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  1. Hi Again, I tried posting at post 2 the crap they sent me in reply to their own card. I have written to them giving them 14 days to send the rest of the SAR info or i put in a complaint for each one they don`t complete. I am kinda lucky, they have admitted 1 of the 4 is unenforcable, then tried all sorts of games trying to get me to agree to pay. I have had enough of their lies and will not pay any that they cannot enforce. As I said in an earlier post, I was happy to pay if they were honest with me and stopped the lies and games. As I am learning, there isn`t really a lot to be frightened off once you see through it all. TY
  2. Hi Seriously, I am fast coming to the view that if they had an original agreement they would send it asap. The fact that they are deliberately messing me about with 3 accounts leads me to believe that have none of them. Well 2 of them, 1 they did send an application form with very little on it. Just checked that page about card numbers and it does refer to a wrong account number on it, several times.
  3. Next one. Barclaycard have replied again to one of my SARs, card is dated from 2001. but they have sent no statements for it again or a copy of the original agreement. one sheet has a different account number referred to on it. Who do I send my complaint to regarding this non compliance? I want to go down the complaint route first. TY
  4. Thanks for that info Seriously. I`m not too clear on whether that actually was introduced or just proposed then dropped. Can anyone tell me if it is included in the law now? ie, that a credit card company(In Scotland) must produce an original agreement when they decide to go to court? Thank You
  5. Hi Again CitizenB, Got 5 letters done requesting that the SARs be completed within the 14 days or I start making complaints. One of them I will be making a complaint about for the appearance of a new account no and copy statements that have never been sent to me. The 3 Barclay ones I had already written to them asking for the missing information. Thanks again for the advice.
  6. Hi CitizenB, I have read that thread a few times now, brilliant result. As I say, I have not had one completed SAR out of 8 that I have sent, most are incomplete in some way or another and one, CITI have totallly blanked me regarding it. The company they sold the account too have amazingly sent me an incomplete SAR (along with extra statements from the date that CITI stopped sending them and for the time they have had the account. Once CITI stopped sending statements in May 2010 I have never received another one from anyone but Opus have somehow produced statements from CITI, Oct, Nov 2010 then Statements from Opus Jan 2011 to Nov 2011 This is now in the hands of Cabot since May 2011 and it appears that they are adding interest or something to the account. (Yet Opus sent statements till the end of 2011 with no added extras) I have resent letters to some of them and again only got some of the information, Barclaycard even told me that I would need to pay £3 a statement, I have still to reply to that comedian. Not one has managed to produce a copy of an original CCA, 4 out of the 7 have sent application forms which do not have all the required information on them. I will send to them all giving the 14 days and then continue on with a complaint about each. Many thanks for the help.
  7. I am thinking of requesting the missing information from the SARs and also making a complaint regarding them being incomplete. Someone gave me a link to a thread where this had been done, I was going to follow the trail there in regard to the SARs. These bandits should realise that being honest with clients would be more helpful to them. I was happy making payments until they started messing me about. Now they have awoken a burning fire inside me to let them reap what they sow I will keep you updated as things happen but I`m not holding my breath. it is fast approaching 3 years since this started. Thanks again
  8. "Scottish add - unable to sub litigate csi - edu further calls and letters" I have in one letter pointed out to Experto that they should check why accounts are in dispute before purchasing them. Next time I write to Experto, if I ever do I might point out the dates to them. I have suggested that they send it back to MBNA, they told me that MBNA confirmed that there were no outstanding problems with the accounts. ty
  9. Hello Brigadier2jcs, one is MBNA other is MBNA/Virgin, I stopped paying them June 2009, The CMC I was using then said both were unenforcable. Both accounts have had incomplete SARs sent to me, both were sold to Experto. Things have gone very quiet on all fronts. I did get call from Experto in December saying I hadn`t responded to there last letter, which I never received. They said they would resend it recorded delivery but it hasn`t arrived. Neither has been paid since June 2009 Just a merrygo round of letters and calls. Both have had offers from Experto of 30/35% discounts, I did ask one chap for 95% discount but he declined me. Thanks for the responce
  10. Hello, I have another query regarding MBNA. what does the following actually mean? "Scottish add - unable to sub litigate csi - edu further calls and letters" this is contained in the incompleted SAR that I got back from MBNA Thanks
  11. one wonders if experto will send my stuff back to mbna and sell it anew to this lot lol. I keep getting lost in the maze of financial intrigue
  12. Morning fellow caggers, I stumbled over a thread regarding Credit Card Companies and their agreements in Scotland a week or so ago. I am sure it was about credit card companies needing to have the original CCA in Scotland but cannot for the life of me find it again. I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction. Many thanks
  13. HI Ida, very enlightening thread, many thanks for that link. I have never had a completed SAR from any company, they must get fed up with all the letters I write to them. They just annoy me no end and make me stick at it even more. As I said previously, the CMC that I started out with gave me loads of confidence in dealing with the card companies and all their DCA`s. A lot of them now don`t even try doing the DPA questions with me, just are you the only Mr x at these premises. I take great pleasure in repeating in writing only as requested. Finding CAG was the icing on the cake. I just had another incomplete SAR the other day, I had to go collect it from their branch even though they sent me a letter informing me it would be there, that they couldn`t send it to my address as they didn`t know if it was me. Conveniently forgetting that they sent the letter telling me that to the same address. If they would only wise up and do as they are legally obliged to do, I wouldn`t be so thrawn with them, they just cause me to dig my heels in and use the same law against them. Again many thanks for the thread, it will certainly cause some more letters to be sent to each of the companies that are playing sully games with me. ty
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