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Everything posted by AussieBloke

  1. Hi champs, Since I've used one of your template letter to request for SAR with Barclays bank including a £10 cheque. They were quick to respond with DHL delivery containing all of my data with this bank. I can see there are 2 PPI flagged on my old Barclays loan - opened one for 5K loan on 03/2004 (PPI: £825.24) then top up to 7k loan in total on 07/2004 (PPI: £1,443.97). Paid out the loan on 23/06/2006 by mortgage refinance. I am trying to find the guide for the next step to make claim for PPI refunded plus interest. I got about 4 different spreadsheets with calculation from CAG site. I think the right one to use is "FosCISheet v101.xls" (COMPOUND INTEREST CALCULATOR - REGULATORY METHOD), right? On this spreadsheet, do I put two PPI fee (as mentioned above) in there - OR - just use the last one £1,443,97 only? The interest rate is 8%? The "Claim from date" which would be the date of load/PPI first started? The "Claim to date" which would be today date or its the date of the load was paid-out / closed? Finally - is there a ready made letter template for me to use to send to Barclays to make PPI claim? Or do I have to use FOS form (I read somewhere it says to use FOS form to make claim to the bank? Where?). You advice and help will be greatly appreciated. Cheers, AB
  2. Hey thanks guys - you are champ. When ims21 said "sent to the registered office of each lender addressed the "Data Controller". So would that be right, say on my bank statement, on the bottom it says: "Barclays Bank Plc, Reg. Office: 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP." ...so that would be the postal address - adding "Data Controller" at the begining, right mate? AussoeB;oke
  3. Hey starchild, Did you managed to find the address to post to? Cos I tried to follow dx100uk's comment but can't find it? Iam looking for address for Barclays, Blackhorse and Northern Rock - to send them with my SAR letters. And I wonder if I can send SAR letter to my mortgage and previous mortgages (currently with Abbey (Standarder) and in the past was with GE, etc. for PPI. Or is it only limited to personal loan and credit card facilities? Let me know and cheers, AussieBloke
  4. Hi natashacat, I have just read your forum and you have been given great advices from these same good people who have helped me and followed their advice. Yours better than mine with regards to time remaining left to be status barred. I have made steps to with complaints to Aussie FOS / ASIC and postponed the county court in the UK. Just simply ignore the greedy idiots by Stevesdrakes / credit corp correspondences - just never reply nor answer them - they have broken rules in different books and they are known to be "one of worse offenders" in Australia by the ASIC. The fact is they - the Aussie bank or credit card companies or whatever have already written off as bad debts but they only just sold to the fool Credit Corp for lower value to minimise their lost and Credit Corp just try their luck in making profit by trying to get money off from you for full value and even they also created their own interest charges monthly which is rubbish. A waste of time and unfortunately there are some people got fooled and ended up paying to them when they don't need to do it. My case is on-going as its complicated and FOS is in process and have hearing in next month. I can't really put too much details at this moment in this public forum since Stevesdrake have been reading and watching these forums. Once it is over and completed - I will make full report and story for all to learn and to take advice. Cheers, AussieBloke
  5. Hi supporters, Just a quick update you guys - I am still here and I have stopping commenting on this forum for the time being until the the hearing. However ever since I have been using lot of private messages via this CAG (very grateful to have these great people in CAG!) because Stevendrakes (hello!) have been watching and reading this forum as they have stated. Catch later and keep it up! AussieBloke
  6. Hi there, I am still here and I will get back to you all guys with latest update of what's happening at my end. In short - I have court case with them - Hearing is in January 2012 *sigh*! Be back to you later.
  7. Hi Andy, OK I have the N244 form and here are my draft in completing the form - are they satisfactory and sufficient? Any comments or suggestion is welcome. ====================== Name of Court ----- Horsham County Court Claim No. ---- XXXXXX Claimants name ---- Credit Corp P/L Defendants name ---- AussieBloke Date XXXXX 1/. My name 2/ Defendant 3/. Order that the Court should not exercise any jurisdiction it may have. Reasons: The claimants demand is for an unsubstantiated unsecured debt incurred in Australia on an Australian bank's credit card for purchases in Australia by the defendant who is an Australian citizen. As a consequence English Law should not apply. The claim should be dealt with under Australian Law where in fact it would be considered a Statute Barred debt. Under the provisions of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission's Act 2001 the unsubstatiated debt would be deemed lapsed. 4/. No 5/. Without a hearing 6/ (leave blank) 7 (leave blank) 8/ Not known 9/ Necessary parties ================== Cool?
  8. Thanks Andy! I understand the impartiality on this forum - wondering if possible for me to ask here - is there list of contacts for recommended lawyers to hire specifically in this area of case please? What's the best way to to find them around London / West London? AussieBloke
  9. Thanks Andy. When it says "(b) be supported by evidence" - am I right that I only just send the acknowledgement of service form now but I do not send with my addition papers for evidence or reason of why until they have received my "acknowledgement of service" paper only in order for them to send me further information and forms where I can complete to give evidence / explanation? Not sure if I am making this clear to you?
  10. Ok guys, This is would I have put together. With regards to responding to County Court - I would say that I wish to contest the courts jurisdiction - a) because of the court's location to where I live b).I have been advised that this case should be defended under Australian Consumer Law per Australian Securities and Investment Commission c). that I have been advised that the case has passed its date of statute of limitations. So therefore I will just complete the "Acknowledgement of service" form and tick the box on no.3 for "I intend to contest jurisdiction" with my contact details, DOB and signature and post it. Is that's all? When will I be able to tell them about that its under Oz law, statute barred, etc? I think after that I will need to find someone who is a lawyer with expert for consumer law etc in case I get flipped at the court. Do you have any recommended lawyers that I should consider to hire? Once again, thanks.
  11. Many thanks for superb and useful information. Excuse me for my naively - I am confused with information given from County Court two different days - when do I have to respond to them by? Is it by 14 days or 28 days?
  12. Cool... Ok so in my defense - can I make a written reply to Horsham County Court or to Stevesdrake instead of going to the court? I have the 'Response pack' given by Horsham County Court. In the response pack I have "Acknowledgement of service", "Admission (specified amount)", "Defence and Counterclaim (specified amount)" and "Note for defendant on replying to the claim form". Or would this be wise that I should get my own solicitor for this? Hmm? AussieBloke in London
  13. Yeah, for 'Particulars of Claim' - here it is - extracted from the 'Horsham County Court' stamped claim form sheet (I've crossed out the figures to hopefully avoid reference etc)... ======================= "Issue date: 22/07/2011 1. The Claimant is Assignee of the Debt from Westpac Banking Corportation ("The Assignor"). The Claim is for the balance of payments due under an Agreement made between the Assignor and the Defendant(s) entered into into out of the jurisdiction and therefore not regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 2. The Agreement provided for;- a) payment each month of stipulated monthly payments b) in default thereof the Claimant may terminate the agreement and recover the full balance due under the Agreement. 3. In breach of said Agreement the Defendant failed to make payment age the Agreement was terminated bu the Assignor. 4. On X November 2010 the balance due and payable by the Defendant was AUS$X,XXX.XX 5. The Defendant has paid AUS$ 0.00 The Claimant therefore claims; 1 AUS$X,XXX.XX 2 Contractual interest accrued to the date hereof : AUS$9XX.XX 3 Further contractual interest at the rate of 1.39% per month (AUS$3.XXper day) from the date hereof until judgment or sooner payment or as the court deems fit. 4 Costs to be assessed. Claimants claim AUS$9,XXX.XX *WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the rate current in London for the purchase of AUS$ at close of business on 19July2011 was 1.51 to the £1 sterling and at this rate the amount due under the claim to date amounts to £5XXX.XX. Statement of Truth Blah blah blah with solictor full name and firm name" ======================= Hmm...? AussieBloke in London
  14. So, I was originally from Melbourne, Victoria - I have tried to search on Internet - its detailed. Is it 6 years for Victoria state?
  15. Ok, so for my case site this solicitors seem to be desperate to get money off from me by making claim to County Court might be that I am almost 6 years? Surely the solicitors would know about "statute barred" otherwise they wouldn't waste time making claim to County Court. I need to check carefully - to count 6 years is that from the last payment I have made or the last correspondences/communications I have made to Credit Corp / Westpac? And if it is actually "statute barred" then how do I respond to this County Court claim document I received? Do I tell them that I reject because it is "statute barred" or do I respond to solicitor at Stevensdrakes? Hmmm? AussieBloke
  16. Hi friends, I have been following these forums on this site which was very reassuring to know there are others having the same issue and useful advice. For several months I have been receiving threatening letters - once to my work and several times to my home by Stevensdrakes solicitors acting on behalf of Credit Corp Pty Ltd for my Westpac credit card few years ago in which I believe Westpac has written off as bad debts but the fools Credit Corp continue to chase me starting from last year (I left Australia in 2003 and Westpac has given up around 2005 - the Credit Corp start chasing me around 2008 and went silent until again in 2009, silent and back again more frequent in 2010. They even sent a statutory demand under the section of the insolvency act with court of justic strand in London etc). The last letter from Stevendrakes in March 2011 in which I ignored it. Yesterday I received a surprising mail with postage stamp on A4 envelope from Horsham County Court dated last Friday. It has a claim form which says "Claimant - Credit Corps Services Pty Limited...address in Sydney, Australia, blah blah" with 'Defendant' in my full name and home address. The 'brief details of claim' which states 'Monies due under an account assigned to the Claimant and in a foreign currency' with value over £5,900 blah blah. On the back of the claim form it has more details 'Particulars of Claim' and it goes on saying claimant is assignee of the debt from Westpac Banking Corporation. The claim is for the balance of payments due under an agreement made between the assignor and the defendant entered into out of the jurisdiction and therefore not regulated by the consumer credit Act 1974. Then go on at the end the claimant therefore claims AU$8k+ with further contractual interest at the rate os 1.39% per month... blah... and signed off by the solicitor - Graham Philip Penn of Stevensdrakes. I understand from one of forum discussion that it should not be possible because in order to get money from outside of Australia would need to go Australia High Court first to demand money from a person in other country. And that the Westpac I believe already have written off as bad debts and sold it off to Credit Corp just to minimise their loss. Now Credit Corp and Stevensdrakes are trying everything even being dirty to try to get money off from me. Can somebody please help and advise me what do I do with this Horsham County Court claim form and those response pack included? What should I do? Should I respond? Have sample letter or suggestion? Should I find a lawyer / solicitor to help me to end this sh*t? I think it said somewhere on Horsham County Court paper that I must respond within 28 days from the date of claim form send. Please let me know to end this misery, many thanks. AussieBloke living in London
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