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Everything posted by jordankehoe

  1. Virgin is a big company, and a big brand. they will be willing to bend over backwards to protect that brand. i had a situation when i took out my phone contract, t-mobile did a credit search and although they asked if there was £3 in the account they tried to take out more, which incurred bank charges. t-mobile not only paid off the initial fine but also talked with my bank for me to prevent them charging me the following month. Virgin already admitted fault so will probably be willing to fix everything for you. otherwise ask this second company to provide proof that you're in contract with them or have given them permission i.e. a contract/agreement with your signature or a recorded phone call, when they fail to provide this i'm sure they'll cave pretty quickly.
  2. My first court of call would be the C.A.B., they'll make you an appointment with a debt expert so you can have a chat with them and get everything explained in laymans terms. They can even help you set up your own debt management plan (an informal arrangement to try and stop interest and charges & pay back a small amount you can afford monthly/weekly etc.) They also offer a service (as a short term solution) where you pay each of your creditors £1 a month to stop them sending you letters or charging you any extra. i wish i could tell you more but you haven't given us much info. just take that drawer full of letters from debt collectors you've probably got somewhere and they'll look into it for you and advise you on your options. oh and they don't charge you anything:whoo:
  3. sounds like a poorly trained dog, it probably pulls on the lead as well (big dog, lots of power + little old lady = oap being dragged along pavement) might be why she's so objected to keeping it on the leash longer than it has to be. I have 3 dogs that are never on their lead but they are always under control even when other dogs or people approach they will carry on walking at my side looking at me. the woman just needs to do one or two obedience classes and she wouldn't have this problem
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