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Everything posted by stormski

  1. Hi, I see no mention at all of the OFT guidance in the letter..i do believe there was a leaflet though. Regards, Stormski
  2. Hi, He's going to 'ring you'...don't believe anything he sais... EVERYTHING IN WRITING...after the 'chat' or you WILL be taken for a mug. Regards, Stormski
  3. Hi, re: You can send a Subject access request to the Bank in question along with a £10 cheque and ask for everything including all statements, this is a request they 'must' respond to within 12 days. Surely, CCA is 12 days + postage.. SAR is 40 days? Plus never use a cheque...always a postal order...written with 'FOR $$$ ( whatever it is for ) ONLY on the back. If you also write the account number on the back...they may just use as a payment...so don't put account number on back at all...just the 'JUST FOR' statement. Regards, Stormski PS: I'm just thinking of personal protection wise....i will eat humble pie if i am wrong.
  4. i have no idea what you are trying to say. Regards, Stormski PS: As you can probably tell...Halifax will have their work cut out with me.
  5. Hi, Halifax are utter $at$... I'm awaiting my girlfriends account to be officially 'shutdown'..at no point are they getting a penny for the overdraft and i'm going to make their life as hard as possible. Regards, Stormski
  6. Hi, Just a quick update...on the current account. Default notice was sent with a remedy date of 12/09..for the full £360 odd ( which is effectively a month from the default notice ) Then a letter of termination dated 29th August....Not sure if that sounds right or not. I've looked at the CRA's and it's still showing up green..on the current account... is this normal? Regards, Stormski PS: Still awaiting SAR from both accounts.
  7. Hi, Well at least you know..you'll never be short of toilet paper. Regards, Stormski
  8. Just doing a 'bump' to help him out to get top of list. Regards, Stormski
  9. Haha.. Oh..please tell us who the original creditor is? You need say nothing more. Regards, Stormski Edit: Don't say it's halicrap!
  10. No No NO........ Do not do it..They will just sell the balance on... Anything that is not marked as 'settled' you will be hassled for the remainder....so if this is the case for the others..the same will happen for them. Never trust a DCA it's like trusting a drug dealer. ( although drug dealers probably have better standards ) Regards, Stormski
  11. Hi, Sounds like they need the prove it letter... As they seem to have their crayons all mixed up. Regards, Stormski
  12. hahaha...wookie alert.. No offence to wookies....but DCA's can't write...wookies probably can. You could always ring....( kidding ) Stormski
  13. Hi, Sorry to but in....but my girflriend has PPI charges on her barclaycard from 2003 - 2006...( 2006 was as much a £43.00 in one month ). She was only ever part time then..... Surely this is mis-sold...As soon as she got in trouble..they dropped the PPI like a brick.. Regards, Stormski
  14. Hi, Once a monkey always a monkey? Regards, Stormski
  15. Hi, Apologies for posting..I was just wondering..it hasn't happened to my girlfriend but i don't know a lot about this..so will watch with interest.. Regards, Stormski
  16. Halifax are complete rubbish, They huff and puff stating they are all powerful..sort of forgetting that they knackered the whole country up with the rest of them. I'm doing the Bazooka Boo ( tm ) £5 a month if they agree to this and that...( no charges / interest, etc ) but they're so crap..they've not even responded. If they fail on the first...it gets reduced...by £1 until it gets to the £1 mark...a month. Regards, Stormski
  17. Hi, That's the polite version....sometimes it's 'this is a private line' now F Oscar. The girlfriend is happy as she's not getting any ****...and i can say what i want...if they ring. ( i'm not enjoying it honest ) Regards, Stormski
  18. Hi, I ignored all of those...they are just little puppets on a string...Royal Bank of Scotland ( stomski chokes at the words with a little bit of bile ) are the creditor.. Ignore these muppets..use it as toilet paper. Standard threatogram. You should really post more info on the debt...date you got it..date last payed..or admitted to it in writing etc. I've been through 4 DCA's already..with no letters from me ( my girlfriend ) apart from a few harsh ones to the original creditor. If they ring..i just say..don't want to talk to a monkey...have already sent a message to the organ grinder. Regards, Stormski
  19. Hi, Not knowing a lot about stat demands....can i ask a few questions ( sorry to interpose on this thread ) ( helping girlfriend out with debts ) 1) If i sign for it ( and it's not for me ) does this count as received? Considering i am not the debtor in question? She doesn't answer door / telephone as i am protecting her from the crap i went through years ago. It'd probably kill her as she's vulnerable as it is. 2) Her debts are small ...biggest one is 2.4k ( just found out today with Barclaycard, with PPI and tons of charges ) but apart from that the next biggest is Halifax with just 1,200 ( with tons of charges )... 3) If you are in the midst of claiming PPI / illegal charges...and they do issue one (it has been known i believe ) can that be used as a defence? 4) She's out of work at the moment...offering to pay a minimal amount till things get sorted? Would the Stat Demand still go through. As i said...this hasn't happened as of yet...and she's not denying the debt...just the 'amount' of any of them. Just nice to get a heads up...as i will be dealing with all of this. Regards, Stormski
  20. Hi Hippy, Wonder how many people will fall into that trap..... Regards, Stormski
  21. Hi, Halifax are very very stubborn...Think they own the world.... My girlfriend hasn't even had a reply to her formal complaint and that was sent recorded weeks ago. As for her credit card...It's been through 3 DCA's already ( on behalf of Halifax ) and they've not been graced with a reply so they just pass it to the next muppet along. If any of them phone...I just tell them to get lost and put the phone down. The stupid thing for them is...they cancelled her overdraft when she was in it...so effectively stopped the regular payments to the credit card anyway. Shot themselves in the foot. Now awaiting for the SAR to come back from Halifax with both the current account and credit card. If you haven't done a SAR to halifax may be worth doing one now...They'd have to get data from all 3 accounts for you..for the single fee.. Regards, Stormski
  22. Hi, I'm currently doing the 'trademarked' Bazooka Boo £5 a month by standing order with my original complaint...( for my girlfriend ) on condition no charges or interest. If they fail in that...it will be reduced by £1 for every time they give a crappy reply...till it gets to £1 So far...nothing back... But it's definately worth a chuckle. Regards, Stormski
  23. Hi, If they offer a discount...it should always set the alarm bells ringing...that it may not be enforcable. I think a lot of the usual 'ring now for a reduced settlement' is just to get you on the phone so they can bully you. DCA's will always want the full amount if it is generally enforcable...and not made up of illegal charges / PPI etc. So if you haven't done a SAR or a CCA request...now is the time. Plus if they can't produce the agreement then it's good old 'dispute' time! Regards, Stormski
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