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Everything posted by ctoumi

  1. I also have some serious unpaid cashbacks especially if they are over £10 or £20 and it is becoming apparent that they are pocketing the cashback which is deception as far as I am aware. Also the system they have put in place so that you cannot query after a certain date nor that they display your full activity history is an obvious intent to obscure the whole [problem]. Has anyone taken these crooks to court so far as I am intending to claim back was is due to me. And, the worse thing is that they do not have a phone support, instead you go through some sophisticated loop ticketing support which will guide back to the front door. Anyway I have recorded their whole online operation in case they intend to destroy any evidence prior to meeting in court.
  2. Thank you Jogs for the advice. Sorry about the duplicate thread, never done it before.
  3. Thank you G for taking the time to advise - I have reposted in the 'Postal' section in case someone has any new suggestion.
  4. Hi G, No extra insurance was paid. The T&C's cannot include incorrect deliveries (by their drivers) because if a courier company delivered goods to incorrect addresses (which will result automatically in handing them over to incorrect recipients) it wouldn't be a company at all, and these are the grounds on which i intend to sue them, or am I not reasoning logically???.
  5. Hello I would be grateful to receive some advice as to whether I ought to sue FedEx on a lost parcel due to a failure on their part. I had a used computer (with personal data) shipped to a colleague by FedEx who lives in a house with 2 flats (Ground and 1st floor flats). As the FedEx driver reached the door of the property someone was coming out of the house claimed to be the recipient, signed and took the computer away (a theft as established by police investigation). Now that i have claimed for a lost computer/with data delivered to wrong door and handed over to a thief, FedEx tells me that they only reimburse by weight ( £96 for a £900 computer). My question is, if anyone can advice, what are my chances of success in suing FedEx on the grounds of incorrect address delivery and incorrect recipient handing over? Any feedback or advice would be much appreciated.
  6. Thanks Sam, Some people think they know better than others except they have no idea what they are talking about, they feel they own a public forum becuase they ve on it for longer .... So let me tell those couple of ignorant jerks who insulted me that Westminster council has had similar issues in the past ( google this: Rethink on 'confusing' yellow lines that earned £330,000 for council ) and surely Camden council is no better. My last cancelled PCN prior to this one was issued by a Westminster traffic warden in a Camden area... Now when it comes to the way I think about people like those 2 arrogant ignorants above, I can only feel sorry for them, ...To want to know what is ignorance, is already to want to get out of it. And FYI a PhD doesnt make you rich so that you pay confusing parking fines issued by muppets like you 2.
  7. Sounds to me like some very vague legislation...plus always the 'discression' term crops up... so if i resell a product wich is supplied to me from the vendor lets say Sony with 1 years warranty I am still liable for years to come? This sounds illogical...So tomorrow ill buy a nice expensive laptop from PC World for eg and after a couple of years Ill ask for a free repair or replacement or refund? Would love to do that as I have plenty of broken goods less than 6 years old lol
  8. Many thanks you for your suggestion, just found it a little strange that they should start fining motorists when they hadnt in the past.
  9. ... I have more important things to do in my life rather than studying the highway code such as completing a PhD for example if you know what that means ... ignorant b****
  10. I guess I am getting someone's frustration of not being able to suggest anything constructive apart from insults. I may not know my parking rights, but Ive never been sued for 11 years in business, but at least I have a life, and being polite to others is one of them...useless P****
  11. Any 'new' product sold in the EU comes with an automatic 1 year manufacturer's warranty. Anything else is at the discretion of manufaturers or resellers.
  12. The parking bays are for Permit Holders, the single yellow line is for the rest, as far as I am aware. The parking was on a Saturday and unrestricted.
  13. hmm i parked partially on the raised table - I have always parked there every Saturdays in the last 3 years and so does everybody without any issues - I was under the impression that a dropped footway was lowered rather than raised? This is very confusing knowing a speed ramp, a raised table and a dropped footway...probablya deliberate trap for generating additional income to local councils
  14. Hi CD, I manage an IT company and we do get various cases such as yours. First of all, since you are buying a 'NEW' product it automatically comes with a compulsory 1 year manufacturer's warranty. Secondly, the warranty is provided by the Manufacturer NOT by the reseller. Thirdly, if your camera is still under warranty (and it is as far as I can read), you need to contact the manufacturer and demand a repair which they are obliged to provide for free, provided the damage was not caused by you such as physical dropping, liquid damage etc. Finally, sueing the reseller (Amazon) for a repair, relacement or similar will not succeed unless Amazon is the manufacturer, eg. if you had bought a Kindle you could sue Amazon as they are the Manufacturer and reseller at the same time, but NOT in the case of a camera as i take it it is probably a Canon or similar. So always remember to keep your invoices as they will be required by the manufacturers to establish the warranty period dates. I hope that helps but dont hesitate to ask if still in doubt.
  15. Hello I am just wondering if anyone knows the difference between a Dropped Footway and a speed ramp as shown on attched photo (172 North Gower Street, London WC1 - sorry not allowed to insert a link by the site). The reason is that I Camden Bourough has just issued me with a PCN on the grounds that my vehicle was parked on a 'Dropped footway' while i can see that it is a wide speed ramp. Many thanks for your replies or suggestions.
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