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  1. Hi dx100 not really possible to scan the statements as they are totally illegible in their current form it is possible to decipher a odd number here or there but 99% of all the pages is just a blur
  2. Today I have finally received documentation from MKDP these include a witness statement dated 15/07/13 a response to my cca request dated 17/06/13 which appears to be a rehashed agreement outlying terms and conditions there is a further 20 pages of totally illegible print I think they maybe statements. A default notice from mercers dated 02/10/11 a notice of assignment dated 28/06/12 and a further four template letters regards to notice of intended legal action, and letter before action. It also appears that £1600.00 has been added to the balance( if i am reading the last page of the statement correctly) to take it to the amount MKDP are claiming. Could anyone give me any advice on what to do next or how to respond to this paperwork many thanks
  3. Attended court today although I still have not received any paperwork from MKDP, the solicitor who attended on behalf of MKDP told me prior to the hearing that he couldn't believe I hadn't received it as he had received a copy although by his own admission it was totally illegible, basically he called me a liar. Went in front of the judge who spent five minutes telling the solicitor that all the paperwork was incorrect and that the claim needed to be started again (the judge had only received his copies of the paperwork mid morning, I noticed the solicitor didn't dispute his statement). The judge then ruled that MKDP had seven days to serve me with the correct and complete documentation. I think, though I may be mistaken that the judgement has been set aside, can anybody give me any advice on how to proceed from this point many thanks
  4. I have a court date set for the 24 July at my local court yet I still have had no correspondence of any kind from MKDP, what should I do if I receive nothing before the hearing date. Both cheques I sent were cashed on the 6th of June.
  5. Hi there dx100uk thankyou for the link. Do I remove the first sentence used in the template as I have had no correspondence from this company at all ? Many thanks John
  6. Today received notification from the court that the claim has been transferred to my local court to deal with my application for set aside at a later date. Still had no response at all from MKDP regarding my CCA request or my SAR request, not really sure how I should proceed regarding this company. I am tempted to do nothing and see if they send me any of the paperwork as I cant see them being able to proceed without furnishing me with all the facts.
  7. Just an update have not had any response from MKDP at all regarding requests I sent them at the end of last week nor have I heard from the court regarding my application to set aside. Will ring the court Monday morning to find out how my application is progressing.
  8. Hi no I just left it blank as I assumed the letter that accompanied it provided quite clear instructions as what is was for
  9. Hello just to keep you updated phoned the court and explained the situation to them. The guy I spoke to was very helpful and couldn't understand why they had passed judgement. I still have to make the application to set aside but he didnt think there would be any issues there at all. He was also surprised that they used my one pound postal order as a payment towards the debt instead of supplying me with a cca as requested. I inquired as to whether or not I should contact MKDP and inform them that I was submitting an application to set aside and he told me there was no need. So application sent off also a further cca request sent to MKDP and also a sar request sent at the same time in separate envelopes. When I hear anything further I will post on here. Many thanks for all the advice given up to this stage.
  10. I didnt print off a receipt at the time however when I checked today it states on my case notes that I submitted my defence on the 14 March 2013. Am I correct in assuming that the creditor in this case is now MKDP and no longer Barclaycard thankyou for the links
  11. Hi thanks for the quick response to my post, I thought I may have posted in the wrong place. No I have only received the two items of correspondence firstly the claim form and then today the judgement.
  12. In March 2013 I received a claim form from Northampton County Court regarding a barclaycard account which was overdue and had been passed onto a company called MKDP LLP. This was the first time I had heard about this company and the balance was for £9247.00. I filed my defence using mcol stating that I did not owe all this money and sent a recorded delivery letter requesting a cca to MKDP LLP with a one pound postal order. I have heard nothing at all either from the court or MKDP until today when I received a judgement for claimant from the court. It says that I have not replied to the claim form and therefore I must pay the claimant the sum of £9247 plus £190 costs less the sum of one pound which I have already paid. Although there is a balance outstanding on the account I am sure it is somewhere round the 5000 mark and the last payment was made in July 2011. Can anybody advise me on how to proceed or is it a case of biting the bullet and contacting the above company to try to come to some arrangement any help would be greatly appreciated.
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