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Everything posted by dadtaxi

  1. I agree-so you would think .However what prompted me to ask this question was the recolection of this article http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1204944/Driver-gets-60-fine-moving-yard-red-light-let-police-van-999-pass.html So a comment sense approch has no bearing on this action. So my question still remains, is there legislation that allows you to move into the bus lane i.e. overides the law that says you must not use the bus lane?
  2. [then pulling into a bus lane safely is a "valid exemption." That's my question in that I cannot find a actual 'valid exception' under the legislation , Any pointers?
  3. But it says to 'take appropriate action to let it pass, while complying with all traffic signs'. Are not bus lanes indicated by traffic signs? I know this is probably a bit on the OCD scale but Im interested in what actually allows a driver into the bus lane (ie ignore bus lane signage) in this situation. p.s. still cannot new-line
  4. On-going from the 'cant pull over the stop line at traffic lights' controversy I notice this article http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2658289/Van-driver-pulls-let-police-bikes-pass-hit-512-fine-driving-bus-lane.html has anyone any legal advice on pulling into the bus lane? The only advice I can find on the .guv website is the highway code rule 141:- "Bus lanes. These are shown by road markings and signs that indicate which (if any) other vehicles are permitted to use the bus lane. Unless otherwise indicated, you should not drive in a bus lane during its period of operation. You may enter a bus lane to stop, to load or unload where this is not prohibited." So any idea of the legislation covering this? edit...no idea how to newline let alone paragraph.. sorry
  5. If you are after more ammo, this is not an automatic win but not supplying a code on your first appeal is a no-no along with your failure of 'notice to keeper' of popla.This shows a second procedural error, (a pattern emerges). I cant find the link just yet but parking prankster should have some more information on this as it is a common tactic not to issue codes (or issue incorrect ones) and then hope you are out of time for the popla process note the 'you must' . Grounds for a procedural error i think BPA Ltd Code of Practice 22.12 If you reject a challenge you must: • tell the motorist how to make an appeal to POPLA. This includes providing a template ‘notice of appeal’ form, or a link to the appropriate website for lodging an appeal and the 10-digit verification code. Even if the verification code is automatically printed on an enclosed appeal form, it must still be in the dated rejection notice/letter. • give the motorist a reasonable amount of time to pay the charge before restarting the collection process. We recommend that you allow at least 35 days from the date you received the challenge
  6. Oh i fogot, also a copy of their full terms and conditions with your signature when you signed in ( or if on-line, those terms and conditions as well). Also a copy of the hotels procedures they follow under these conditions
  7. "As I'm full time at university I am poor. I cannot afford to give anyone £700. Today I had to pay my accommodation rent which has left me with pennies to spare." Sounds like a bit of a panic One word ---Dont The 'crs people' have no legal power whatsoever. Firstly, do not talk to them. Ever. They are not your friends. They do not care that you didn't do it. They may pretend to listen and be sympathetic but they have one job and one job only, to intimidate you into paying up. That is all. They will not pass any complaint or explanation or outrage back to the Hotel. So your only response to them would be to state( in writing) that this is in dispute with the hotel and that their interest in this matter should be passed back to the hotel Also state that that you formally withdraw any contact with yourselves including phone and texts and any contact should be in writing only ( do not accept emails). So that being said your beef is with Travel lodge only and it is to them you should focus. So-- write/email to the hotel in question and Head Office making the following points 1) You dispute and deny any claim 2) You require any and all evidence that they will rely on including :-all photographic ( with time stamps) and all witness statements including cleaning staff, also their cleaning logs and inspection reports, managerial actions and involvement, any cleaning/repair bills/invoices for the damage claimed and a statment of room occupancy reports for your room in the period before and after your stay but also to include overall Hotel occupancy to include the dates for the period that in claimed losses in 'not being able to let the room' If you also want to up the ante ask for their formal complaints procedure with a view to asking why this was a)passed to a third party without contacting yourselves primaraly to resolve and b)an explanation why this does not constitute a failing in their actions under Data Protection Act So essentially, Make it their problem to prove it, not your job to dis-prove it
  8. "You could always get her to submit a fresh complaint, stating the room they gave her was terrible, as by their own admission it had £400 worth of damage!" A year and a half later and I now demand £bo$$ocks from you for damage to my screen from spitting out my coffee ! (well done sir)
  9. Only for £80 which is nothing compared to some on this forum, but just wanted to share my personal *win* with knowledge and foresight provided by this site For some time i had a Citi/Opus credit card and kept it in a manageable level. At around May 2012 I left my family home at the start of a very bitter divorce proceedings. The details are unimportant other than at the same time to this I thought I had paid off the Credit Card completely and even destroyed it. Unfortunately due to the bitter divorce, letters that Opus had been sending me were not passed on (destroyed?) by my wife. My first hint of a problem was that I received a letter from Lowell informing me that I now owned them over £80. I immediately asked them for details , not a formal Prove it letter as I wanted to seem a bit naive . This resulted in a copy of statements from Opus going back to about October 2012. The problem was that every statement consisted only of late payments and interest adding up to about £50 of the £80 demanded. Not a single mention of the original debt There then followed many rounds of politely asking for statements going back to the original debt, with a response of either 'pay us' letters, copies of the part statements or even the original agreement at one point ( even though I hadn't even asked for it) This came to a head when they managed to find my telephone number and called. They made the mistake of saying that if I wanted the original debt statement that it would be my responsibility to to submit a SAR to Opus and 'its not their problem' I then sent them a heavy hitting letter, pointing out their statuary responsibilities, their onus of proof, revoking any contact by telephone etc and refusing to respond any further unless they provided either original debt proof, or started court action. They caved immediately and i received a No Further Action in the post today And that original debt? I still don't have the faintest clue what it was for. But extrapolating back it must have been for less than £5 Thats a 1600% overcharge fail for Opus/Lowell in the bag
  10. you say 'addressed to the occupier/landlord'. So its easy, pass it onto the Landlord. Its his property, its the previous tennants lease,- not yours. Let him/they deal with it. Get over thinking that they have any authority over you whatsoever. Anything you do other than throwing the letter in the bin ( including renegadeimp's suggestion ) is due the the kindness and genorisity of your heart, not some duty or obligation on your part Not. Your. Problem.
  11. Hmmm -- what happened to the 'smell of smoke' and the 'deep clean' then? Smells of something , mabye not smoke though?
  12. 'corporate negligence' and ' duty of care' and 'Trading Standards' are good buzzwords to use, especialy after their first pathetic responce. If their further responce doesnt satisfy ' Energy Supply Ombudsman' is the next stage, but be aware of time constraints.
  13. Probably not a plant but mabye havinastella was a bit short. What he meant to sat that these 'invoices' are printed in BOLD RED SCARY print designed exactly to scare and intemidate you to pay up. Ignore them and they will go away. However if you are nervious enough and rich enough to just want to make them go away then by all means pay up. However I assume yiu came to this site for advice and all the prevailing advice is to IGNORE. there, was that big and scary enough?
  14. 1st credit is not who you should be dealing with. You should be contacting Barclycard first thing tomorrow and asking for the fraud department and opening a formal complaint with all the info that you have . Also personaly i would be contacting the police and also asking them to investigate. Others on this site with more experience will then be be able to help you with a 'account in dispute'' letter to1st Credit to get them of your back Frankly I dont know why you didnt do this in March when you first realiced someone had used your name to open an account .
  15. Sounds like you've 'get nowhere' and time to request that they ' carry out their own investigation' Good luck
  16. Love this , New member to CAG initaly nervously asks whether its a waste of time to bother fighting, and within a few posts is taking control, sorting his own letters out and just keeping CAG up to date with whats going on. Just what this site is all about
  17. If you dont think you are doing anything wrong then you probably arn't. Give them a call and be upfront about it. You can tell them that due to these circumstances the 'proof' they are asking for doesnt mean anything and talk through as to what would be acceptable ( especialy with your corrospondence at your sisters). Bering worried just 'because' isnt gonna resolve this with them.
  18. Re-reading your posts i realiced that the six figure sum meant that death duties would have had to be paid, and they take a dim view of any tax evasion that may seem ( on the face of it) to have occured. Ask for an appoinitment at your local office,- tell them that as far as probate goes you're a numpty who needs an explination in words of one sylobile and you hopefully get a symethetic person who will talk you through it, and mabye have a glance over it to see if theres anything in what you are saying. (I did that when my father died and I could'nt have got a nicer, kinder person) Good Luck
  19. First port of call would be your local probate office.(google) Probate will have been registered and granted from there ( or will point you at the right office). Stating your position to them ( ie investigating probate irregularities - fraud is possably too strong a word at this point) any differences to what they have attested to in the probate and any evidence you have will certanly make them sit up and take notice. However certainly getting the actual probate details which they have registered ( and legaly attested too) will be your first step.
  20. Totaly agree with the above. I know its worying and intemidating to be receiving these types of letters but thats exactly why they are designed and worded as such. If it makes you feel any better Just be aware that any responce will immediatly mean that you are transfered to the pile of paperwork labeled 'Ohh now we've got their Attention, time to write even more intimidating and threatening and scary letters'I.E. No responce = over sooner.
  21. Try this link http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?840-Stop-your-bank-or-lender-breaching-their-instalment-agreement or look at CAG Magazine ( top left Green Link ) and look for article ' Stop your bank or lender breaching their instalment agreement'. See if you think this matches what has hapened to you, its a good starting point
  22. With all due deference to grahamengineering I had almost the same circumstances but I lived in a flat but rented a Garrage from an nearby set of flats. Because i kept my car in a garage and declared it as such the insurance was lower. Addmitidly this was picked up when I initialy applied for insurance but this was fully accepted off the back of a copy of the rental agrement. As to why they are only writing now? dunno but you gonna have to find out the problem at some stage
  23. The problem is that you have 'registered' your parking location with the Insurance company but are 'living' (corrospondance) at another location. If you think about it there is a lot of insurance abuse that can occur with that happening ( ie live in the middle of a high crime area in london but insure your car in a sleepy village in kent, insurance rates can differ between the two as you have already indicated ) . This may well be just an auto letter generated on the back of the address diference without any real person looking at the actual circumstances ( reading between the lines you are within walking distance?) Not a reason to panic or get upset yet, explain your circumstances , even show evidence of ownership of the flat ( if you think that will help) and get back to this site as necessary
  24. They can 'sell' a debt to a third party or keep the debt but assign an agent for administration, but any arraignments/agreement in place must be transferred. Can you provide more detail?
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