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  1. Chuckle.. ahuh. that is usually the reaction i get but i love my animals....i put a little away each week wk just incase of vet bills...jst incase and i,m having mae to order a kitty pen/enclosure for the garden. sick of neighbours blaming my 5 adult cats who go of crapping in their gardens! the estate i live on has a lot of cats!! not just mine... sighs.... the rest of the cats are house cats yet....i wish they all were...
  2. What a great idea.... I had my first cat 15 yrs ago. she was a stray and we caled her Minnie... Minnie lived with us for 12 happy yrs until she succumbed to cancerous tumor on her mouth.. we had her cremated and buried her ashes in our garden with a plaque to rem her by.. then my mate wanted to get rid of one of her cats as she left them outside in all weathers. we rescued the cat and called her * willow* * wills* is white with grey markings.... she went to have one litter of 5 kittens. one died, my mate had one and we kept 3 of them... Salem ( all black n slinky hence her nickname Slinkus Malinkus) Seymour, Toffee are white with black markings... then we found Oscar one day on way home from school with my daughter... he wasnt chipped, malnourished n underfed. we had him nuetered n chipped and hes now a healthy soft kitty..... then we were told by my mate of 2 half siamese boys ( brothers) whose friends prize winning show siamese cat got out and got pregnant with a bog standard moggy. so we took in the boys and named then Homer & Monty ( hubby is a simpsons fan!) then we took in a chocloate brown cat around 10 weeks old whose mum n her were feral. we named her Robyn...Robyn has had one litter of 4 kittens and we have kept three of them. we have named them Scampi, Furbie, ( shes the only longhaired one,) & Sookie the chocolate one like her mummy.... i also have 29 bunnies! 11 are 3/5 weeks old rest are 3 yrs old... i have a huge back garden. i also have a petri ghecko, 4 african land snails my son has had for over 12yrs 7 various unusual tropical fish.. oh yeah and 2 guinea pigs and a husband and 2 children!!!
  3. Hi there and thank you for the warm welcome. I have all my cats microchipped and spayed as they get old enough.. i have one going in tuesday coming then her kittens who will be 19 weeks old will be going ni as the male kitten is starting to get a bit amorous with his sisters!! i also have 29 bunnies!!! i have a huge back garden.... but i only have 2 children... i think ive over compensated...lol...
  4. I have 11 cats and 5 of them have been rescued over the last 2 yrs. i buy Ultima salmon & rice dry food as well as Purina one as i have fussy cats and find that is the best i can give them. they also have wet food twice a day also. i try to buy them Wilkinsons own wet food as they love the fish in jelly and when thats not in stock Whiskers fish in jelly... they also get fed chicken fillets and raost beef on sundays too.... infact they have a chicken between themselves sunday afternoons.... wilkinsons is the best orices for ultima & Purina foods and i find the whiskers is good and usually on offer...
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