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  1. don't pay anything! checkout my thread about Powergen, they are trying it on all the time. We still haven't heard anything back from them after 2 months and they said they would ring back the next day! They don't know why we owe it or what amount we actually owe! Every time we speak to someone it differs and then we get a court action letter for a different amount! We have had a debt collection company letter as well for a different amount again. Take a look at my thread and judge Powergen for yourselves!
  2. hi druids, we have now recieved an offer of £9000, but refused and put in an amount we would settle at,£14000 as this is the total charges without interest, and we are now waiting to hear. I hope they will comply otherwise we will have to go down the same route as you with the courts. I'll let you know if we hear anything again. Good luck with yours, I'm still reading!
  3. We've had to go back to the beginning, so they have just sent the first latter asking for a refund. I'll let you know how we get on and I'll keep reading yours.
  4. I am reading your thread still! I have been claiming off Woolwich Barclays since last june and i got so bogged under I have now sent it to a claims company, who are charging 15%!!!!! My claim is for nearly £15000, so I decided we either did it that way or I couldn't cope and we would get nothing! I didn't want to take the risk of b*llsing up and them taking me to court! We too have 4 kids and by and large need the money! Good luck and I'll keep reading, my fingers are crossed for you and when you win I will be gutted about the percentage I lost!
  5. many thanks, and might I just add, If anyone reading this is thinking of claiming against Studio,then have no fear! They are the easiest I have come accross! I currently have 4 claims going on with the banks and all have got to the court stage. Thanks again Steven for your advice.
  6. Hi, I stated my claim against studio only a month ago, I sent the £10 for statements, recieved them within 2 weeks and then calculated admincharges and service charges, added them to a spreedsheet and calculated the interest. It totalled just over £1000, I sent it all off with my first request letter. Today, nearly 2 weeks later I have recieved a letter stating that they are prepared to remove the admin charges from my account and the interest on them, but not the service charges, as a gesture of goodwill. Should I still be claiming for the service charges, or should i accept this as they are saying that "service charges are not refundable as you have had the opportunity to spread the payments and also had the flexibility to select the payment method that suits you. As you have decided to pay for goods on our credit terms, and therefore have agreed to the charges that have been applied by paying in instalments."
  7. Hello everyone, We have reported our complaint to Energywatch and they have sent a letter to Powergen who are ringing and keeping us up to date with their investigation!!!!! We have now been told that the £377 was a mistake and we don't owe anything on that bill, BUT they are now claiming that we owe them £99 for something else, which they can't actually pinpoint what! So we have one of their customer service team looking into it and they are going to call us back, We got a call yesturday to say that their computers are playing up and that they will ring us back again tomorrow (today). So lets see what they come up with today! Speak to you soon.......................
  8. hi, we have now had 2 phone calls from debt collectors, working on behalf of powergen. My husband is ringing powegen back AGAIN tonight to see if they will look into it properly, like they said they would 2 months ago! I will take my concerns to Energywatch and see what they say. Thankyou for the replys and useful information, I will let you know any more out comes.
  9. too late, got fed up with being ignored and have got a company to take up my claim and they are charging me 20%! Thanks for everyones help!
  10. hi again, nearly 2 months have gone by and yet again Powergens only reply was in the form of a threatening letter! After stating they would work out our usage and payments on our top up card and then phone us back, THEY DIDN'T!! What a surprise! So now we have recieved a letter warning of legal action, stating we owe them £377.20, well at least they haven't changed the amount again! My husband is going to call them in the morning, as he's being dealing with it, I'll let you know what happens next!
  11. please could someone run through the n244 form with me, I am thinking about going with a company and paying them to do it now. Nobody seems to want to help!
  12. It's now been 2 days since they said it would be looked into and they would call me back, and surprise surprise, they haven't called back. I spoke to a friend of mine today and told her about it all and she said she has recieved a debt collections letter from a company used by Powergen for a bill of £8000, yes thousand, from her previous address and she is on prepayment metres and has been for nearly 15 years!
  13. Thankyou for your kind words, I was beginning to give up! Karnevil advised me to fill in the n244 some months ago because I hadn't added enough in the particulars of claim. I filled one in and sent it to the court, I recieved a letter saying that it was going to be heard, so I paniked and rang the court, the lady said I don't need to attend. It was then thrown out because I didn't attend! So I need to do the n244 again and attend when it's heard. Which scares me to death as well! The bit I am stuck on is 2.Clearly state what order you are seeking and if possible attach a draft 3.Briefly set out why you are seeking the order,include the material facts on which you rely,identify any rule or statuary provision. I am in over my head!
  14. Hi, I am at the stage where I didn't put enough details in my form, so I have been advised to send a n244 form, which I have downloaded but I am very unsure on how to fill it in and I am getting worried that I will get it all wrong and it will be thrown out! I am out of my depth, I don't understand a lot of the treads on here and I havn't been able to find a template that is filled in with the legal jargon on it. I wondered if someone could help me , please?
  15. I run up a debt on my gas and electric with Powergen during 2005, they then fitted prepayment metres and started taking the debt off each week. I changed suppliers 9 months later and the debt had been paid off, but I then recieved a fianal bill for £270. When I called them they said it was because i hadn't paid my final bill, I explained that i was on a pre payment metre and so how could I run up a final bill? I spent all day on the phone being passed from pillar to post and in the end it was resolved and they admitted they had made a mistake. I was assured that was the end of it. After moving house, 9 months later I get another bill claiming that I now owe £677! it's nearly trebbled! considering I never owed anything in the first place! I called them and they said they would look into it and call me back, to no avail! I heard no more for nearly a month and then I recieved another bill claiming I owed £377 , I then got on the phone again, waited in a queue for 45 minutes before someone answered the phone! Eventually I got through and the lady looked into it all and then said she would ring me back, much to my surprise she did! She then told me that the debt has now accured because they didn't actually put it onto the pre payment metre when they switched us onto it! I told her it was put on , I know, I put on the money and watched it dissapear each week! She then said that they were going to look at all the amounts of gas and electric used and ammounts of payments put on and work out whether we had been paying off the debt and call me back before 4pm tommorrow. I don't know where they get thier figures from, they seem to make them up every time they send us a bill. They never actually attempted to even come and read the prepayment metre either! Can they charge us now for a debt dating back to December2005? Can they charge us for something that they "cocked" up on 2 years ago? How do I prove that they have actually worked anything out and aren't just sending out another guesstimate?
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