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Everything posted by Lady_Emma

  1. Thanks for the help guys - I send the SAR on Saturday FAO of the Data Protection Office or equivlant so should make it to the right person. I has been send recorded delivery and will arrive by 1pm today and I will be counting down the 40 days! "The way repayments are collected via PAYE – with employers passing on contributions to HMRC and HMRC passing them to us at the end of the tax year – means statements are only accurate to the end of April of the previous tax year," the spokeswoman said. That quote above makes my issue even worse - the year I overpaid was 2009/2010 so since I have my P60 from that then the SLC will then have had my contributions from that year already passed on to them yet they are denying that they have! This non-sense with them has been going on with them for the last year almost! I never recieved a statement from that year either. If I have issues with getting my SAR dealt with is the best option getting a lawyer involved? Also is there a goverment body that I can complain to?
  2. thanks Scott - I will give this a try. It seems ridiculous that I have to prove it to them - I do have the amount but just no in their request format. I even got asked to fax in a copy of all my payslips and P60.... which I told them I didnt want to do as thats private information and I wasnt happy faxing that kind of information, I was bascially told that was the only way or to send them in the post ?! Sorry for rant its just I have been getting pushed from pillar to post by them
  3. Hi Everyone – I have over paid my post 1998 Scottish Student Loan (took out in 2003 and paid off in 2009/2010 year) and I am struggling to get my money back. I haven’t had an actual statement to tell me that I have paid off my loan and only received a vague letter about them “thinking” I might have over paid! I have now been told they know how much I have over paid but I have to PROVE it to them before I will receive payment as its over a grand?!? I have a copy of most of my pay slips from the tax year where the loan was paid then over paid however I am missing some (I now file all pay slips with care!) but I do have my P60 from each year and also I have a official letter from my company stating my payments to SLC during the tax year in question – they wont accept this as proof as the statement from my company is not a month by month breakdown! I am hoping that someone can advise me on where I stand legally – Surely I have some right to request a statement of the exact balance I over paid as up until then I received a yearly statement? I am considering getting legal advice but is here something I can do using the freedom of information act? There is no way they cannot have a record of my payments?! I would really appreciate any advice on this mater, Thanks in advance, Emma
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