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Everything posted by GRAHAMOL

  1. Hi Tim I now know that Sealy are part of the Silentnight group, if I knew that would never have bought the £1000 bed set, you are right in what you document, the small independants are the ones to buy off, the likes are Benson promise the earth but fail to deliver, from what I have told a local hotel Seally will now be loosing a contract to replace the beds there. The interesting part about my case is that I took a close up of the mattress for the photo they wanted and from that as per their ex salesman they work out the size of the room and make an assumption if the room is small you can not erverse and roate the mattress, when it goes to court they will see how big the room is, I could not belive they would not send anyone around from the store a mile away to view the matress them selves.
  2. I have a pending court case being set up against Benson Beds and there arrogant customer serviice regime. In short we bought a Sealy Mattress a year ago, it has bulged at the sides , they asked for a photo , this was sent and within seconds a standard reply was sent that they could do nothing as we had not rotated the mattress and that I must sped a lot of time sitting on the bed playing with a X box or same, DUH!! . We have evidence that we have rotated the matress, and whats an x box ? . We got the Furniture ombudsman to view the product who agreed that it is indeed faulty, he also pointed out the base supplied by Bensons Beds of Shrewsbury was too small, and two other faults, they or Sealy refuse to visit so with a TV programme we will be going to court and on TV, however this is a warning to all , do not go near Bensons We have been put in touch with a former Benson for Beds employee who has agreed to blow the whistle on this company, he will describe why you will never get a product replaced by Benson beds, you will be astonished like we all were.
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