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  1. Thank you so much. I will be sending out the letters today, the little blighters!! Will let you know how we get on. Sugar:p
  2. Thanks for the advice. I will write to them for the avidence - we have found that with the legitimate companies, where we have chosen to place adverts, always send proof of the advert before and often after it has been placed. I will be sending letters in the morning to all those that are requesting. Is there somewhere we can report these people to? Thanks again, Sugar:p
  3. Since deciding a little while ago to take out some adverts to promote his company my partner has been receiving countless invoices and demanding phone calls for adverts he has never placed. We are fed up with the harrasment and would appreciate some advice on what to do about it. We have tried to look into some of the so called adverts and companies and have had no success. Today he got a menacing call where they threatened ccj's etc. Please help us as we are at our wits end and feel strongly that something should be done about these bullying companies. Luckily my partner is not the type to be bullied into paying, but I can imagine that these people will scare others into paying for services they have never received. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks Sugar
  4. Yeah, it looks like it was an expensive weekend for rbos. I got an offer of full settlement, with 8 %, this weekend too! Just have to return letter to say I accept. Will then be closing account and moving to one which pays lots of lovely interest on my money! Spend wisely! Sugar:p
  5. Hi mbdiss, Thanks for your note. And good luck to everyone who is still in the process. Sugar:p
  6. Thanks. I couldn't quite believe how easy it has been. I will be debt free (Apart from my mortgage) now and I can't wait. First time in years. And all with a new babe on the way, really feeling positive about life now. Sugar:p
  7. Update: I got offered full refund yesterday, with 8% interest! Will be returning letter of agreement tomorrow and hope to have £3174.00 in my bank account asap. And all that before I had to take any action! Yeah!!!! Sugar:p
  8. True. I know that it is tempting to take them to court but what would you gain from it? I personally think that it is best to take the money, pay off some of your debts, therefore reducing interest etc and get on with life with a big cheesy smile, knowing you have won. No doubt there are countless people who will say fight the battle, but ti appears you have acheived all that you set out to do?? Sugar:p
  9. Am I being my former blonde self here, or have you not just disclosed details???? Sugar:p
  10. Just a quickie, sent lba yesterday, so 14 days and will proceed with action. Yippee. Sugar:p
  11. Oh, so quick. Letter is now prepared for posting in the morning, to Sandy, along with amended 14 day action period. Have you seen the new adverts, apparently rbos has the most satisfied customers. Do you think they perhaps asked those who have been refunded? HE He. All that remains is to see how satisfied they can make me! Cheers, Sugar:p
  12. Hi, thanks for the advice. It will be a LBA, I've already written and given 14 days, as a prelim letter, but just to show my lovely nature I shall alter the LBA letter to say 14 days. If only the banks were so lovely back! Sugar:p
  13. Congratulations on your very speedy claim! I have just started mine and I really hope that my claim will be settled as quickly. Perhaps the realisation is that all the time and money spent in defending these claims is pointless and it is easier to just pay out? After all, solicitors are hardly cheap....! Well done, me old mucker, Sugar:p
  14. Ps, just a quickie, I originally wrote to my branch for the money but reply received was from Sandy Watt, Customer Relations in Edinburgh. Do I continue with correspondance to my local branch or do I send to Edinburgh? Thanks, Sugar
  15. Hi guys and thanks for your replies. My my, you are up late! I sent my first letter (After receiving statements ages ago!), complete with upto date charges and interest of 8% to rbs. Although I know that we can not get the interest back until court time I figured it may be a bargaining tool, though after reading up again on this site I see that most people seem to get the lot back if it proceeds. Either way, I need the cash and will be happy to get the money back with or without the interest! On Friday I received a letter saying that the bank are sorry for delay in replying and are looking into matters for me. I will now send the second letter from MSE which states disappoinment in not getting satisfactory reply and that if I do not get a reply in 7 days I will start court proceedings. The letter will be sent today, as I only have 9 weeks before this baby is due and my mind really turns to mush! Once again, thanks for your replies and support, it really helps! Sugar:p
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