am just as worried - I personaly am hoping to negotiate a settlement before then, but I have still printed off all the relevent stuff on here just in case. Want to be prepared, I think they are going to have to change their procedures at some point cos I think the courts are getting cheesed off with them wasting time!!
  9. Dont worry Jodie - we are all in the same boat with Shabbey. I am waiting for a court date now and I still dont know what I'm doing (lol). Follow the step by step guide as much as you can and if you get stuck post on your thread - the guys on here are great, and you'll get all the help and advice you need. Jo x
  10. I dont think they understand that if they were wiling to negotiae NOW we would probably accept less than we would at a later date - surely they would want to save themselves some money, think they are gonna need it. Noticed some serious Abbey Ads on t.v
  11. Received paperwork from court this morning, advising case allocated to the small claims court on a date to be fixed by the court blah blah blah. Is this a standard letter from the court? Is it worth me writing to the judge and asking if he can order Abbey to disclose their calculations? If so are there any templates Im sure I have seen a letter on the site but cant remember where!
  12. To anyone out there - since the system changed I dont seem to be able to find the new abbey threads - if I click on new posts I only get a couple for today when I know there are more - what should I be doing ?
  13. So fed up with Abbey - I am about £300 past my overdraft which they happen to be taking back on 1st December. i have tried to negotiate claim to get this paid off but nobody bothers to call me back. I wrote them a letter to say that I would pay back £70 a month as I was no longer working. They refused this. I then wrote again and said I felt they were being difficult because I have started court proceedings against them. They wrote back standard s**t and told me they would investigate my complaint. Had to write a guaranteed cheque last week as really got short of cash they have bounced this and requested my cheque book and cards which I expected at some point. I rang yesterday to find out if they had investigated my complaint. Jenny rang me at 16.10 today and said she was in charge of the investigation, then Craig rang me at 17.15 and told me he was, I told him about the previous call and then he said "oh yes I can see now your complaint was resolved at 16.10 today by Jenny and the outcome is in the post". She must be a very clever lady. Anyway just thought I would have a moan while I am still waiting for a court date - Never had a reply off Christine Cody re negotiating a settlement, so looks like I am in for the long haul..gonna be a grim xmas.
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