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  1. You people are so vile and sarcastic! A very, very ugly attribute to have. Like bullies in a playground situation!!!!
  2. It does state "In respect of Council Tax the Walking Possession Agreement must be signed by the persons named on the liability order".
  3. Tell your friend no to worry, it's highly unlikely his boss will sue, it would cost him too much money!!! He's a wind bag. He cannot inform your friends new employer because he would be contravening his Human Rights. Very similar to giving a 'bad reference' with adverse information. Not very wise thing to do!
  4. It depends on the wording in contract of employment for bank holidays. If your contract says you get 20 days holiday and 8 days bank holiday, you won't get paid because it clearly defines bank holidays as 8 days not 9. If your contract says you get 20 days holiday plus bank holidays, then this quite clearly covers the 29th April for paid leave.
  5. Hi I have recently had dealings with a Bailiff regarding siezure of goods as due to unemployment we defaulted on a 'payment plan' made in November 2010 with the Bailiff. We received letters from the company informing us that we had defaulted and that the case was now in the hands of the 'Enforcement Officer'. I telephoned them and asked what that mean't. They said they couldn't discuss anything with me because it was with the Enforcement Officer and I would need to ring him. I asked for the number of the Enforcement Officer and they said they couldn't give it to me because there wasn't one assigned to the case. About a week later we visited the CAB, who duly telephoned the Bailiffs office and surprise, surprise, they did give her the name of the Enforcement Officer. She telephoned him on our behalf and proposed a payment offer over two months. Of which he refused. The CAB lady told us to contact the Council explain what the payment offer was (a very good offer) and ask them to instruct the Bailiff to accept the offer. The lady in the call centre at the Council office was adament that the Council did not have the power to do this. I told her on several occasions that they did. After much frustration, shouting and requesting to be put through to someone in recoveries in a senior position, I was told that 1 was on annual leave and the other was in a meeting. I came off the phone extremely upset and decided to phone the MP for our County. She wasn't in but her assistant was extremely helpful. I explained how we had come to default on the payment plan and that since Jan 2011 I have been very ill and undergoing tests, the result of which I am now on lifelong medication. She was appalled by the Councils actions and asked me to leave it with her. She copied me in on an email she sent to the Chief Executive of the Council asking him to contact the Bailiffs and instruct them to accept my offer. The next day, the bailiffs rang me to say that they would accept my offer. A couple of days later I received a letter from them detailing all the costs they had applied to the account. There was £600 of costs applied. I requested a copy of the Walking Possession Agreement which I had never before seen. It listed items which the Bailiff had levied for seizure but I noted that it hadn't been signed by either myself or my husband as we had never actually had physical contact with the Bailiff. Yesterday I sent the Bailiffs a letter, copied the MP and the Chief Executive of the council, instructing the Bailiff to remove the unlawful charges made. In respect of Council Tax the Walking Possession Order must be signed by the persons named on the liability order. Without the signature the agreement is unenforceable. It is also worth noting that, they cannot enforce a Walking Possession Agreement which is over 180 days old. If you don't sign the Walking Possession they cannot enforce it. They would continue to visit your premises of which you would constantly have to be on your guard and keep windows and doors locked to stop entry. They would eventually return the paperwork to the council to persue through an attachment of earnings. It is extremely stressful though. They can charge for two visits per year £24.50 for the 1st and £18.00 for the second. They can only charge for attendence/van if the Walking Possession Agreement is signed and defaulted.
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