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  1. Its been a week since I posted this and already over 200 views. Obviously there are more of you out there that have suffered, or have attended or witnessed their severely deceptive marketing practises and seminars. I am lodging a class action with the Police and Consumer Direct to try and bring this company down. I have given them numerous chances to refund me, but they have not been coorporative. I have now arrived at the conclusion that this company profits through the chargeback and buyer protection scheme offered by card companies. They KNOW that if they hold onto the money long enough and ignore people's contacts until their chargeback is sorted, they will keep their initial money and VISA and Mastercard are left to pay victims out of their own pockets. IF YOU ARE A VICTIM OR HAVE ATTENDED A SEMINAR IN THE UK PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH ME.
  2. The company in mention is Tigrent Learning ltd, a company supposedly running high quality property investment courses. They claim to be part of Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad empire, a US based adult financial education company founded by the successful entrepreneur himself. The Rich Dad brand is heavily incorporated into all of Tigrent Learning's adverts and study materials, and the degree of usage of Kiyosaki's font, colour scheme, name and images is sufficient to mislead a layperson to believe Tigrent is a UK subsidiary of Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Education. I fell victim to this and paid 997 GBP in March to attend their 3-day seminar. However on further research the two companies were found to be completely separate and unrelated bodies. In addition, I came across a long history of court injunctions, formal complaints and stories of people who lost tens of thousands of pounds. They also appeared to adopt very predatory sales tactics by bullying attendees to buy top-up courses. So I decided to seek a refund of my 997 GBP. Unfortunately I was refused by them and my bank, Natwest. Natwest also refused as I hadn't attended the seminar, it was still possible that I attend in the future, so nondelivery of goods was not established. I was also outsite their 7-day 'cooling period' cancellation window so could not cancel the contract. I explained to them the goods are not as described because they are not in fact Robert Kiyosaki's own property investment course and I had been a victim of misrepresentation, but it was no use. I gave up, and decided to attend the cheaper Women In Wealth course and try to reclaim 500 GBP at least. However, Tigrent is now TOTALLY AVOIDING MY COMMUNICATIONS. I CAN'T BOOK FOR SOMETHING I PAID FOR NOR SOMETHING THAT IS OF LESS VALUE THAN WHAT I PAID! I've explained this to Natwest again, but they were again sceptical and told me they will only ATTEMPT to reclaim the money. What does that even mean?!? I've tried everything - the Police, Consumer Direct, the bank, even Evening Standard asking them to refuse all future advert enquiries by them and perhaps run a story on it. But no one seems to care, and I just feel angry, alone and stupid for letting this happen. If anyone has any advice on how I could proceed from here, or anyone has a success story relating to a claim back from this company please share!
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