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Everything posted by mikeymack2002

  1. A similar incident was shown on can't pay, They located the car at a pub they didn't clamp it there. They in this case an HCEO waited for the debtor to return to their home with it before going for it...
  2. I have just got home from a 3 hour meeting with the Chief Constable (CC) of Essex and the Police and Crimes Commissioner (PCC) and boy did I let them have it. I gave a moving and precise breakdown of issues where I live. When I had finished the room was silent then a huge round of applause. I was moved to tears. Why because I spoke from the heart and spoke my best ever. I was spoken to just after this as the meeting came to an abrupt end and then so many people including the two speakers (The CC/Commissioner came to me and shook my hand. Why this happened to me I have no idea all I want for my community is to live in peace from gangs drug users/sellers drunks and much more. I have never ever spoken in public like this before. But time will tell what I said will make a difference. There will be a video released shortly and I will copy paste this to add the link for history purposes. I am also going to have a personal visit from the beat Inspector next week including a second visitor from the Council in regards to what I have said. I just wanted to share my great experience tonight...
  3. The easiest solution is to tell them where you live. This solves your dad's problem instantly. That's your decision alone but solves dad's issue. (This is in response to the above) Wait! You do not have to engage with the EA/HCEO at your new address either. Goods are at risk if left outside. Secondly you can ask if the order has been correctly transfered to the High Court. Quite often this has been done incorrectly. Third get a mail box for your mail. The only problem with that is regarding the DVLA and the v5. You have also been advised the get dad to swear an SD get this done asap. You can also still continue with the DRO
  4. Being given 36 cans of bud beer for free from supermarkets. Wow what a night. This was because Metro ran a promo for it in their paper. These were the larges cans as well OMG!!!
  5. Some Councils like York have a fund to assist with this type of debt, Thanet may have the same! It's worth the call to find out. Here is a link and a quote to help Link >> http://www.adviceyork.org.uk/latest.html Quote: 'Extra Help with Council Tax Posted by: Advice York at 11:36, June 13 2016. City of York Council are promoting the ‘discretionary council tax reduction’. This scheme is part of York’s Financial Assistance Scheme (YFAS) which provides help for residents who are having financial difficulty. Extra help with council tax can be applied for as well as council tax support. People can apply if they have a low income or debts, are out of work, have health issues that mean their income has fallen or are generally experiencing financial hardship.' This is in response to the OP quote, if Admin wish to start a thread for this OP then please add this response to it as well Thx MM
  6. This is incorrect the £1 statutory fee is for processing your CCA request and not for a credit to your account, this needs correcting IMHO... By adding this as a credit your account they hope to restart the SB clock so be wary....
  7. As one human has said an open mind is great mind! (No idea who said it though) my thought of the day! One for the road >> “In fact, the more each person can remove his or her ego from the discussion and focus on the subject matter, the more fruitful the conversation will be for all involved.”
  8. What everyone has forgotten or doesn't accept is that a liability order has NO time limit in which to recover, so adding £310 in fees is just plain difficult for the debtor. This puts them in an impossible position of owing debts every year instead of being able to clear them. Using this method of recovery will/may allow the debtor to keep up to date with the current years bill... AoE's and AoB's are a great solution IMHO either way the debt gets paid at an affordable level. Nearly everyone works or claims benefits. Finally as with any debt you can make a F&F to the creditor as I have posted about many threads and years ago.... The average benefit is nominal and by taking the huge amount of £310 will leave them destitute, poverty stricken and using food banks to survive! The benefits regime is going to change significantly between now and 2020 it will be harder for those in this debt trap...... Then you have Universal credit being run out across the country causing even more debts.... (No money for up to 7 weeks too boot)! This is my last and only response on this matter!
  9. SF I know I am very lucky and we are fighting to keep me in my home and she fights a great battle. Also her demeanour in Court is awesome...
  10. Finally I have never payed a debt I have always PAID a debt, if someone writing this article cannot even get the basics correct what chance is there to even give credence to their article!!! Also some businesses operate a sale or return, then goods will be at a different address and this allows the EA to go get them, putting yet another business out of well business, this is commonly known as asset tracing... This is my only response to this thread
  11. Further to my posting and unknown to me I have literally just now taken delivery of a lovely very newish mobility scooter. I had no idea where it came from till someone special to me gave me a call. For this you will need to read post #35 here >> http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?454549-Carers-I-feel-many-are-worried-and-stressed.-Under-pressure.&p=4919882#post4919882 I have been left amazed and very very grateful so this now takes care of this issue. I have decided to clear rapidly the remaining debts so that I can have a good standard of living and buy decent food instead of reduced items. I am looking towards being debt free and credit card free within 6 months. This is achievable and will help me so much.
  12. The Mr P I am considering going back to Motility later this year. I would buy the new one for the reasons stated.
  13. Thanks dx. I know what you say is true but after all financially I would be better off, I thought that showing you are a responsible borrower what help your rating? I have no debts other than those listed nor am I subject to any collections from any DCA's because of the help I have had here. Oh well onwards and debt free sooner then... I would save several £100's in interest by clearing and cancelling, so will do so within financial time frames...
  14. Here are my thoughts on carers: As a former service user I had an awful time with paid for care, so with the help of an unpaid carer I have been able to come from zero to hero in 6 years. I myself can have great days and some very bad. So bad at times I care not if it gets too much for me. But... As selfish as that may seem my unpaid carer pops in and pulls me back from the brink of self pity and woe. They do this because they are so kind natured and caring. I am not allowed to pay this carer as they refuse to accept any payment... So I bought them over 900 law books for them to study whilst at university, I also read them and learn. They had put their own life on hold to make sure I was able to cope and look after myself to a standard that meant they could take more time for themselves. They also feel drained because my abilities change in a blink of an eye, but yet they soldier on and care even more. Once more I am in their debt. Then when my clarity returns I am able to be of use for them and help them with their lives and debt. This is for us swings and roundabouts emotionally and physically. This carer has done a law degree whilst looking after me and we have bonded so much that we often go out and have fun and enjoy each others company. We treat each other when funds allow. Normally my way of showing my gratitude. When they are low my mind kicks in and I do what I can to help and remind them it is always polite to return the favour of looking after someone else when you can or are able to. For six years now this carer has without doubt been the best carer I have ever had or paid for. But my ability to clearly see the strain I have put on them has been clouded and slow for me too recognize. I can truthfully state I love this carer with all my heart and would do anything to help them when I can. They have told me themselves that the role has been the most challenging job the have ever undertaken.... I have been living on my own now for 2 years mostly poorly but with their support I grow stronger each and every day. I cannot ever repay their kindness let alone for their time. Why because they refuse point blank to accept any payment whatsoever so I treat them often and that puts a smile on their face. To my carer all I can say is you saved my life more than once and for that I am eternally grateful and I will always say so every time I see you. You rarely hear the words 'I love you' because the train is always pulling out of the station and you blush each time I say those words, but I mean them every time I say them! Why do I say that to you? Because you are my daughter and my best friend my staff and my teacher, I should be teaching you the meaning of life, not you supporting me with yours.... THANK YOU MY SPECIAL CARER
  15. My debts and some clarity: Since becoming involved with CAG some 6 years ago I have learned so much, but sometimes my mind is clouded and confused. Story: I am long term disabled and in receipt of some benefits and have been debt free twice in this period. But due to moving and having a bad credit rating and a horrible bank I switched to a new bank. I was offered a nice account with Nationwide with a good overdraft and a new credit card, my OD was at £650 and used often, free for a period, this is now sorted and in credit, the credit card was issued with a limit of £1800-00 or thereabouts. It was used to help me move to suitable accommodation and to purchase items for my new home. Deferred interest now expired. Fees are small about a £1 per day interest. I have been slowly reducing the amount of used credit over the past few months and now considering reducing this amount owed rapidly to save me money on interest (which was/is cheaper than HP) I can clear this debt in full within a few months and then consider cancelling the card and going back to cash/debit card only purchases. I have a second card with a very low limit of £500-00 interest is negligible and nearly paid off in full. Finally I have a credit agreement with less than £300 O/S and considering early settlement. (3 year term) 9 months left saving of one months payment. The reasons behind this is to have more money to live on and no more debt. I am also in advance with my rent with my LA by nearly 2 weeks (£250) I can use this to wipe out the HP overnight and save £34pm Gas and electric both in credit as well. By clearing my last debts I would be better off in pocket by £188pm which is a great thing for me... Also all defaults are now off of my credit file and it is creeping up nicely. As of today. I now have no negative marker on my CRF would clearing off these remaining debts early help my credit increase? Is it worth going a little short for say 6 months to get out of debt nearly 18 months early? Thx for reading this long post thoughts welcome... . the reason for clearing my debts is to lease/rent/buy a mobiltiy scooter that will improve my life so much... MM
  16. If there is a miscalculation on this debt and just £3 remains unpaid then the debt has not been paid in full and this could allow the EA to continue enforcement possibly? You could ask for a breakdown of monies and fees paid to verify the correct balance of the full debt owed
  17. I use this all the time when assisting, if the debt is returned to the OC I call them and offer a repayment plan, the debt is paid but minus the £310 in fees. Especially if the debt is a PCN one and the warrant has expired (1 year) secondly if the debtor has had a previous arrangement directly with the OC and kept to the arrangement then they (OC) are more likely to allow the debt to be paid directly AND at an affordable monthly rate. No EA no fees just basic debt! For the avoidance of doubt (love this expression) You also have to remember you do not have to engage with the EA in some situations.... A PCN debt is one of them...
  18. Yes which points to my arguments on this point the signs in this area are not compliant
  19. Selling items at an Auction will never obtain the best price. Private sales will do this...
  20. That's s35 offences against the persons act 1861 I think. This is what you can be charged with if you injure a pedestrian with a scooter.
  21. I would argue that if the sign in the 3rd link was correctly positioned you would have followed the one way sign and then you would not have followed as you did incorrectly, this is you get out of jail card possibly? Or This sign or similar is missing Bus lane to be used by buses and pedal cyclists only. Times of operation are shown Bus lane signs A bus lane will often have a sign where it starts to inform road users of who is permitted to use it and its times of operation. Bus lane signs where the bus symbol contains the word ‘local’ such as the sign to the right is to be used by buses that run a local service only. Where the word ‘local’ is not shown, the lane may be used by any vehicles that is designed to carry 8 people or more. Other road users are permitted to use a bus lane outside its hours of operation. If the hours of operation are not show, the bus lane is in operation 24 hours a day.
  22. If you approach the road from Honour Lea Avenue the should be a sign in front of you stating the road ahead is restricted and an exemption for cycles and buses, this is missing >> https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.5496275,-0.0090137,3a,75y,63.39h,79.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szvmM6iTQTvWr7G-pbW4S0A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en When you click on my link you carry straight ahead for this PCN area... Also at the point you crossed there are no entry signs to your left (exit for car park) as you approach what is basically a dead end for cars.... Since as a car driver you can only go to the car park (1st left) or the service road on the right... In this link other cars do exactly the same as you did https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.5499877,-0.0077389,3a,75y,97.33h,77.63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHBk5UYq213dMIr7Emgt8ow!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en There is also a weird sign here stating left turn only that is incorrectly positioned could help you here.. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.5499877,-0.0077389,3a,75y,332.16h,81.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHBk5UYq213dMIr7Emgt8ow!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
  23. The other issue is are they even entitled to claim trespass? Why if you have a look at the images or see attachment it clearly states 'Red Route' which is public highway. the lines traverse the roundabout, this for all intents and purposes is a road traffic incident. Also it helps when you view all the signs around the estate. The most interesting one is picture one of my attachment... Bottom picture paragraph 3 'The Management will not be responsible for injury OR LOSS HOWEVER CAUSED' This includes their loss does it not. They failed to stipulate what sort of loss haven't they? I am just reading their own words here nothing more... Doc1.pdf
  24. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1129306/Lager-drinking-mum-convicted-drunk-charge-pram.html
  25. Unless the LA are resellers of water that have overcharged it's residents! I have a thread on this matter. Refunds are now being made to these residents for the overcharging...
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