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  1. Hi For those who have received the letter, did you ring up? What was the outcome? I am thinking of sending a letter to them instead of phoning?! Thanks
  2. Hi What if they don't reply witting 56 days? Is it time to complain to financial ombudsman? Is there a template letter?
  3. Does anyone know that if a Statutory Demand on a £3.6k debt that is owned by Lowell has been issued and I offer a full and final offer, What will happen to the Statutory Demand? Will I still need to goto court? And do you think Lowell will accept £1k? Or what would they accept? Would they hold out for the full amount? Thanks
  4. What does this mean? Does it mean the debt is written off or that the SD has been set aside? If it has been set aside, then what? And do the costs come off the total bill or do they need to pay you in full directly?
  5. Thanks, doesn't help me now tho. But if it has down that I am female on the CCA and I am in fact male, would this make a difference?
  6. How would I know if the CCA is compliant? I got one sent over a year and a half ago, and there wasn't much to it. I am more concerned over this Statutory Demand, should I not be ringing Lowell and offering a repayment?
  7. I don't know. It was a Vanquis Bank Credit Card from 2007
  8. No, there is still about 3 years off from being Statute Barred
  9. So wait...I am waiting for a reply from the original creditor, the debt collection company who bought my debt has my account on hold while I wait for that reply and the debt collection company who owns the debt is STILL chasing money? How is that legal?!? its a £3.6k debt, will Lowell accept £1k as a full and final offer?
  10. I got the CCA, the only thing that was incorrect was my gender. SAR has been issues and finally received, and I am waiting on a reply from my Charges claim with the original creditor. Which is why my account has been placed on hold with Lowell. I am thinking of ringing Lowell tomorrow and asking them why they are continuing to issue me with a Statutory demand when my account with them is on hold. Should I?
  11. Can they issue you with a Statutory Demand when your account with Debt Collecting agency who owns the debt is on hold???
  12. That's what I am waitin on. I have got a SAR and sent a letter claiming the charges. Lowell have placed my account on hold on the 20th December, but then I got home to find this through the door
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