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Everything posted by flappymoog

  1. Lowell replied to my request for the original credit agreement dated the 12th Jan - "we will do our best to get it within the 12 day's, however blah blah blah" they have asked the original lender etc... does the 12 days start from them taking receipt of the Recorded letter? Letter was sent on the 6th, however the tracking does not give a date signed for.
  2. Latest letter dated the 29th December - "We will now assess your account, credit file and your financial commitments to decide how to recover the outstanding balance" blah blah blah
  3. Sorry Guy's - found a letter dated October 2014 saying that they sold my account to Lowell in JAN 2011 (took them 3 years to write and tell me)????
  4. Shall I kick it of by sending the SAR so I can get full list of charges and actual default date? send to Capital One or Lowell?
  5. I see on my credit file that Capital One has never put this account as default, it's gone straight on as Lowell (does this seem strange?)
  6. I have just looked through my dropbox folder and I found a letter dated back in Feb 2014 saying that I did not acknowledge this debt etc, please send details. I think I will send a copy of this letter and the £1 Postal Order requesting the CCA after christmas once we see what other letters they send. Cheers, FlappyMoog
  7. Hi Daniella, They are just the random letters they issue, last one says they want to help me clear my balance etc... I have a feeling that this maybe SB but I was thinking until they try any legal action I wait for the next letter? Cheers, FlappyMoog
  8. If I send a CCA request will it not just make them chase more? would I be better to see if they do anything else?
  9. I will send the CCA Request tomorrow to Lowell, I have several £1 Postal Orders, do I put Lowell down as the payee on the Postal Order or leave blank? Who is Uncle Bryan? Cheers FlappyMoog
  10. I often sit here and read the posts regarding Lowell, now I have some spare time I thought I would start a thread regarding my current account with them. I hope that it helps others who sit reading without responding with own personal experiences. I really can't remember when I got my first Capital One / Lowell letter as I usually just stick them in the shredder, however I have started to pay more attention now and get my credit file back in working order (work reasons) I have a letter dated the 15th December (LOW101) "We can still help you get your account in order" They say I owe £5XX.XX Looking at my credit file the account was opened in May 2005 however for some reason it only shows on my Noddle report it seems to be missing from Equifax & Credit Expert. Default Date Jan 2010 (on Noddle) by Lowell Credit Limit £500 I couldn't tell you anything about this card, it maybe something the ex used a long long time ago. (on going issues) Should I carry on ignoring them? or should I send a CCA request? Cheers, FlappyMoog
  11. Hi dx, They sent some statements £12 late payment fee £12 over limit fee Interest charge £34+ I don't know what the charges are for Cabot, they sent an excel screen dump showing a monthly interest charge circa £17.77 from the 03.10/2010 to the 03/01/2013 Thanks,
  12. I will get the SAR posted tomorrow to Citi - what do I do with Cabot now? They say I have 14 days to pay them the £2,233.47. Closing balance was either the £1,743.89 or the £1,591.82 (Non Flex Payments Balance) 11th October 2011. Would it be easier to make a full and final offer to Cabot? are the charges and interest enforceable. Thanks,
  13. I understand on my credit file I am registered in Scotland and England, i recently updated it to just England.. so maybe England only now
  14. Do you think this is possible:- My actual last payment was the 5.11.2009 and because this was taken out in Scotland and I still own that property that Drydens are now involved? this would take it to 5 years. NO WAY would I have given them a debit card payment over the phone for anything because they could continue to take payments etc.
  15. One other thing to point out, this card was originally taken out at my scottish address (i still own the property and travel between the two) however they have sent the info to my english address. could this qualify for SB? Thanks fm
  16. On the 11th October 2010 a transaction of -£152.07 has been added "DEBIT SALE RECEIPT" Final statement balance £1,743.89 - £152.07 (no idea what that is, cabot's purchase price?) Balance £1,591.82 It then says arrears £225.93 due by the 25th SEPT 2009 sorry for all the posts.
  17. It looks like the last payment was for £54 on the 26.06.2009 via DEBIT CARD PAYMENT - before that the last payment was for £50 on the 5.11.2008 via ELECTRONIC PAYMENT, I don't think I made a debit card payment on the 26th June 2009 Balance from previous statement at this date was £1,777.30 (above the £1,600 stated credit limit) I am not sure why a payment of £54 was made, because the min payments prior to this was a lot higher with a lot of charges and interest etc added.
  18. Credit Limit £1,750 and 1st statement 11 March 2008 Covering Letter Reads - " Further to your request blah blah blah, we have provided a reconstituted true copy of your credit agreement" "which for the avoidance of doubt complies with the Consumer Credit (cancellation notices & copies of documents) regulations 1983 blah blah blah blah. They then go on to say now they have provided this info they can apply for a CCJ etc
  19. Post Man just arrived, with a letter direct from Cabot - dated the 23rd December They have sent a larger file including some credit card statements from Citi They are asking for £2,233.47
  20. Hi dx, Thanks, so to confirm I send this to Citi and not Cabot? Statue Barred, is that 6 years from the last payment? Thanks, fm
  21. Hi dx, I don't remember taking out the card to be honest, maybe my ex wife did (another story). I have had so many cards over the years.. Anyway - no I have not sent the SAR, should I do that now? What is a recon? Thanks,
  22. Hi dx, Yes on my Credit File it's listed as Cabot, nothing at all on about Citi - I am not sure on the date i took the card out, I am just going on the date it said on the credit file. Thanks for any help.
  23. I also notice on my credit file that nothing to do with Citi is lodged anywhere, the default date is listed as 28/08/2009
  24. Looking at my credit file it says the account was started on the 13th feb 2008 - I have no idea when the last payment was made, maybe back in 2008. Please advise what my move should be? should I do the SAR or ignore them? do we think they will apply for a CCJ etc? Thanks
  25. Hi, I don't know what the original balance was, back in 2011 (see posts above)it was £1794.34. Should I ask for all statements and payments made etc and see what the end balance was? Should these T&C's have a credit limit and a date of agreement to enforce the debt? Thanks
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