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  1. A reply.... I guess thats that then. I will be sending a reply back and asking if we can the Technical Support number will we also be refunded the cost for the call. But other than that Im at a loss really. Thank you for your email. I would like to apologise for the delay. It is not our intention to make our customers wait on a reply as we know how important it is to answer queries as soon as possible. Normally, we can get back in touch with you within 24 hours and I am sorry that I have not done so on this occasion. I'm sorry to hear that your Elderly Mother's Technika Freeview Box has developed a fault. television and I can understand how frustrating this must be for you and the inconvenience caused to your Mother. I appreciate that you had purchased the product from us in good faith and would like to have the service that you expect to receive from such a well known retailer when a product becomes faulty. I appreciate your Mothers Circumstances and the trouble that is involved having to call us or to return to store with the faulty product so i can sympathise with you however, for us to ensure that we provide the best possible service all electrical faults must be reported to our Technical Support Line as long as your have the original proof of purchase. We try very hard to ensure that the products we sell are of the highest possible quality. However we do appreciate that there may be occasions, especially with electrical products, when it will not perform to the expected standard. In order to resolve these types of problems, we have a dedicated Technical Support Team who can provide over the phone support and can arrange repairs, refunds or replacements as necessary. Thank you for taking the time to get in touch and I hope I've been able to help. Also, I'd just like to take this opportunity to let you know that I value your custom and wouldn't want to lose you. So, I really hope that you'll give us another chance. Customer satisfaction is very important to me. So I would be very grateful if you could let me know if you’re unhappy with any part of my email. Please don't hesitate to contact me again by replying to this email if there is anything I’ve missed Thank you once again for taking the time to let us know about this. I hope everything you buy from us in the future is of the high standard you rightly deserve and expect. If there is anything else that i can do to help in the meantime, please reply to this email at your earliest convenience. If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us at bla bla email quoting ############## Kind Regards ############# '############## Customer Service Manager Tesco Customer Servic
  2. Cheers rebel11 Will be emailing it today - do you know if they are legaly required to reply?
  3. This one any better To Whom it may concern, On the 00/00/00 my elderly mother in law purchased a ####### Digital Free view box from your store on BlueBore Road Norwich. Two months later, the device developed a fault and stopped working - With considerable effort my wheelchair bound mother in law traveled back to the store to have the item replaced and was told that its not Tescos policy to replace items that are faulty - She was given the number to call and the problem would be sorted via phone. I have three problems with this: 1: Under the sales of goods act it is the responsibility of the retailer (where purchased) to fix the problem, not the manufacturer, and not my Mother in Law, and certainly not something that should be dealt with over the phone. 2: Under the sales of good act any returns of faulty items to be repaired or exchanged should be done so with no further cost to the customer. By having an 0845 number to call this is a obviously a contradiction to that rule. 3: My mother in law is 81, wheelchair bound, and hard of hearing, its typically a four hour process for her to get ready, travel to the store and return home again. And then when she finally arrives she is told that there is nothing Tescos can do in-store (even though by law they should) it incredibly frustrating for her and for me. And I am disappointed that Tescos policy would allow this to happen. It is not desirable for my Mother in Law to return to the Tescos in question again, and it is not desirable for her to call a 0845 call number to fix a problem that it is not her reasonability to fix. It is your responsibility as the retailer that she purchased the item from to correct the problem. In this case though, It would be greatly appreciated is a full refund could be issued to my Mother in Law. Since this problem has developed I personally have purchased her another Digital Free view box as this is here only means of watching TV, obviously as someone who is mostly house bound this is important to her quality of life. I look forward to hear from you. Regards. mmmmmmmmmm
  4. How does this sound (never writen a complaint letter before!).. BTW, not totaly sure how I should end it?! To Whome it may concern... On the 00/00/00 my elderly mother in law purchased a ####### Digital Free view box from your store on BlueBore Road Norwich. Two months later, the device has stopped working - With considerable effort my wheechar bound mother in law traveled back to the store to have the item replaced and was told that its not Tescos policy to replace items that are damanged - She was given the manufacturers number to call and the problem would be sorted via phone. I have three problems with this: 1: Under the sales of goods act it is the responsibility of the retailer (where purchased) to fix the problem, not the manufacturer, and not my Mother in Laws. 2: Under the sales of good act any returns of damaged items to be repaird or exchanged should be done so with no further cost to that of the customer. By having an 0845 number to call this is a obviously a contradiction to that rule. 3: My mother in law is 81, wheelchair bound, and hard of hearing, its typicaly a four hour process for her to get ready, travel to the store and return home again. And then when she finaly arrives she is told that there is nothing Tescos can do instore (even though by law they should) it incredibly frustrating for her and for me. And I am disappointed that Tescos policy would alowe this to happen.
  5. Cheers for the advice.... Unfortunately I think Im screewed. On the receipt and in the manual is says: "tesco guarantee all it's electrical products for 1 year. If you need help or if your product develops a fault please call the TESCOS ELECTRICAL HELPLINE on 0845 456 6767" So it on the receipt, and it's in the manual...so I guess I have no choice but to do what they ask? On another note....she bought the product 2 1/2 months back, not 5.
  6. Hi there, 5 months back my elderly mother in law bought a digital freeview box for £17 (i think its tescos own brand), just recently it stopped working (it looks like it the remote thats at failt). So she (at considrable effort, as she is wheelchair bound) took the item back only to be told that they in shop could do nothing, she was given the call number and she was to call that - Presumably she would call this number, they would run though some checks and give here a reference number or an address to send the item too. Now heres the problem - The call number is an 0845 number which costs money, it my understanding that there should be no additional costs on returning a damadged item, am i correct? And also...is it correct to assume that by buying an item in shop, its that shops responsability to check what the problem is not my 80+ year old mother in law? I plan on going back to the shop tonight to argue her case, but I really would like to get my facts straight first! cheers for any advice!
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