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fight for rights

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Everything posted by fight for rights

  1. The only thing which is silly is in fact the F.O.S love to know how many paid holidays the staff at the F.O.S have had paid for by the Banks that should be the question
  2. asked them to explain here what been said and by whom. Thank you for your message regarding e-petitions. Moderation decisions are taken in individual Government departments, so I am not aware of the specific details of your case, however I understand that the Financial Ombudsman Service is independent of Government, meaning that we are not able to accept e-petitions seeking to alter or abolish it. Yours sincerely Ben Sneddon Assistant Private Secretary Office of the Leader of the House of Commons
  3. here we go again no petition here what they say. Your e-petition "Financial Ombudsman Service and the F.S.A" hasn't been accepted. E-petitions cannot be used to request action on issues that are outside the responsibility of the government. This includes: party political material commercial endorsements including the promotion of any product, service or publication issues that are dealt with by devolved bodies, eg The Scottish Parliament correspondence on personal issues
  4. THANK YOU ALL for your support now we must fight to get justice here is you e petition and taking into consideration every thing you and other have said on this site along with the emails which we have received at falcon_entertainmentsuk@yahoo.co.uk. our pertition is now ongoing and up and running so get your family and friends to sign today ALSO GET ON FACE BOOK AND TWITTER tell them change is on the way with there help Financial Ombudsman Service and the F.S.A Her Majesty's Treasury The F.O.S along with the F.S.A.Must be disbanded and replaced.by an organisation which will be made up of honest working class PEOPLE who know what it is like to work for what they have got. This new organisation must be paid for by us the tax payer by our appointed government. The replacement organisation must have the full backing of the law to protect the everyday person in the street and what they have worked for, The new organisation must also put the public first before the Banks and others
  5. you have been a god send i dont know how to thank you or for that matter how to thank you enough. i already looking at the sheriffs office and yes i have some bank accounts of his already along with his mate who a solicitor were in three month some two lots of 27000 went in to his personal account from him. i know were is cars and motorbike are along with some hidden things which i don't know what at his father address is a big barn were one car is thanks again i let you know if and when some thing gos right the bank is now after my home which is my friends house in my name
  6. steampowered my thanks for your help the debts on the property is total 90 to Bank 10 to kensington the propertys value is 250. and i can show he used some of the money on his fathers and the rest on his own with the same back in fact i know he as assets but always in others names he just got a new car top Audi estate with his own plate on MJS. that car is in fact in his girlfriends name as his her own new car deb. it like his father house when at court it was made clear why the Subrogation because he had done the same before to other and that was the one way i would recover some of the debt to remove the mortgage to him. what got to be ask is why take court action in the first place. again my most sincere thanks to you for your help
  7. Yes I had my own and i helped to build my friend home which was put into my name in 06 by X -My Own Number 16. had to be sold to pay GE Money which he had put on it and that paid in full - Number 4. There is a Bank of Scotland mortgage for 80,000 and a secured loan of 20,000 in favour of Kensington. Because of X I alone am the registered owner of my friend house. - Beechwood. is or was the broker's property. There is or was a mortgage in favour of Bank of Scotland. yes I have a High Court order subrogating to the position of Bank of Scotland. - Olcote. This property is in the name of the broker's father. However you believe that it is held for the broker and that the broker has been paying the mortgage as the police statements from doth show. What did you mean in your first post when you said Bank of Scotland will take court action? What court action against who Beechwood as they had given him £675.000 when in fact the place was sold for £285.000? He was at one time under the FSA under is birth name but they had him removed i can tell you that much with a new wife in a new home at Dunholme lincoln
  8. any questions you got just let me know and i get back right away. and you gather right we was defrauded by a mortgage broker B+M is the Bank of Scotland T/A Birmingham Midshires who i had our mortgage subrogated to the right of over one of the brokers properties I had one of my own that was number 16 that had to be sold to pay one of the mortgage with GE money. The other is in my name only because of the Broker doing the paperwork that number 4, which needed the !0.000 in fact it belongs to a family friend.on this is B+M for £80.000 and a Kensington loan for £20.000 The Beechwood and Olcote properties Beechwood was his own and because of the police statements we now know that Olcote is in his father name but is in fact his and he been paying the mortgage on this with others money for over 17 years now and that a fact in his father statement also. It was in front of a high court judge siting at the County Court in Cambridge. it was taken to Cambridge County Court by my then solicitors from Peterborough and it was them that keep the case going for so long trying to get X in front of the court Was there more than one set of legal proceedings only the first then a update just before the update was the money I should add that it has come to light that in 2004 he had 285.000 from a widow
  9. That about right and the only thing which will help is your not the only one but that nice to know but dos you no good
  10. That a start will get it up and running this next week. By the way i know how you feel given it was over three years with my own just to be told that which i was told from the start. I won a high court case and can tell you that under the MCOP 1.5.1 I should have won the case with the FOS In my court case i had subrogated the mortgage to the rights of the bank Now it down to the bank again they saying it not on us but the order dos say subrogated to the rights look at subrogated for the full fact of the case under fight for rights
  11. I understand but that OK up till now it taken every thing I got so i only wish i had a few hundred pounds, thanks any way and i do agree with you as for insurance i was told by him that it was there but it was not
  12. the F.O.S will continue till every one stands together they do with out a shadow of a doubt stand by the banks and other. and the way they keep holding a case on my own for well over three years proves this fact. then in there findings they contradicted the high court findings which we had to fight. The only reason any one can make from this is the fact they did not want to upset the banks and others now the banks and Kensington mortgages in particular use just part of there findings in any court case they bring yet it say that one dos not have to agree and then its not bindings on the parties and as such surly it become non applicable or you would think so would you not. i started a partition but the problem is getting other to stand by what they say only five signed. I would start a e partition which would need 100000 signatures to get any were but would need more support from every one that is the only way we will get any were we must stand together and get others to do the same.
  13. Thank you all Citizen B my Thanks Lea-HTH I would agree and would do if i had any money left i been fighting for over six years now tryed legal aid with out any luck i would love to get in touch with a chancery barrister like the judge said this case dos need to go there to the Chancery but then we come back to money yet again so were to turn. Will not just give up got to make sure every one can fight for their rights which we know is right thanks again
  14. I feel that you should have all the facts as it is so important. in 2004 a mortgage was taken out by Mr X a mortgage broker and financial adviser from Louth in Lincolnshire. this was with the bank of Scotland t/a Birmingham and Midshire for us. at the time (not known then) he was not registered to do this work or give advise and had no insurances to do the work. Then in 2005 i need £10.000 to complete a new build again he did the work but had taken out £60.000 £50.000 of which was placed into his own account from my own. this was with the GE money and unbeknown to me it was on my other property. in 2006 he come to my home because he owed money from a investment and we was told that he had placed into our account £20.000 asking for 15 of it back as it was two much which was given. in 2007 i started to get letters from a firm called Kensington it turn out that the money was in fact from them or a firm who they had taken over from. I started court action after the police would not do any thing although it turned out they was some other six people who he had also done the same to. After almost six years fighting in the court he refused to turn up on the last date having had already his own defense turn down by the court as unbelievable at which time he was denied a defense by the court. I got to show to the high court at Cambridge that in fact all the mortgage was done by fraud this encluded the one with B+M as he had put me down as a H.G.V driver( which is good as i had never hold a licence yet alone earn £50.000 per year) the order is as follows 1.Juddgment is entered in favour of the Claimant against the Defendant in relation to the first claim of the sum of £75016.56 together with intererest.this sum shall be paid in full by friday 28th September 2012 2/ It is declared that the Claimant is entitled to be subrogated to the rights of bank of Scotland under its legal mortgages on beechwood and or olcote louth lincolnshire. 3/ Juddgment is entered in favour of the Claimant against the Defendant in relation to the first claim of the sum of £44723.72 together with intererest. this sum shall be paid in full by friday 28th September 2012 Todate no money and can not enforced as everything been put into other names. also Kensington just had possession of my home as they was not party to the case(the Judge said this is a matter which should be heard at the Chancery which i must take out a court case against Kensington but how. And now B+M are saying the same and will take court action and not remove there charge and that it so i do need your help Thanks
  15. yes i had a Mr X from dunholme who was at the time in Louth he had taken out mortgages in my name i won three high court orders number two was that the mortgage on my own property with the bank of Scotland should be subrogated to the rights of the bank over one of Mr X's as Mr X had used money which he had taken from us to pay his own mortgage with the bank
  16. dos any one know about subrogated mortgages and if the banks have to comply with a high court order made against a adviser in lincolnshire. were a mortgage had to be subrogated to the rights of the bank on a mortgage
  17. get the paperwork into court right away for set aside go to see CAB at oncejudge in clambers should never have come about with out them being there.
  18. at last why not tell every one to go to face book and put forward your name on the Kensington urgent petition to get the fos and fsa to do some thing about this ***** firm
  19. this is the right place only been on a short time but had lots of help what is needed is for every one to write at the same time to there MP
  20. when will our MP and other take note we must stand together and get some thing done to all of you thanks for your help and keep up the replys and any one know how we can get together to make them take note
  21. thanks mate got the home still but had to pay them over 12000 in 7 days what we should do is get ever one together kensington and other like them should not get away with it only by standing together can we do any thing, thanks again
  22. They are just a wast of time the best example is kensington mortgages who we have been to court with today in three yeasr there charges totaled £12.460 they had already just over £21.000 and we have to pay for the next four years £250.00 per month and yet both the FSA and the FOS are willing to do nothing on a loan of 20.000 the loan was taken out fraudulantly and still i hold to be responsible when i was on incapacity benfits to remember you want your head examining if you thinking about useing and more over trusting the F.O.S in any way
  23. A WORD OF WARNING TO ALL after three years sending the F.O.S proof that we have had three mortgages taken out in our names by a financial advisor from louth lincolnshire and now in a new home at dunholme lincoln, they have cost me over £70.000 and left me owing three mortgages in return the F.O.S along with there so called independant complaint officer as apolagised and as awarded me £300 compensation, and why so that they could get away from as many cases as possible and not upset the banks and others like kensington NEVER NEVER NEVER TAKE YOUR CASE TO THE F.O.S YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
  24. love to know more as they have just got a eviction notice on me for march 27th the origonal loan was for £20.000 they have had 18 but why waiting for the useless F.O.S who admitted they had made mistakes in all three of my own case one costing me over £70.000 on a loan taken out by some other person useing my name and address to which they have now offered my £300 compensation they also was looking at kensington and in just over three years why waiting kensington loan as gone up to over £21.000 example in three month over £600 charges
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