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Everything posted by karlito78

  1. Actually that wasn't my post but it looks like we basically agree so i'll leave it there.
  2. REad up on it. Turns out I was right. Perhaps you should read up on it?
  3. Im not getting anyone confused with anyone. The debt collectors can come to the house but they have absolutely no right whatsoever to enter the property or to enforce payment.
  4. Bit late but I hope you canceled your card and didn't give them another penny. It's disgusting that they can do this to people. Also, as they took the money without permission it's possible you could get the money back as what they've done is wrong. They can't send doorstep collectors without taking you to court first as it is an unsecured loan. They are unlikely to take you to court for the rest of the mony you owe as they would not want the judge knowing they've already taken money without authorisation £500 and they have consistently misrepresented their powers.
  5. They cannot send debt collectors to your house without a court order. If they threaten you with this then they are misrepresenting their powers, keep a record of this should it go to court as the courts are unlikely to look kindly on this behavior. Without a court order anyone they send round has as much right to enter your house as I do. Simply send them away adn tell them if they don't leave you'll call the police and have them arrested for trespass.
  6. That isn't technically 'enforcement' though is it? It's making a claim. A claim which would fail. The word 'Enforcement' has been deployed to create a false image.. i.e one of bailiffs etc, rather than undertaking a course of action that would be highly likely to fail.
  7. Solicitors have no more power to 'enforce' the debt than Postman PAt. It's a meaningless threat tbh. They can only enforce the debt once you have been taken to court. Which they won't do. Ignore them.
  8. Do absolutely nothing. You could phone and/or write to them informing them that you have no intention of paying. Either way that letter is just a bullying tactic and you shouldn't be scared by it. They rely on enough people being scared by the threat to make it worthwhile i/e the poor folk who don't know about this lovely forum. They're greedy selfish money grabbing parasites who thrive on misery. You've given them enough already so i wouldn't even give them the dignity of a response.
  9. They don't accept reduced payment, well they didn't when I offered. However, that doesn't really matter as they can't do anything until they take you to court, and i can basically guarantee that they won't do that. They'll try to bully like they tried to bully me but just hold tight and call their bluff. If it DOES go to court the court (even if it allows them to charge you £800) won;t compel you to pay more than you can afford anyway. Absolutely no reason to do anything other than wait for them to be sensible.
  10. Not sure minicredit are a real company. Tried getting their goons at Bryan Carter onto me, I just asked for proof of the debt and the CCA. They tried to bully me but i stood firm and they then sent me a letter saying they are no longer dealing with my account. Back with minicredit now, unsurprisingly they've chosen not to take things further.
  11. What will probably happen is that they will pass it on to Fredrickson International. Don't worry this doesn't mean anything and they can be ignored as well. They'll add daft charges too, just to forewarn you. They know as well as minicredit do that there's no way they'll be able to enforce what they're after so just wait for them to be sensible. If they don't then you don't have to pay anything! If they do take you to court then DEFINITELY don't ignore that as a no show will be seen as a win for them and you'll have to pay. Just tell the judge what happened and he/she should find in your favour. As i said before it's unlikely to get that far but Fredrickson's know that if the send 250 or so of these, then a number of those won't reply and they'll get an easy victory which then grants them 'bailiff power'.
  12. Haha they're pestering me now. I Don't understand how these two companies can be allowed to operate for so long. Just going to chilll out and wait for the Court Summons.... though something tells me that that will never come.
  13. Oh goody, i'm on to the Fredrickson International stage. These people are equally odious tbh. It's quite fun to phone them up and get them squirming when you point out all the ways they've acted illegally, though. Being threatened with court action, although I think we both know that it won't get that far and what the result would be if it did. Let them keep threatening. I'll just enjoy the sunshine.
  14. Tbh, i'd just wait for them to take you to court. They've been 'threatening' me with this action for about 6 months now. I've kept a record of my emails where i make a fair and reasonable offer but it was rejeted outright. They will absolutely not take you to court, especially to demand £1,000 for a £160 loan as it would be laughed out of court. Just wait for them to be sensible. If they refuse to do this then there is nothing more you can do. Also as there are based in Estonia it will be difficult for them to take legal action against anyone anyway, i don't think they've taken anyone to court as of yet. They just rely on making sure enough people being bullied by their letters, texts, emails and phone calls.
  15. Yeah, just to echo what's already been said. Doorstep collectors have literally no rights whatsoever so don't be bullied by the letter. Also it's illegal, as also been stated. I think these phoney letters instead of real action indicate they know they are on shaky ground. Sit back, enjoy the sunshine and wait for them to be sensible.
  16. Have they actually taken her to court? OR have they just issued a fake court summons? If it was genuine then im sure you would have heard something by now. I know it's easier said than done but try not to stress, they won't get the money they're asking for and aren't entitled to so the ball is in their court. Just chill and let them decide to be sensible in their own good time.
  17. Because the authorities will see they are abusing the terms of their license by making absurd claims. It isn't guaranteed that this would happen but what they're asking for makes them no better than a loan shark.
  18. Just been told by Metrolink in Manchester that i have two outstanding fines from 2000 and 2002 to pay. Now, i think i've paid them anyway but surely they can't be enforceable after all this time? Can anyone tell me if there is some statute of limitation which renders these fines unenforceable? They're only asking for £40 but it's the principle.
  19. I'm having a similar problem with this company. However, I'm confident that if they were to take me to court they wold lose and that such an outrageous claim (£600, possibly more now, for a £100 loan. Expecially as i only got £80 anyway due to sneaky charges) would basically prohibit them from having their credit license renewed. Been threatened with the mythical doorstep collector, yet to receive a comical court summons though.
  20. Hi, there is absolutely no way they'll take you to court as they know it'll be thrown out.
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